May 31, 2014

Musical Saturday Morning

Ah, another first Saturday of the month and time for another 1980's music video!  No much is needed to introduce this group.  I liked their music then, still do.

May 30, 2014

Five Questions

Thinking on Genesis chapter 3, so it will help if you this first to refresh your memory...

Where Are You?
  • Running and hiding from God?  - avoidance
  • Numbing?  - substance abuse, sex, money, anything to deaden the pain
  • Denial?  - God does not exist, intellectually
  • Faking?  - God is not authoratative

Whose Voice Do You Listen To?
  • Guilt - know pain for what I've done
  • Shame - felt for what I've done
  • Child of God
    • Made in the image of God
    • Crowned in glory and honor
    • Precious in His sight
    • God rejoices with me
    • Loved, with eternal life
    • Nothing can separate me from God's love
Did You Do It?
  • On the Left - avoidance, blame the environment for your deeds
  • On the Right - blame contributing factors
  • Own up! - God already knows you did
  • Spiritual Death is separation from God
  • From order to disorder
  • Man separated from God
  • Man separated from woman
  • The soul separated from the body
  • Your mind from yourself
  • Man separated from God forever
Where Is Your Payment?
  • Animals
    • To make clothing to cover the knowledge of their nakedness
    • To make substitute for Issac
    • Sacrifice for our sins annually
  • Jesus
    • Proclaimed by John the Baptist
    • The final sacrifice for each of us for our rebellion to God
So, interesting things for me to think on this week, seeing Genesis 3 in terms of how we really are no different than Adam and Eve.  And I thought on how each of these question areas really measures you can use upon yourself:
  • What is your distance from God?
  • Where is your identity found?
  • Did you take responsibility for your actions?
  • What is your legacy?
  • Who/what is your intervention before God?
Something to think on ...

May 29, 2014

Finding God's Will

It was just after Easter, I had been a Christian perhaps six months.  I was in this small study group (for the day, about 30 of us!) and we were talking about discerning God's Will for our lives.

I mean really, what young adult does not wonder about that!  Here you are for twelve years plowing through school, you graduate, perhaps are working or now in college - and you think to yourself, "There has to be more to life than this!  What one Earth is it that God wants me to do?"

One of the guys offered that he always just flips open the Bible and somewhere on that page is what God wants him to do.  So, the leader said, "Let's test this!  Everyone grab a Bible and read the first verse that pops up."

We we had just finished Easter, my bookmark was still at Matthew 27:5 - where Judas hangs himself ...

Well of course, this brought rounds of laughter, many comments that I really should consider this, as well as, my point that this is nothing but Christian superstition.  It became a lively discussion.

Last night I met with my communications guy, the one trying to help me work through why I seem to foul up the simplest of desires and we got to talking about where am I going, how do I know God's leading, etc.  And he said, "Well just read your Bible, there is lots of good stuff in there to follow.  Just open it up to a random place and you will see what you should be doing ..."

And I literally just stared at him like he was crazy ... he just told me to be superstitious and not listen to God's quiet voice inside of me.  And all I could think of was what my friend's laughter would be over this one!  Gees!

Okay, so back home I did as instructed, just to say I did it.  I gave it three shots and purely random, closed Bible, not letting it fall open to a spine break spot, and I got:
  •  Isaiah 60:15... I will make you the everlasting pride and the joy of all generations.
  • Jeremiah 29:7  Also, seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. Pray to the LORD for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper.
  •  Micah 7:7-10  7 But as for me, I watch in hope for the LORD, I wait for God my Savior; my God will hear me.8 Do not gloat over me, my enemy! Though I have fallen, I will rise. Though I sit in darkness, the LORD will be my light. 9 Because I have sinned against him, I will bear the LORD's wrath, until he pleads my case and establishes my right. He will bring me out into the light; I will see his righteousness. 10 Then my enemy will see it and will be covered with shame, she who said to me, "Where is the LORD your God?" My eyes will see her downfall; even now she will be trampled underfoot like mire in the streets. 
So for Isaiah, the verse was split so it was the end of the verse I saw first.
As for Jeremiah, it was good to re-read a few chapters following the verse I fell upon.
And I guess I forgot what a gem Micah is as I ended up reading the entire book afterwards!

So, if this was a secret message from God to me, what does it mean?
Perhaps my insanity of recent history is not? 
That perhaps Kris has been obedient, while all burns around him?
That my work for God is not over or even close to it?
Perhaps I should go into local politics?
That God has got my back and woe to my critics?

Although it would be nice to believe that given where I am in my non-life, that these verses were randomly meant for me at this moment in time to lift me up and buoy my resolve to make it through the next 30 days.  And, certainly God is entirely capable of doing just that, if not more!  But, like all weirdness in my life I will not hold fast to that as a promise or dream - but will be happy if it is true.

So, I must return to the previously learned way God has communicated with me: my spirit is lead where I would never think of going ...

May 28, 2014


So, there I am sitting in Seattle, in the Matador, as my second daughter is waiting on us.  Facing me, in a booth diagonal from me is the young married couple I mention yesterday.  Directly next to me is two guys holding hands across the table.  Yeah, I know what love looks like on other's faces, they were.

Unlike the majority of Christians I run into, my masculinity is not challenged by two guys, much less two women, displaying any of the typical courtship or in "love" displays of affection.  To such a point that for most of my life I end up being labelled "gay" myself - because I take a Biblical stand on the issue.

But, you know, even using the Bible you can not get most Christians to listen - because I wield such device, in such a way, as to show them their own hypocrisy.

In Thoughts From The Little Apple, I have talked about Romans 1 in the past, so not going to rehash it here...

Paul lays out his argue on the existance of sin: we live in a broken creation and all that we know and see is broken.  Any person, apart from God, ie: the natural man, is going to live his life in a prescribed manner and it will always follow the same course on the highway of sin.  Please do read Romans 1, so you can see this.

So, I can sit and I can look upon these two guys, not in contempt, but in the knowledge that they have run the gambit of their sin against God.  And God, in His frustration at their refusal to hear His voice - has turned them over to a depraved mind.  The final destination on the road Paul wrote about is, homosexuality.

But, before anyone gets on their high horse and starts condemning anyone - homosexuality is never listed by itself in the Bible.  No it comes with all of the other sexual sins attached in nearby verses.  So since all sin is equal before God, one sex act is no different than another, apart from being prescribed by God.  So, if you are feeling haughty, just tell me about how sexually pure your mind is and put the tar and feathers away.

These two young men do not represent the atrocity of a broken world, so much as the condemnation of God upon a self satisfying culture in which we live!  These two men should have been reached out to decades ago!  And someone(s) failed in their duties as a Christian in this corrupt culture.

Of course, I have to live in one of the hotspots in America at this time on this subject, so it is far more prevalent here than probably around your homes.  But, I think back to my visit last year to a pseudo-Bavarian setting and just the abundance of "gay" Germans there!  I was sure surprised.  Such a thing would never have occurred around my small pig raising community in the Pfaltz!

So, what should be your response when confronted/reminded of this open acceptance of this lifestyle?  Prayer.  Prayer for God to change and regenerate their hearts.  Prayer for this nation, and then, culture to once again find God and replace Him on the throne of self we worship.

And should you have "gay" friends, as I do?  Well, be normal around them.  You do not have to accept their sin to treat them as human beings and to quietly (not judgmentally) witness to them.  As they say, "Love the sinner, not the sin."  Which can be hard if you eyes are not seeing what God is seeing, if your heart is not desiring what God is desiring.

When all is said and done, God loved you as a sinner just as much as any other sinner on the face of this planet, we are all equal in his sight, we all have the same ability to withdraw from our sin, repent of them and move on - but now as a Christian!

You live in a broken world, you are broken, I am broken, everyone and everything has been broken.  But, it can be won back from Satan and it can be used for God's good.  Remember, the task of representing Jesus and  God on this planet has been given to you.  The only face of God either of those two young men will ever see may well be mine or yours.  Neither of us can afford to drive anyone further from God's Grace than they already are - our assignment is bring them to confession and make disciples of them.

May 27, 2014


Number Two Daughter works in a series of bars, combined which at least give her a full time job.

In town, are all of the same "family" whom gathered back in 2011 and I talked about then.  And like last time, "family" discussions occurred.  Never planned, never appropriate, never to any resolutions because no one actually listens to one another not wants to resolve anything ...

So, we were all gathered at the bar NTD was working at on Sunday night.  I was beyond stressed, every wall I had in place and I still managed five minor heart attacks last week!  I was really at my end, very little stuffings left to knock out of me.

A couple walked it, there were hundreds of couples there but this pair stood out because of the smile on her face, the flash of a diamond in Catholic position upon her finger and the fact that she was wearing a Tibetan traditional wedding dress.  Flowers woven into her hair made me think she had just gotten married that afternoon.  He was a "hipster" and dressed like one with a pastel three piece suit and neatly groomed.  They sat opposite me so I was close enough to let me mind wander to their conversation and still listen in to my table as well.

They talked of visions for life and plans, they laughed and giggled, she obviously was very in love.  He?  Well, he was very oblivious.  I hope he sharpens up quickly, I would hate to think of her joy being terminated by the intrusion of "life".

And I felt the pang of "something" at never having experienced something like this, there being someone to share dreams with and visions of the future.  That feeling of oneness - the future, a pearl for the picking that oneness brings.  Probably my own fault a long ago any ways.

At my table, the Boy From Portland suddenly said, "Yeah, I know, but I honestly do not think that I have any interest in monogamy ever again."  Guess his last divorce came up in conversation.

I gave him a quizzical look because he had brought a nice woman up with him from Portland.  Someone actually out of his league.  Since she has been around in his life for the past year plus, I have to wonder.  If this is his attitude, why should/would she put up with it?  Why would any woman "sell" herself for any reason?

He looked down and mumbled that she supported his desires.

I looked at the Tibetan bride.  How would she react at a choice like this from her man of choice?
I looked back at BFP, why would he not want a real adult relationship?  Was he incapable of it?  Did all of those years of drugs rob him of the whatever needed to develop in his brain?  Makes you wonder.

Is monogamy a product of maturity?

Well, it is "expected" within our culture, as if it is normal.  Certainly not something demonstrated by my father or anyone in the rest of my family during my lifetime!  Yet, I think it is an important aspect of marriage, even in these days of non-marriage aka the "hooking up" culture which will probably destroy our culture in the end.

You can not look at history without noticing that the concept of monogamy came into vogue with the Roman Catholic Church's take over of the world.  I am not saying this is wrong, it agrees with what I personally believe.  Before the RCC, marriage and sex rarely were mentioned in the same sentence.  Sex within marriage was for the production of heirs.  Sex outside of marriage was for "love", lust or just because the guy thought any female was a piece of meat.  The Celtic world and Roman laws really are appalling in this area!  Make no mistake, it is only the last 100 years which have given us a stable family social structure and freedom of any choice for women ...

The Apostle Paul seems to agree with me that there is an importance to monogamy. 1 Timothy 3:2 and 12 bring up the test for leadership in the church: monogamy.

Monogamy; one man - one woman, joined with a common goal, with cultural acceptance, blessed as being one flesh by God.

There is MUCH disagreement with what exactly is being said here and it always breaks down to the writer's bent and at what point does legalism come into play. 

We live in a broken world.  Being ONE FLESH is never understood as being a part of  the corruption of marriage.  Yet it is.  Being married is never understood outside of your role as a couple, yet it is ...

2,000 years ago, Paul wrote that in a sex saturated culture - elders were to be husbands of one wife.  They were not driven by their own lusts or sexual desires, they were married to one woman to demonstrate this, there were no "hook ups" since this would be to become one flesh with more than one at the same time.  The choice was to be married to testify to those in their social circles that they were different.  The man chose to protect innocence, not exploit it, as a witness as well.

And it was one of many things which literally changed the world in the 5th century.

I honestly am sorry for those in this culture not understanding that there is a witness for God to be found in "doing things right", to choose marriage, to choose innocence, to choose even a quiet witness of your faith, of the reality of the truth God long ago defined for us.

To the Tibetan young bride, all my best wishes.
To the BFP, well, I hope you grow up and your current significant others finds out what real love is.

May 24, 2014

Musical Sunday Morning

Had a brainstorm of how not to just play the usual music video but to do something different while still being interesting to this new me I am learning about!  So I had this thought to think about my major friendships and/or relationships in terms of what song was the song which either was their favorite song, our favorite song, or the one which reminds me of them.

For a starting place, Kris free of any female influence.  Yeah I did really like British Invasion music, but Alice Cooper still has a strong appeal:

In 1972 my high school girlfriend got hooked on this tune!  I liked the tune but the words really bothered me - because it was about using someone, and I never have approved of that  in any aspect of life!  We were not created to be used by others - I even knew this as a non-Christian back then!  It is entirely possible that she liked the song simply because I was incapable of even coming close to this guy's vocal range!  Had many fun hours trying though ...  I was sad when the Raspberry scratch and sniff sticker finally wore out :(

When I was in college in the Seattle, Washington area, I had a friend I nicknamed Critter.  It stuck, everyone called her Critter and she actually sort of liked having a nickname for the very first time!  Today, I am a little embarrassed about that but at the time, Critter was definitely whom she was!  So why an old tune?  Because we went to some song fest (in the days before Karaoke) and we did quite well doing this song.  We had never even practiced, we just got up and did it!  Since I was now a Christian, I seamlessly modified the wording a bit and she just followed along.  It went very very very well!  We were requested to do this song so often that when ever I hear the original I keep thinking something is just wrong with it - then remember I had modified it.  LOL!

My fiancee, The Faithless Bride, was over at my apartment one time and found an old cassette from high school when I sang in a group called Brothers and Sisters, how 1970's!  So, she popped it in my player and it was a few of us in the group doing The Beach Boy's, Sloop John B, acapella.  She of course told her father, whom then said I was lying to her because there was no way I could have won any singing competitions.  It was so frustrating, I do not tell lies - I am not my father, and yet I am always accused of being the very thing I am not!  So, in the end, I had to go to her home, play the tape and sing along with myself!  He just stomped out of the room and complained about the style of music as being inappropriate.  Really?  Sorry about the sound quality!

Gaelic Girl had been running around with me for a few months when she bought me Supertramp's, Breakfast In America.  It was sort of a toss up for me.  I liked the Logical Song, for obvious reasons, where she liked, Long Way Home.

Finally, however amongst the greatest influences in my growth and life since my nature was so forcibly changed has been my new friend.  And so hard for me to define musically, not because they do not like music, but that so many songs seem to define them.  The Cowsills, Flower Girl; The Hollys, Bus Stop, would be songs I would pick.  A joyous song, a feeling song, something personal because our relationship is personal.  But, certainly, this song seems to have a feel to it that reflects well and was the last one messaged me to listen to:

May 22, 2014


Today is dedicated to housecleaning!  Ugh!

I have a house full guests arriving on Friday and it seems I am the only one capable of cleaning any longer around here.  Or at least the only one that actually cares.

Monday I thought I would tackle the pantry/utility room and removed three garbage bags of stuff the kids had just thrown in there, plus an addition four paperbags of outdated food - placed where it did not belong and therefore could not be found and used.  I realize that food is still good long after its expiration date - but some of this was dated 2003 for expiration!  Amazing quality of kids I have raised.  Sigh.

So, today is the living areas, Friday will be the kitchen and then the place will be completely trashed by Tuesday when everyone leaves and I will get to start over.  Sigh.

But, then will come the preparation for the big yard sale in June, to be followed by my move under a cedar tree somewhere or perhaps a men's shelter ...

It is long overdue my walking away from this life, only I still can not walk and I keep falling off of my little scooter, so joy - joy - joy!  I sure hope God knows what He is doing with me because I seem to be on the trembling edge of reality.

Aren't you glad you are not me?

May 21, 2014

The Contest

Theologians guess from Paul's letters, he attended at least one of the Olympic Games.  The were a big thing in the Hellenistic world of the day, so if he was in the area, it would seem very likely he attended one or more events.  How popular were these games?  Well, we know from writings of the day, that since the games were done in the nude, that Hebrew youth were have operations to "reverse" their circumcision so as to appear more Greek!  (I do not even want to go there!  Ouch!)

As Paul writes to Timothy, probably one of his last letters, he is seeing his life is about over and that the Christian life is sort of like a race.  You start as a new convert, and there is a finish line - it is just trying to keep a view of it as you rush towards death.

2 Timothy 4:6-8

Are You Facing Reality?

Are you expending effort but lacking action?
There is a difference.
So much of what we do has nothing to do with making a difference for God in the lives of others around us.
We want to follow our desires and wants, we seek acknowledgement before others: applause, fame, fortune, etc.
And we have not even finished the race!

Do You Have Unfinished Business?

The "good" fight, not "a" fight - the "real" fight, which you persevere in - to the end in.
The Christian life is not easy, but it is worth it.
The race is a marathon, not a sprint!
You run YOUR race, not someone else's, the one you are GIVEN.
Not the one you would want or would choose.

Are You Confident Of Your Future?

No matter how you feel on the subject of the future, what your wants, what your desires: God's opinion is the only one that counts.

You KNOW where you stand with God.
You KNOW what you need to change in your life to make God's desires the new course in your life!

The Holy Spirit will lead you but you must have FAITH enough to stay the course, to that finish line!

The Finish Line

The finish line is your death.
Death awaits each and everyone of us.
And you have no idea when your race will be run and therefore over.

Live each day, the Lord has given you!
Acknowledge that you do have a finish line, it is real, it is there, what can you do before you reach it?

A bit sombering when you view your life from this angle ...

May 20, 2014

YUGO Missions

This church I have attended for several years, each year sends its youth down to Ensenada, Mexico to run Vacation Bible School for children there, run vision and health clinics, and build homes for the poor.  This has been the fifth year of this effort by the youth of the church.  As usual, there is a report out.

So, 42 kids went with many adults (5) and did an amazing job it seems.

Hence I wanted to share with you about YUGO Missions.

And share a video by Sean Cates filmed while the kids were there, for a song he wrote apparently to benefit YUGO.


And, of course, if you would think to support their ministry - or even plan a trip down there with friends or your church, well, go for it! You have nothing to lose and only God's Blessings to endure ... :)

May 19, 2014


Attempt six ...

This is simply an impossible post to write!  In each attempt I eventually am forced to reach a point where to give examples brings me too low a level of detail.  No, not to protect me - heavens I can and would tell all about me because I matter not a whit to anyone anymore.

My wholly cerebral pursuit across the past year has been to figure out what does it mean to be human.
Because I have pretended to be human my entire life and as 2012 was to reveal, something went so terribly sideways on me.  God gave me just a taste of humanity ... but ... it was not humanity I discovered.  Instead, I was to observe across those I trusted, my "friends", business associates, etc, I was nothing more than a joke.
Yeah, maybe that was the lesson I needed to learn, to actually feel inhumanity.

And my confrontational communication expert, gave me a homework assignment last week: to discover the link between empathy and humanity.  Right.  Like telling a blind man to pick out his favorite set of glasses in an optometrist shop ...

So, I Googled empathy and most of the definitions were interwoven with sympathy.

Sympathy is easy.  I can react in "sympathy" to help an injured animal or save baby squirrels from cats.  I can react in "sorrow" for someone in an auto accident, but then I am heavily trained in first aid, from back in  the days before paramedics existed.  Setting broken bones, immobilizing broken bones, dragging bodies, sewing wounds, CPR, etc - done it all and then some.  But, that does not mean I feel a single thing ...

But, empathy is to react out of a feeling or emotion.  Something I am little weak on.

Because I have a friend, I can wholly trust, I am blessed to have been slowly guided across the past year through a range of emotions, many of which I would not have never sought to understand.  But, this is God at work, showing me, molding me, forming the new me to that point that when my friend is now overcome by sorrow, I can understand, for i know sorrow.
And now anger
And jealousy
And joy
And fear
etc ...

Because my friend is human, I am sure there are many, many more emotions reflected that I have not grown to recognize.
But, my growth is still young and I suspect that 2013 is going to be very trying year as God continues to expand my humanity and growth.

So it appears, that if as my communication expert projected - empathy is the very basis of humanity, then internally now I can rest assured that I am human in my nature:  For I can identify with my friend.  With others?  It is a little shaky.  It seems to be very limited so far.  Maybe God is protecting me.

And that makes me suspect that the change within me is complete, wholly in regard to what is required for how God is using me.  So, it is tomorrow I must worry about then.  For if my old nature still exists, well, God help those whomever that nature is intended for!  I no longer have need for any protection, there is nothing left of the old me to protect, much less project.  And though I desire to never be a tool for destruction, I have no choice other than to be as God has created me.  For though I now do understand fear, it is still a foreign emotion.  To that end, I suspect these injures and limitations I have suffered through, will be healed if I am to be or is it just "to be"?

May 17, 2014

Musical Saturday Morning

Last week was the Eurovision song championships.  I have posted other entries from the contests in the past.  And here is the 2014 winning song and performance.

The only real heads up I will give you is that Conchita Wurst, is very obviously a guy named, Tom Neuwirth of Austria.  Is
Tom truly a drag queen?  Is he what ... ?

Certainly he is talented as his win has shown but critics have looked now upon the Eurovision contest as being not a talent contest but a reality show to parade all but talent across the screen.  As for Neuwirth, the BBC has written him off as the "bearded lady" of Eurovision.  Though Newwirth claims his wins is an act of unity and triumph (over what unspecified), it has not worn well even with Eurovision, in whose statement:
"... this act could be just gimmicky enough to damage its credibility as a song contest ..."

And so I leave you with this thought from Edward Gibbon, whom wrote this line between 1776-1788 in his book, ‘The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire’:

“The following five attributes marked Rome at its end:
  • first, a mounting love of show and luxury;
  • second, a widening gap between the very rich and the very poor
  • third, an obsession with sex
  • fourth, freakishness in the arts, masquerading as originality, and enthusiasms pretending to be creativity
  • fifth, an increased desire to live off the state.”

May 16, 2014

Apostacy Now

Just for the fun of thinking through a problem of doctrine, let us say that at some point in the future you are surfing the WEB and run across someone’s homepage.  It appears to layout a very conservative view of the Bible and personal doctrine.  But, is it correct in what it says?  Or has your faith been messed with and you believe in the wrong Jesus?  What is the truth – this doctrine, your personal beliefs or something else? 

Remember, this is the future we are talking about, maybe the great falling away has already begun, maybe this ancient artifact on the WEB holds the truth for you …may be it is just heresy.  Can you tell the difference?  Research these statements and see where the statement of faith errs ... 

 Let us see:


We believe and teach these doctrines:

1. NOT all Bible versions are equal.  We believe the KJV is currently the best and most reliable English Bible.  We frequently make personal use of other versions for comparison reading, but will not use any version but the KJV to support doctrine.  Does YOUR Bible even HAVE the end of the Lord's Prayer in it? (Mat 6:13 ...For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.)


2. We believe that faithful Christians will be Raptured (miraculously taken) off the earth BEFORE the Antichrist is in full power and has any real ability to persecute them.  We believe in what amounts to a PRE-Tribulation Rapture. We do NOT teach that "the Rapture was always perpetually immanent", BUT please make no mistake about it: we are "PRE-TRIB".


3. We insist that no genuine (once-TRULY-converted) Christian can ever LOSE or forfeit his salvation.  ONCE SAVED, FOREVER SAVED.  When you became a Christian - did you get SALVATION, or PROBATION?


4. We insist that NONE of the supernatural gifts and offices of the Holy Ghost in The Church, as seen displayed in the Book of Acts and described throughout the New Testament, have ceased.  God still works miracles, and some Christians can prophesy and speak in tongues.


5. We believe that immediately following the physical return of Jesus Christ to this earth, that there shall commence a 1000 year long near-perfect paradise state under the reign of Christ on this present earth. This is called Pre-Millennialism. 


6. We encourage all Christians to hopefully ask God for AND EXPECT TO RECEIVE health, and money, and skill, and freedom, and success in ALL THINGS. 


7. We deny that God has authorized women to be pastors of churches or to openly present themselves as teachers of religion to adult men.   We allow for and receive the "prophetess" and the "woman's only Bible study, taught by a woman". 


8. We deny that Christians must pay tithes and we deny that God is asking Christians for tithes.  


9. We deny that ANY religious "ceremony" (such as water baptism) necessarily precedes conversion and salvation.


10. We deny that Christians must observe a weekly Sabbath-day, whether it be on Saturday OR Sunday.


11. We ABSOLUTELY REJECT all rules for dietary holiness that consist of "lists" of forbidden substances. YES this includes tobacco...... tobacco is not a "forbidden substance".


12. We reject the currently popular notion that Christians need to "return to their Hebrew Roots".


13. We INSIST that NOTHING besides a Bible and an honest desire to know the will of God is necessary in order to understand the Bible.   The Bible needs NOTHING but an understanding of the language it is written in. We declare that the Bible plainly says what it means, and that it means what it says. 


14. We totally reject and despise any form of Preterism (which says that virtually ALL prophecy, including most of Matthew 24 and most of the Revelation is already fulfilled).  


15. We believe in The Trinity - The Father is God, but He is not Jesus nor the Holy Ghost.  Jesus is God, but He is not the Father, nor is He the Holy Ghost.  The Holy Ghost is God, but He is not the Father, nor is He Jesus.  In this, both the Roman Catholics and the traditional Protestants agree, and we agree with them.   


16. We do not think that whether or not one attends or refuses to attend the "local church house" proves anything about whether or not that person is saved or mature.  Many people attend these synagogues for wrong reasons and support what ought not to be supported there - but ALSO, not every church dropout is a last days champion against the apostasy.   MOST CHURCH DROP-OUTS are still just rebellious and selfish malcontents and backsliders.


17. We absolutely DENY that prayer is a "power" or a "force"; we insist that prayer is a conversation with God.  There is no such thing as the "power of prayer" - there is only the power of God, Who chooses to answer or not answer; Who may answer with YES or NO, and Who may impose conditions or make requirements for a favorable answer. 


 18. We resolutely insist that the modern Carnal Jews STILL and WILL ALWAYS OWN ALL of the land of Israel by Divine Title (so long as the present earth remains).  We firmly believe and assert that anyone who attempts to take away ANY of that land from the Jews or in any way connives or forces them to hand it over is an enemy of Christ and God.


 19. We vehemently denounce the doctrine called "Hyper-Dispensationalism" (which disobliges us from the teachings and commands of Jesus Christ and makes Paul the author of all NT Church doctrine and practice).  Believe it or not, many churches teach this!  Is Luke 6:30 a command given by Jesus to you?  One world famous Hyper-Dispensationalist SAID that 'no one can, does or will live by The Sermon On The Mount' (Matthew chs. 5-7).


20. We assert that THAT brand of "love" which diminishes the importance of doctrine in the hope of achieving greater unity is the very essence of apostasy.


21. We declare with all conviction that there will be a forever burning hell to which all Christ rejecters are banished for never-ending punishment.  Eternal happiness for the righteous is complimented by eternal misery for the wicked.


 22.  In agreement with nearly every Bible commentator and translator of renown in almost every tradition, we assert that The Church Age ends in APOSTASY and not revival.  See 2 Thessalonians 2:1-3.


May 15, 2014

Mixed Idealogizes

In a 2009 doctoral address, a Vatican Cardinal stated:

.....Feminism drove changes in the basic relation between the sexes

.....U.S. laws also "undermine the role of the father," the cardinal maintained, citing legislation allowing "gay so-called parents" to adopt children and the 2008 Human Fertilization and Embryology Act, which enables single women to conceive children through artificial methods.

.....In Europe, he said, recent trends also "work to diminish masculinity." He described a research paper published by the Council of Europe in 1998 that indicated male leaders and fathers have "become more like women and mothers" in behavior, including becoming "sweeter."

I have sat on this one for 5 years!, because I just did not have the build up I wanted to address this foolishness.  And, I find this week I do - men have abandoned their roles and responsibilities towards love, marriage and sex.  Many blame this on the advent of feminism ...

Now the above quote was ripped off of a German Cardinal giving his doctoral address.  So he was preaching to the choir so to speak!  His audience was other Cardinals within the Roman Catholic Church - are they going to disagree that manhood in the 21st century is in trouble?  Are they going to disagree that equality of women is at the heart of the matter in destroying the traditional home and manhood?  I doubt it.

Now let us take this one step further, he is German, commenting on a worldwide problem ... and he picks feminism as the culprit which has destroyed life as we know it ...  Yeah ...  It is all the fault of those women.  Give them the vote and the next thing you know men will  be marrying men, and women marrying dolphins.  Oh wait, that has already happened in Israel ...

But, if you want to find a culprit, feminism is not the place to look. Why?  Because Christianity, aka The Way, was the very first religion or political entity to introduce the concept of equality of the sexes.  Too bad that the Roman Catholic Church had to rear its ugly head and buy into the concept of subjugation of women and bring the paganism of the Celtic world into "christianity"!  No, God brought women forward from the idea of property with no rights, to equality before Him, equality in the Spirit, equality in the Ministry, while leaving intact the idea that marriage is a cooperative effort made up of a man and woman.  Want to argue?  Loose your Roman Catholic belief set first, then argue Bible to me!

No, it took American culture, with Hollywood and its adoration of a select few highly talented homosexuals to show in the 1950's and 1960's that this group should be taken seriously.  Movies pushed the envelope of offering the acceptance of sin as being normal.  It was the minority whom disagree, the haters, the Bible thumpers, the jokes of mankind.  The visual media and the press would feed off of this sensationalizing crime against homosexuals while at the same time limiting any reporting of crimes by this special group.  They were normal, "Bubbus Americanus" was not.

This same mass media did the exact same thing with the concept of "free" sex and failing to point out that nothing is free - lives are destroyed apart from God.

This same mass media supported a RADICAL feminist agenda.  Beyond any logic or goals of value to instead push for superiority of the female species over that of lowly, confused man, stupefied by being driven wholly by his little head, not the big one ...

The "Pill" brought women unfortunate consequences in that she was now responsible for not getting pregnant, man could and did argue that he was not responsible if she did not take her own precautions.  And freed now of his responsibilities, the 1960's flourished.

Man, now stripped of any value, stripped of responsibility in sexual encounters, stripped of the belief that man and woman are normal ... becomes a creature of passion and free to pursue that passion at will, with no cost expected nor due.  It is in fact the "stupid" man whom is caught by progeny, disease, financial obligation, etc.

No, Vatican officials, if you want to know what a man is - do not look at the Marlboro Man, Rock Hudson, a Humphrey Bogart or any other Hollywood idol for your definition.  Instead consider the man whom loves and treats as an equal, because of that love, his wife.  Whom supports the advancement of her and their children.  Whom is a member of his community, working towards its betterment, whom treats all with kindness and respect.  Whom appreciates the arts and science.  Whom loves God with no disagreement possible from his peers.

This is called a Renaissance man, the man whom literally has stepped out of the darkness and into the light.  The super smart, "I am going to change the world" kind of renaissance man is sort of rare, always has been.   But, the man whom is as I described, well he used to be considered normal once upon a time.  A time when ego, vanity, greed and American Theology did not rule our culture.

I read old diaries and stories, mostly of the old American west for fun.  Imagine my surprise to find out that miners in the 1880's crowded around a campfire night after night to take turns reading and translating from the French, The Count of Monte Cristo.  Really?  I thought gold seekers were just one step up from cavemen!  They were literate, multilingual and interested in what was hot literature at the time?  Wow, have we been misled by Hollywood and history!

Wonder what ever happened to real men in the past century?  Well, I just told you ... they were not appreciated any longer and therefore rarely appear in public ...  If you want to find one, good luck, it is easier to be a Neandertal and use everyone around you - than to actually care, take responsibility and be all you could be ... if only it just wasn't such fun to be that happy go lucky Neandertal ...

May 14, 2014

Intentional vs Directed

This Intentional post was written to all of the males whom are readers or males within the circle of influence of the women whom read this blog.  I place much of the problems within the realm of sex, love and marriage - the deviation from what God intended - upon all males by extension, for being used by Satan to cheapen and destroy what God had created to be normal but destroyed by man's inherent weakness in this area.

There is nothing new in this, it has been a problem for eons, even during the best of the "christian" years you can search for in history, amorality has been a problem amongst  men sent off to the city, to the military, to war, anywhere they believed that they could get "away" with it.  But, it seems that history also shows that womanhood has fared no better.  Treated as property for the majority of history, bedeviled having largely one-sided relationships with randy males, by being forced to use their bodies just to survive.  Sorry civilization,  you are not impressing me here.  Certainly, any sense of morality within culture seems to be more a matter of politically correctness than out of a sense of true Christian belief - because men have failed to take up their responsibilities.

At the heart of today's sex industry is the Sex Slave Trade.  Usually kidnapped young women being shipped around the world in time for major sporting events.  My first becoming aware of such as thing was while being in Phoenix when the Baptist Convention came to town.  The news was full of the huge increase in street walkers around the convention center!  These are supposed to be Christians in town and sex slaves are being imported?!?!?!?  Imagine the impressive witness that gave the citizenry of Phoenix!  And to my horror, this was also the year I was to learn that the police suspected that my 15 year old sister whom had been kidnapped - well she was now either in a brothel or a harem somewhere ...

So, men  you have the ability to be a witness to the men around you - just by what you watch, what you talk about, by not checking out the leading or trailing edges of what is walking down the street!  You have the ability to take action and be obvious about it to those whom are around you.  No horn honking, no wolf whistles, no following summertime youth with your adverted eyes ...  Yeah, at first you might be assumed to be gay - but yeah know, at least you will be respecting the female and probably helping yourself in the long run.  You also have the ability to be directed in your response against this culture of the sex slave trade.

Many major cities have one or more organizations working to get girls and women, especially trafficked ones off the streets, off drugs and into society in safety.  The internet can help you locate if there is one in your town you can financially support.  Unfortunately men, you are the wrong sex to be of any real value in helping these young women directly.  But, like most things, it takes money to effect change in others lives.

I have written about Rapha House before, so will not go back into that when you can read it here.

Although not heavily involved in the United States, they are in Thailand and Haiti, two of the hotspots for prostitution and sex slaves.  It staggers the mind to think that men will travel around the world, specifically based on the availability of sexual gratification.  I have a friend whom actually hired me to be with him on his business trips to Bangkok, specifically to hold him accountable for every second he would be there!  He wanted his witness as a pastor, a husband and a father to never be called into question.  And a free trip, is a free trip after-all!


Stephanie Freed
POB 1569
Joplin, MO

This is just one organization I believe in, their work and their credo.

This a problem only males really can make a difference in: the fewer the males involved in supporting the pornography culture, the more males opposed to the slave industry, the lower the demand and hence the fewer females being victimized ...

Honestly, I hope each reader will take up the fight and set about to make a difference in their community - no matter where in the world you are.

May 13, 2014

Intended vs Intentional

Yeah, I know same picture as yesterday but a different usage than last time.

So Garden of Eden on the left; Adam getting an apple from Eve, Eve picking herself another one, all while the serpent (Satan) watches from above them.

Contrast this with what Satan's attack on Marriage, Sex and Love has wrought in our enlightened culture: arrest and jail time for "Johns", arrest and jail time for prostitutes, and arrest and prison for the pimps.  Seems a similar number of individuals involved - since that first "apple" pick.

  • God's intended situation as one man, one woman, in totality
  • No Satan present to disturb the relationship
  • But once he appears, the perfection of Intended is destroyed
  • God then gives us the concept of an intentional life now

But, Satan is sly, seeking out our youth and corrupting them at earlier and earlier ages.  Attacked before they possess the skills to determine right from wrong, before they possess the maturity (life experience) to deal with choices.  With each corruption comes a very real spiritual death for those youth.  Oft times when they are far too young to actually know what they have done to themselves.

So, what God would deem desirable between an adult married couple, becomes disrupted during childhood but also in youth too overcome by hormones.  Damage done.

So what to do?

Well, I am male, so I would be a poor choice to speak for women in this area.  However, from a males mindset, I can say that we men are completely guilty and until we can start to behave as men, the corruption of our youth, each other, love, sex and marriage will continue to be attacked by Satan and using us as his tool!

Men must respect women as being an equal, with them, before God.
Created in God's image, woman is to be afforded respect and consideration for that fact alone.
Women were not created to be an object of passion by random men, they were created to fulfill or complete a man.
Man is not whole without woman and her influence in our lives.

But even as Christian men, desiring to do right, we still are bombarded by this culture's mass media, telling us something quite different!  Men are stupid, men are simpletons, men do not need permanent relationships, just sex, and there are plenty of women out there waiting for you!  Oh, by the way, this is the same story women are being fed.  So you as a man attempting to live a Christian life - guess what?  There are plenty of women out there to help you take down your testimony.  Because they bought into the lie as well.

Where do we go from here?

Christian men, strong enough to have not failed themselves or the women around them - remain strong.  Pay attention to your situations and protect yourself and those you care for around you.

But, there is more, as you will learn about tomorrow.

May 12, 2014

Intended vs Corruption

Did you get a chance to see the imagine I painstakingly pieced together for my image?  If you are using an I-Phone, well I know from testing that it does not appear.

On the left is the idyllic image of life in the Garden of Eden, as seen by a Renaissance painter.  Adam being handed an apple by Eve, as she picks herself another one, while the serpent (Satan) watches from above.

Contrast this with what has happened since the fall of mankind by that act of rebellion: no innocence.  Relationships between man and woman have been attacked and destroyed by Satan.  Love has become a completely misunderstood word - meaning passion, and little else.  Sex, now called love, has become perverse and now dominates our culture.  Even in Christian circles, perversion is now called normal and blessed by God.  (Hint: God never blesses when one person is treated like a piece of meat!  This is defiling of the image of God, He has placed in each of us.)

From Adam and Eve sitting under a tree in the garden, in innocence, to the multi-billion dollar pornography and prostitution syndicates.  We are flooded with movies, tv shows, magazines, catalogs, shops and toys all with one goal in mind - to separate you even further from God and what He created for joy.

We now live in a world where there is no innocence.  Where lusts drive all mankind from one passion to another.  Man is lost in a world of his own destruction and making.

And yet ...

That does not have to be true about you what-so-ever.

No matter where you are in your life - there is hope.  It is out there, it exists, it is calling your name, you just have to have ears and a heart to listen.

Yes, this new blog is about the fall of mankind, it is about the world of sin that we wallow in and complain halfheartedly about.

To what purpose?

To wake the sleeping Christians of this generation up!
To show a better way for those whom are seeking that better way.
To at times tell you of how or where in this world you can help.
To add a touch of humor occasionally.
And of course, provide links to music videos I enjoy or will drive home a point!

I thank you for visiting, I hope you check back occasionally because if God blesses this Blog, then it might turn out better than the, Thoughts From The Little Apple, and how well it was received, attacked and destroyed numerous times!