August 27, 2019

State Fair

This marks my first "not going to" the State Fair in decades
Syrely would like to go,
It is a fun venue for anyone that works with art!.

See what others are locally producing,
Eat your fill of deep fried turkey legs,
And chances to get grossed out with Deep fried butter!

But, I was unable to produce anything for the painting competition,
And Gaelic Girl, although she produced 10 quilts this year,
Did not not think them the quality nedded.
And with the closing of the scrapbooking category ...
Well, it left her nothing she is interest in.

So, staying home

But this also takes pressure off her new knee.
Plus, whom coulf have ptrdicted my heart problems!
Sgh ....

August 26, 2019


Yeah, well last post would leave one to think I was on the rebound ...
Unfortunately, Ii did not make it to dinner without being hauled
back into ER.I am not a fan of either needles or ERs ....
Yet that is  where two weks were lived.

And yesterday, Sunday, I was rushed back into ER!
Nothing like going down in the middle of your chrch's worship service!!!!!
I figured that someone doing communion saw I was out of it and called the Medics.
Sharp eyed guard, who I joke with,
Saw that my color went from its usual yellow brown to ash white!
And he had called it in before I even hit the floor!

So my blood pressure had dropped to 58/0!
Yeah, a mite low!
By the end of Sunday, they had figured out why ....
And this afternoon I get to chew a doctor's hinny!
Not sure I can stay angry
So very tired ,,,,

August 19, 2019

Kris is Back

A week ago, I felt plenty bad.
A week in critical care and I am almost human again.

Seems my body built up a load of Potassium.
You need a little to help regulate your heart.
My load stopped the heart!

So, Potassium drained off.
Heart works again.

Ugh, what a week it was though!

August 12, 2019

Missing Church

Been quite a few weeks since I have been able breathe well enough to to make it through a service.
ON a lone tank of air!
Much less lunch afterwareds
And a drive home.

still battling low air supply to lungs.
soooooo dizzy!

August 10, 2019

Musical Saturday Morninhg

I came to America in August 1969.
Not a good time to arrive,
Nor to set off to see the country,
Nor to move to South Carolina.

And this song,
About  a young man finding "his" flower girl
Really spoke to my inner being.
That was 1966 and  I was but a very confused young man -
Far from home,
Far from knowing where it should have been!
And surrounded by liars ...

I never wanted a female for anything,
But I when I heard this song in 1972,
Yeah a flower girl would be just about right !

And there was such in my life.
All she ever wanted was to just rest my head in her lap,
Comb my hair,
And weave lawn daisies into my hair.
Certainly she won the
"Wants nothing from Kris" award!

And we would talk,
Openly and freely!.
How I have missed you, Donna Feather,
 through the years!

Everyone should have had as good a friend you were to me!

August 8, 2019


Managed a short chat with my mother.
Her voice clearly betrayed that she had something to say,
But she was hesitant bringing up whatever her real issue is.
So I did not probe.
I really do not care.

Many hours later
I was reminded that it was father's birthday.
Of course he died in 2010.
I called my sister and asked how she handled it.

Somer replied,
"The same way I handled him in Life,
Not at all."
Yeah, us children of the Nazi's have got issues.

This past year,
I stumbled across Himmler's daughter down in Texas.
She tours locally there.
Giving talks on the view of her memories,
Through the eyes of a child.

Of course neither of us are children.
I really did not expect to learn much from her.
She was a German Princess.
I, a German Naval officer's child.
Albeit, Titled.

And once allowed to speak freely,
I found that my issues are indeed her issues!
Down to the very reason I refuse to pursue using my Title,
Why I had decided there would be no follow on generation
Of his polluted DNA!
And I found peace in knowing I was not alone in my thoughts.

If any deserved to pass quietly into obscurity - it is us,
The children of the Reich .

August 5, 2019

UMMMM Jaw- Drop!

On my last drive of crazy mother around,
Out of the blue she tells me that her last dog has been visiting her at night!
Of course Dahly has been dead for quite a few years!

"Oh, I know that, but she still comes and sits with me!"

Seems all of her dogs from the past chave come and sat with her.
I do not know what this means in the world of rational minds!
And she blaters on!

"... sometimes thge advice your father gave me was not very good ..."

Uhm, mom, you haven't talked with him civilly since 1971!
And he has been dead for a decade!

Oh no, apparrently I am wrong,
He visits her ALL the time!
I bad - and - wrong ...

Of course the dead stay that way.

And mother's grip on reality  slips further ,,,