March 31, 2017

Shades of '67

According to this blog, all through 2016 I was to experience the same series of dreams - which were really memories - over and over and over again!  Well, I have no memory of them now!

And like last time, dreams are memories - reality floating through what is left of my mine.  This time around, it is 1967 and seventh grade I seem to be lock in!  Really?  Seventh grade of all of the memories to now be stuck with!  Good Loird, not the best of memories ...

Awkward.  Yeah, that would be the word.

I was to be moved from my Zweibruchen Canadian school to a NATO school in Ramstein.  Why?  Because mother was blowing a gasket and father wanted to move her to an English speaking environment by relocating us to the NATO base housing in Ramstein.  So German boy uprooted again, stuffed back into a foreign culture again and unfortunately I could not even write in English!

So,  forget making new freiends.
Forget passing classes, except math and multiple choice history questions!
And begin the process of learning all about injustice and inequality.

Yeah, my new memory set is now set to 1967 and memories no one should have to have suffered through, much less be stuck with .....
Thank God 1967 was a year of some great music!

March 30, 2017


It has not been an easy recovery this time around.

TV on ox-codone  is hilarious.  Commercials such as JG Wentworth and Oasis are so pathetic that it is hard not to be the brunt of jokes and the more ox-codone, the more the hilarity!

But some commercials are so annoying that I am beyond my tolerance for them!  Copper coated cookware, diamond vapor coated cookware - and yes, you can now get two for the price of one!  (Dai mi pokoi!)

I have been restarting a study on the book of Lamentations, several times - as each surgery has forced a restart of all aspect in life!  And I found some notes on the Kingdom of God, from 2016 - lost with the first surgery of this year.  So, I have something of interest for you, for next week!

Until then, please keep me in your prayers.
Healing, closing of the wound, pain control, environmental stability, attention span and no doubt many more items I can not remember at this time!

Thanks ...

March 29, 2017

I'm Baaaaaaaaaaaaaack!

So, as you might remember, the January surgery did not go so well - thus requiring a surgery in February.  But this failed as well!  In all, February and March saw me being hit with three major surgeries!  :(

And as was the curse of 2016: my mind was wiped, wiped,wiped, wiped!  There is nothing left of it I fear!  :(

Of course, this time, I wrote out all of my accounts and passwords - and have no idea as to where I put it!  Silly me!  Sigh ....  It took me two weeks to figure out FaceBook, but unfortunately my eMail still has me frustrated!  But, I am having to relearn everything - such as typing.  And even getting my computer to work in the first place!  So my waking hours have been extremely busy!

Life is defined as using a kneeling scooter to travel bed to bathroom, tv, kitchen - repeat as necessary until next pain pill - sigh - I am so sick of being drugged!  And while I am drugged out of my pain, life continues on around me, only I am not here!  No one could have foreseen all of the complications which have beset this recovery!

On the positive side, I have been being cared for by my lone nephew, whom can be trying at times but he has a good heart and we have had many long conversations - which surprisingly to me has had a positive impact on him.  He is learning tolerance and steps towards maturity - lots of things for him to think on.

Well time to go, this has been exhausting!

March 1, 2017

Surgery Again

So, at my in-home nurse's insistence, I went in to see the surgeon from all three of the operations on my right leg.

His assessment is that my weeks of travail with it are because there is an active infection in the leg and a blood clot on the right side below the knee.


So, I am back in for surgery today - a two month setback in my plans for the year as well as healing for the leg!  (worse: another 40 days of suspended driving license!)


So very much prayer is needed.

My only solace is Dutchman told me long ago that all of this stuff is not for my benefit but for another - to wake them up, to call them back where they belong, etc.  Yeah, cut Kris up and know it is not of any value to anyone listening ...  I am not so sure on that theory.