July 21, 2020


Monday was an utter disaster!

Went to dialysis for my usual five hour visit -
Only they had to pull me off the machine at 90 minutes!
Yeah, I was itching so bad I could not sit still
And kept pulling the needles out!
Yeah. freaks them out everytime!!!!!

It was noon by the time I got home -
Completely covered in HIVES!

Oh dear oyd that was just misery!

And the more you scratch,
The more you itch!

I guess my Phosphorous levels were high .......

Now I had thought it was Potassium which did this to you.
So, for two years I Have been dutiful in keping track of my Potassium.
Phosphorus is a little harder to track.
The government does not require it being tracked.
So almost no one does!

I know dairy products are high in phospherus,
As is meat.
Total sum of my knowledge!

But heat and eat meals are high,
and chocolate, with dark being the wirest.
Oh, yeah:
And Cola products.

So Monday, I had a chocken pot pie,
With a Coke,
Some heritage cereal - with  Cream.

Yeah everything I ate on Monday morning had
Bathed in Phosphorus
And was completely poisonous to me!

So gotta go and use the door frame as my personal backscratched!
Oh yeah .....

July 20, 2020

Sleepless in Seattle

sigh ....

Yeah, but has been about a month since a full nights sleep.
Usually, I only can manage 60 minutes,
With a sleeping pill, maybe 2 hours.
If I am lucky!

My doctor thinks I am stressed out over my health.
Yeah, he is a bit clueless.
But, then I decieded I would save him from the real me.
So, I know it is not stress!

My sleeplessness is just that,
Sleep for 90 minutes then I am awake.
And it is with a sound that always awakens me:
Like a small explosion.

And there never is .....

Too weird.

If you research this,
You find that this is considered by people whom should know better,
To be your harbinger of your pending death!
Now where on Earth do they find these experts?
(I take that back, if I die this weekend! )

July 18, 2020

Musical Saturday Morning

I thought a little Falco would be good,  but which one!?!?
So many 1980 hits,
In both English and Austrian!

Finally I went a live video of him doing his first English hit.
Though my chpoice would have been the Austrian version
Because it was more interesting.

Anyway, enjoy .....

July 17, 2020


The Pandemic here locally has been picking up slightly.

We only 8 cases of COVID in the first go around,
And the all got the disease in Seattle!
Of all the people I know,
Only Swede has had the disease,
And he caught in his Bible study!
That study had 26 people go down with it!
Luckily, no deaths we know of.
Locally, we have had nothing.
So my medical friends have told me.

And it appears we are set for round two!
Yeah, all those whom were so certain there was no danger.
So, here in my little town:
Four engineers at Gaelic Girls work have succomed
Two at Youngest Daughter's store are ill

But with so few,
Most of the hospitals are closing their special units.
My local hospil was prepared for 180,
Per government prediction.
Of course, six is hard to call a pandemic.

Of course business is at the mercy oy our over-reacting leaders.
Whom are jerking around bisiness as much as they can!
So by and large everyone does what they want to -
Let the courts figure it out later!

Unfortunately, you as a customer are on the buble.
You never know which businesses are open which days,
Much Much less which times,
Nor how many they will let in at a time!
Sigh, how does one even shop for food when your store:
Might be open from 10 to 4 only,
Has a maximum of 35 peop[le allowed in at a time,
And you are only allowed 20 minutes before you have to go requeue!
And that is another 3+ hour wait for your turn again!!!!!

So, pretty much it is off to grocery stores at 6 am.
Be at restaurants when doors open.
And good luck ever going to a hobby store!
But at least bookstores are open and not popular!

As for church,
It is going to open ..... But:
Only allowed a 25% occupancy - or - no more than 200 people at a time
And must be deep cleaned after each service!
So, I am just not going to attend any services for at least this year.

But if we look at our last pandemic,
It lasted for 3 years,
Before it finally died out in the arctic areas!
So, will COVID run the same course?

Scientists are banking on a yearly flu model,
One year - then a mutation to deal with later.
Unlike the swine flu aka Spanish Flu model of:
You got forever!
Until it dies off!

Of course, it was not a threat to everyone,
Nor is COVID!
Spanish Flu, like the Plague,
Was limited only to people whom do not carry the D-34 gene.
Yeah, unlike popular victim based science,
Not everyone is going to get it!

If your ancestors survived the Black Plaque,
So will you survive!
Of course it is the foolish man whom gambles!

July 15, 2020

Longing For old days!

Wow, what a sleep I had!
Did not get up until 4 pm Tuesaday,
Ate a latrge dinner at the local cantina,
Went back home and to bed!

Yeah, not like me at all!
Well,I am known for my sleeping:
Any place
Any time
In any position!
You would be amazed what I have been known to sleep through.

Of course today is dialysis,
So, 6AM at the kidney center,
11AM bac home,
Eat some lunch
Then lay down for a few hours!

But I have to get appointments for me and the car.
This ought to be fun!
My cardiologist is impossible to schedule!
His p[lanner makes appointments without talking to you
Then gets pissed off if you are not available at her scheduled times!

It is just amazing at what local medicine has become with this COVID stupidity!
Theory X people have reappeared from the woodwork!
Waiting to get slapped down again,
Just as they were at the end of the 1990's!

Be nicer when the problem finally goes away for good!

July 14, 2020


After months of being booked 100% of the time with doctors!, today, believe it or not - is free!!!!!
No time conflicts,
No doctors,
No exams of any kind!!
No idea how this happened
But I am currently sleeping in!

No doubt Gaelic Girl has a day filled with work planned for me.
But, this boy is tired!

 might do some reading in one of several 18th century cookbooks I have to investigate.
Just a quick peek has only made me more interested!
Recipes not so unlike my own cooking but also simpler!
And I am into simpler ....
Just have to see if they are any better
or not!

I really need some chocolaye cake ....
..... sigh ......

July 11, 2020

Musical Saturday Morning

Gess, I honestly do not remember hair being this long in 1972!
1975, sure, but 1972?????
No way!
So, perhaps the dating of the video is bad?

Anyway, one of Bad Finger's best:

July 7, 2020


So, if it is not one thing - it is obviously another!
The past five years have been health disaster after another!
So, how do you follow that up?
Obviously with another health issue!

Yeah, this time cancer.

So, I went to tje doctor back in May with pains and swellings.
He referred me to a cancer screener for the local hospital.
Oh lovely.
Just lovely.
When you catch up with me in Heaven. ask me how i feel about cancer!

Been through it 7 times,
Each time different,
Each time it went into remission - surprisingly.
That includes one episode where Kris gave up!

Yeah, I had ben in unbelievable pain for weeks,
The specialists all gave me under 3 months to live,
That was 30 years ago!

And a very grateful Kris watched in real time as the tumors shrank!
Very surrealistic!

Of course my diagnosis, this time, and request for an MRI was back in April.
And no one was doing MRIs!

And  today, I finally was in queue long enough to warrant booking a cancer exam!
Gees, sure glad it is nothing fatal like some over hyped flu variety!!!!!!!
So you take your narcotic pain killers and curse stupid politicians!

That is what will be keeping me busy for the next two weeks!
(I think I am going to go throw up from thinking bout this!)

July 6, 2020


I collect cookbooks.
I like to read them,
Think on how to improve the recipe,
Then try it out.

Oh, the bombs I have created!
Conversely, I do manage a gem now and then ...

So, it was with surprise I received a box from my American "nephew".
Inside was a cooking scrapbook.
Spanning 170 years of recipes,
It is his family's only legacy.
I felt very touched he shared this with me!

And how I wished anyone in my family had bothered to write out something as simple as a cookbook~
But, no, not my family!
They have cherished cooky recipes only.
And mot of those can be found in a Betty Crocker's anyway.

What did they eat other than cookies?
How did they prepare eggs or other meats?

Oh, I realize that my Scottish family would have boiled everything,
My mother's cooking has echoed their inability in the kitchen ...
But, what of father's family?
I know he cooked a great deal of hashbrowns.
He had one other potato recipe but I have no real memory of it.
And once he visited towards the end of his life and whipped uo coqcoq vin for the kids.

Well, he sort of messed up the preparation and then I had to deal with 4 drunk children.
Last time I let him cook!

And back to the cookbook,
I am transcribing it,
Will photograph the results,
And build a little cookbook out of it.
He, his children and other relatives should enjoy that.

And I will get to try some new and very old recipes!

July 4, 2020

Musical Saturday Morning

Ah, the memory of those early morning jams session at the IHOP!
The best of times!


July 3, 2020


What is you hope in?
I mean why bother to get out of bed each day?
What keeps you going?

I used to walk a great deal,
Hitch-hiking everywhere!
Of course this was during Ted Bundy's terror reign in the Seattle area
And NO ONE would give this skinny geek a ride.
So, I just got used to walking most of way to where I was headed!

I lived in Tacoma,
My Grandmother I was caring for lived in Auburn,
My church I joined was in Kent.
So, averaging 25 miles between everywhere!

Outside of Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada is a natural hitch-hiking point.
The meeting of two highways,
Sheltering trees for cover from the rains,
Or privacy for, toilette au natural!
And someone with a sense of humor was there before me.

Tacked to a small cross, under one of trees:
"No Dope,
No hope,
No ride,
I died."

I had a long wait for a ride,
So, I had plenty of time to wander around,
and ponder that sign.

Later, I was to learn that some bears took to doing their meal shopping here!
Leading to many maulings and killings of hitch-hikers!

But, back to hope!

And I have only remembered this little poem because it is important to checkup on myself once in a while and see where I am coming from and going to.

Is Jesus really my hope in this life?
Or is my goal "heaven", with or without Jesus in tow?
Is my hope really in Jesus forgiveness for Kris being Kris,
Or in my ability to balance the books?

Oh make no mistake,
Kris has the ability to royally screw up!
Bur thankfully, Jesus seems to have infinite ability to forgive!
Which is good!!!!!!

Which an understanding of this,
Leads one away from a belief in theology upon which most of our songs are based on!
Yeah, if it comes from me - it is totally fallible!
If it originates from God - darn hard to argue with then!

So, my hope is not in my faith.
Nor my understanding.
Nor a crucified Jesus.
Nor a buried Jesus.
It is in that empty tomb!
The one Jesus left behind!

Yeah .....
Jesus resurrected alone,
Changed to a immortal body,
Ready to return and assume His rule.
In the meantime,
We wait .....

July 2, 2020

Youtube on Prophesy

I have been surfing the word of Youtube lately.
really bored
But, I have been stunned by what I have been seeing!

I should not be surprised
The world system is opposed to all I believe in
So, if you are going to search on the word Prophesy
Guess what you will find.

Yeah very little that is Biblically based!

Oh, make no mistake, there is tons out there that would pretend to be Biblically based,
However, they are not.
I got a Bible, and I know how to check their references!
So much is taken out of context!
So much is flat made up references!
Gees, really?

So, frustrating week for me,
I had hoped to be learning something of value,
Not what not to learn!
Falsehood, my tired brain does not need!


So, lots of wasted hours.
Guess I need to find my old Ironside's commentary.
Aged at over a 150 years now, but at least
Ironside knew what he was talking about!
Which is amazing,
if you think about that ...

July 1, 2020

17th Century

Probrably thanks to my great-uncle Leonard, the Dane and his story telling to this young lad, I have been out of place in time for the whole of life.

Leonard lead a simple life.
I doubt there was difference between his personal lifestyle and and of his ancestors.
His life revolved around managing his dairy herd,
managing his small fishing fleet
and church.
Though no one would have tagged him as devoted by any means!

So, I have lived my life reading about the 17th cerntury
and in so regards longing for those simpler days.

Oh make no mistake,
I know full well I would have died at birth
or at any number of lessor opportunities!, before adulthood.
Even in this day and age, without the grace of God,
I would have died last Halloween,
Had I not have been already in surgery when my aorta burst!

So, Kris never would have survived the time period.
Yet I still long for the relative calm of bygone days.

There are a few businesses who cater to weirdos like me.
They sell re-renactment supplies.
Everything from appropriate clothing for the period
to recipe books.
How about appropriate fire making supplies or firearm tow for cleaning?
Patterns so you make your own breeches or fleece to pad your tired feet?

Yeah, lots of things.

I just have to figure out how to inter-weave my Scottish and German sides together.
But then what about my Indian heritage?
I mean,
I am more American Indian than Scottish!


A Tartan clad figure in lederhosen, with a feather or smeared with bear grease?
I have no idea!
But now that would make for a photograph!