August 26, 2019


Yeah, well last post would leave one to think I was on the rebound ...
Unfortunately, Ii did not make it to dinner without being hauled
back into ER.I am not a fan of either needles or ERs ....
Yet that is  where two weks were lived.

And yesterday, Sunday, I was rushed back into ER!
Nothing like going down in the middle of your chrch's worship service!!!!!
I figured that someone doing communion saw I was out of it and called the Medics.
Sharp eyed guard, who I joke with,
Saw that my color went from its usual yellow brown to ash white!
And he had called it in before I even hit the floor!

So my blood pressure had dropped to 58/0!
Yeah, a mite low!
By the end of Sunday, they had figured out why ....
And this afternoon I get to chew a doctor's hinny!
Not sure I can stay angry
So very tired ,,,,

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