November 30, 2017

Get Your Act Togerther!

One of the problems with Christianity is that it has been 2,000 years since His last visit.  For two millennia those choosing to follow in Jesus' footsteps, have been faithfully waiting for His return.  From the first century genocide to this day, it gets harder and harder to hold your faith!  And those without faith can not understand the importrance of not playing the world's games, of not being distractted from His purposes for us ....

The point is: whether He is here or not, we are supposed do what we are supposed to do!  Our instruction set was written out for us 2,000 years ago, no mysteries there!  All you have to do is understand!  But, our enemyis very wily and very real.  It will do everything in its power, short of taking your life, to blind you.  And it is very successful against each of us .....

Philippians 2:12-18

Discipleship Is WORK
We are each "to work out" our own salvation.
Not anyone elses.
You are to use what God has given you and what you have learned ....
This about your withness, not a works base statement for salvation!

No Whining Allowed
Verse 14: without grumbling or complaining
In ALL things!
Life is unpredictable.
Horrible things happen.
But, we are not to complain -
And show the reality of Jesus in our lives!

To shine out for God.
In the midst of a twisted generation ...
In the midst of a corrupted faith ...
Where no one wants to really find God.

November 29, 2017

The Answer Is:

Philippians 2:9 - 11

Jesus is Lord.
The question for each of us is one of allegiance!

Who Is He?
Lord, is the name above all names.

Yet, it is a position role with little meaning today.

The English term Lord, is the German title Marquis, the Lord of the March.
I have held this Germanic title since 1967 - though at the time it made no sense to me.
I, in theory, control a district of Switzerland and would supply the German Kaiser with refuge and supplies in time of war.
Of course the Canton of Bern seized the estate in the mid-19th century.
My grandmother, the Marquess, died in 1984 without ever telling me family history or peerage!
Like all things in my life the appearance of, but not in reality ...

Why Killed?
Christians called Jesus Lord, Caesars (Nero's) title.
Nero was not humored.

Why Does It Matter Today?
When the New Testament was written down, Jesus was described with a title meaningless to us today!
He is Lord - your Lord - whether you care or not.
Your allegiance is expected - if you claim to be His.
We must live as though He really is our Lord.

Consider Romans 10:9

He is already the Lord of all!

Who Did This?
He did it all:
Jesus brought down
Jesus lifted up.
Jesus exalted!

Everyone will worship Him in submission.
All creation
Living and dead
Even Satan!
(us in our embarrassment!)

November 28, 2017

Justice League

One of my boxing friends, from college days came up north for thanksgiving.
So it was interesting: he wanting to run around and me - with no wheels nor license.
Therefore we needed to bus.
But the weather was quite winter like!
So, movie time!

I really want to see Murder on the Orient Express, I have twice seen older versions and one blatant rip-off called The Cassandra Crossing.  But, my boxer friend was in more of an adrenaline soaked Justice League mood ....

And I was never an admirer of Stan Lee, Marvel or anything to do with this cartoon based series.  So we saw the Justice League.  ...sigh.... I had really low expectations, so understand when I say I am conflicted about the film .....

 Many of the performances was very good wonder woman.
A few, superman and batman, were barely adequate.
And one was outright laughable it was done so poorly!

Story was a yawner, as was dialog, most acting, etc - so very uneven.

Theater was jam packed, movie got a standing ovation.

Once again, I was the lone laughing movie goer.  The dialog had some very clever turns of phrase.  By the  half way point I was really starting to wonder what was wrong with the crowd, until the movie was over and I was able to look them over:  a gathering of nerds!  And here,I thought such people were only Hollywood fiction ...

Over-all, the movie was weak, even though Gal Gadot carried the film, hers was the only noted performance.  The worse was a cartoon (cgi) of a barely disguised Arnold - oh how I laughed !!!!!

My suggestion, see it cheaper as a rental.  Definitely not a keeper ... 

November 27, 2017

Turkey Day

I can't think of a least productive way to start a cooking session than breaking something ..... in this case, my face again .....

So, there I was walking across the house with as load of laundry to start and then I am coming to under a chair and my face tells me "I am hurt!".  As my wits return to me, I realize that my leg had come off! The leg is a pressure fit type with a pressure cuff to assure this type of leg ejection will not happen!  As I figure it, my body decided to lose a few inches of water weight gain during the night, and there was insufficient leg mass for the friction hold!  So, it popped off, I went straight down on the tip of my stump, bruised the tibia bone and meat of the stump - but as an added bonus - as I went down, my face impacted the steel supports for a chair, re-breaking my cheek bone only!  Yes, black eye returned during the day .....

Between ice packs, for the next 5 hours, I was making appetizers for eldest daughter's dinner.  I made boiled shrimp, cocktail sauce, a veggie tray, little phyllo cups filled with cream cheese and crab, and asparagus ham rolls.  This was my first real cooking since the surgeries and it was rewarding to be creating again!  :)

About now son shows up with girl friend, he has been missing for three days - uncool!  And we get into it because he had left a loaded gun out, my grand-kids found it and racked a round!  He was within a split second of ugly Papa over that one!  But he agreed it was a major whoops and locked all of them away in his gun safe.  Sigh ... Thank God they did not pull the trigger!  So, I will be sending off to the NRA for their kids training program materials.

And what is a holiday without drama?!?!  Yes, mother was as crazy as a loon!

I called to tell her to be ready in five minutes for pick up and she is screaming. "who is this?"
Then refused to come because she could not hear me and I was yelling at her.
Good God!, her and her manic depression!  Or her and her refusal to take  meds!
It is really unfortunate because all of the kids were there.
I doubt this will ever happen in my lifetime again, busy lives.

Oldest daughter laid out quite the spread.  And she did well!
Even the Siberian vegan was able to eat well, as did all of us meat-a-saurs!
So, a success!
Just a darn shame that mother's brain fried again ....

November 24, 2017

Leg At Last!

Well, it finally happened - I got my new leg!
Tempted to show a photo but words will have to do!

It has taken weeks to get a ride to my leg maker's.
I wrecked my car.
Nephew wrecked his car.
Swede is rebuilding his bathrooms.
And everyone else I count on is in holiday support mode!
Or completely addicted to watching the Hallmark Channel on the boob-tube ...

At long last day has come!

Swede was 90 minutes late due to traffic.
We had a great lunch but slow service.
Rain was falling in Seattle winter style.
It was 12:58 when we made it to Seattle,
13 more minutes before we could make it!
But has luck would have it - he was late.
Then he had to find his assistant.

Short of it:
2 hours later I had a working leg again.
A svelte socket
Which should allow me to wear tapered jeans!

It took several hours
And I hope this leg will last a few more miles than the last one!
I can hardly wait to take a hike.
I wanted to do this tomorrow, but the Dr says to wait a week and relearn my balance.
Probably safe and sane advice
But it is galling to do so.
sigh .....

Maybe Monday ... or Tuesday ... or ?

November 23, 2017


For the first time in decades nmy mother is joining the family for Thanksgiving.
A mixed bag of emotions.
She dedicated 20 years to ignoring that my children existed.
She abused me for far longer.
And now?????

But eldest daughter is hosting.
All of the kids wil be there, a first in ten years.
My mother a first in 25 years.
All that leaves is one uncle and two aunts.
But they are of a mindset to never travel!

So, I hope your gathering will be filled with family and peace.
Way too much food and all things I can no longer eat!
And of all,
Rest and enjoy one another!

November 22, 2017


Exercise, that most evil of all words to the injured!
Yes, once at the point of being stable on my leg, it was time.

First walk was last week.
Thought I would go for half a mile.
But I felt so good, I went for one,
And then two.
 But I did it!

I lay in a very hot tub of water congratulating myself.
And then I might die in that tub,
I had no ability to lift myself!
With much thought and prayer,
I was able to overcome gravity.
As the afternoon lengthened, I seized up like a frozen engine!
Oh, the pain!

I took a day off to just rest.

Friday I made it an easy walk.
Limited to 1.5 miles or less.
No repeats of Wednesday!

I visited a few shops,
Made some Christmas purchases,
Had Lunch.
Died when I got home!

Monday was my third walk.
Same idea as Friday:
Easy does it.
And it went well.
I evencut my time in half with no real effort!

And as you read this,
I am off for another attempt at two miles!
Can I do it?
I have no idea ...
But I continue to try.

November 21, 2017


So, I went see about getting my driver's license re-instated, not that I have any desire to drive as of yet, but it would be nice to be able to test drive a car should I find one!

I went through all of the tests to again show the cardiologist that I am okay, a bit shaky for sure, but no more heart problems.  Well truth be known, I had a bit of a problem cleaning up after the last storm swept through.  So, I just stopped picking up branches and end of problem!  The doctor has a problem with how my body reacts to physical stress because it is not typical.

So, Mai, his Catholic Vietnamese nurse and the long time nurse of my previous doctor, walked in and rather quickly albeit quietly said:
"Kris, the nurses here get together and talk about patient health.  We are amazed that someone as challenged as your condition can remain in the fight ....."

Of course she knows me from when I was working up to be a semi-professional class bicyclist and I am nothing as I used to be, ten years later.  She also knows I am a Christian and take my faith seriously.  And continued mentioning how inspirational my dogged defiance in the face of continued defeat to surrender to hopelessness.

It made me wonder at what the statistics were of suicide amongst those whom have gone from active to basket cases in such a short period of time.

But, life - human life is precious, at least to God.
I would not suppose to know why.
It is not in my genetic makeup to know.
But it is.
Therefore, those whom would seek to follow in Jesus' footsteps, are stuck with honoring life as precious.
It means I have vowed decades ago to never take a human life - even when the opportunity exists.
It means never using someone.
It means honoring the image of God all of us were created in.
It means being the lesser, in all situations.
It means subjecting myself to endless doctors with needles.
It means letting God bring me to the end of my days,
Though I may long for rest .....

In the meantime, even by just surviving, it is apparently a witness to those around me.
Well, God can use most anything ......
Most anyone,
Even me apparently.

November 20, 2017


I have commented in the past that the church I attend has a problem - it is the first church of the fresh meat!  Yes we have open hunting in the aisles! No, not with guns, but female wiles ...  And no one seems exempt.

Usually, I am just polite to everyone, ignore what I do not wish to respond to, but as I swore - no more willingness to even talk to a female I do not know!  Since 2012 this has been my motto.  And as luck would have it - this was my weekend for testing of resolve!

So, I walk in and am immediately am accosted by a female, but it turns out ignoring her will not work!  So, I shift to polite and non-committal - only able to break free as the music starts up!

During the welcome time, I am literally circled by two women, several times, I am guessing a mother and daughter, but it turns out a widow with her sister in tow.  They go back to their seats, everyone sits down ... safety at last!

I sit in the back so it is easy for me to leave, but apparently this night I should have been on the front row - in order to be left alone.  As I was chatting with a 91 year old women, Huntress-2 pushes her out of the way, grabs my hand and starts to pump it! Blah-Blah-Blah at how nice it is to have met me - - - I have no idea whom they were, never seen them before!  Her sisterter says 'Hey' and followed her out the door.  Huntress-1 now comments that she has a picture of me in her closet.  Okay that is creepy but I just let it slide.  Do not engage in conversation with this one!
Now the most dangerous of all Huntresses walked up.  I actually KNOW this one, which would horrify her that anyone has ever seen beyond her walls.  I wasn't real comfortable about her wrapping her arm around me and walking me outside.  We talked briefly about holiday plans.  I fled.

And were these the only odd occurrences, I would not even mention this post, but it was the dry cleaner's lady, the clerk in the food store I had never seen before, the bookstore lady, and my favorite waitress as well!

Undue attention from all of these people!  So out of character for everyone!
I realize this the holiday season and everyone is filled with jovial joy.
But honestly, why can't people just leave strangers alone?
It is not as if the come hug me crowd sits in the rear of the church!
Nor does this stranger appreciate being touched.
Nor by anyone.
Ever again.

I actually was humming the theme song to the Twilight Zone on my walk home ....

November 18, 2017

Musical Saturday Morning

Last night in a dream I was remembering pieces of the past.  Of the college group I was a part of - not much, just aces and laughter.  And a young woman I nicknamed, Critter.  She had never been given a nicknamed and actual was rather sad about that.  But how do just "come up" with a nickname?

Dutchman, Swede and I set about working on something which described her and would be humorous.  After-all I was Bird-Beak!  Then one afternoon we were being crazy and I commented she was being quite the critter --- everyone looked at one another, and Critter was born!  And it stuck, 45 years later she still is referred to as Critter, with a wry smile by those whom knew her.

Back before karaoke was so popular, we used to go to coffee houses - tiny informal places where we could sing and hang out on a Friday night.  One night everyone was challenged to compete, she leaned over and asked I wanted to try: we won!  And we repeated that success weekly, singing old songs from Herman's Hermits.

November 17, 2017

Leg Day!

Well, I had an appointment on Tuesday to get my new leg ... but, a big windstorm took out power to the district last night!

So, thank Heaven!  Today is when I can get my new leg!

This leg I have only used for four months, but it keeps falling off!
If I stand too still and then step forward - down I go!
If I sit for too long and then try to get up - off it pops!
If I swing my leg getting out of the car - off it flies and through the parking lot it goes!

So last week's exam convinced the maker that this leg is not the answer to any question, other than, how to meet freaked out total strangers....

So Swede is headed down to pick me up, drag me over to the facility for testing the new leg and then off to Mexican food.  Maybe go hunt down a Ford Escape to see if my leg will fit in it!  Still lookin'.


On the other hand, they were still closed and I am still popping legs!
sigh .....

November 16, 2017

Red-Neck Justice

Many decades ago, I was introduced to the young step-son of the mining engineer whom was to become my mining partner and very trusted friend, if not a better example of manhood than my father was.

His step-son was 9 years old at the time and he was an admirer of the craziness which was me.  I fear life killed that part of me across the past several years.  But back then I was quite crazy - always the clown ..!

As time passed he developed into quite the little southern red-neck.  And if you have followed along with my posts, then you know that I have no sympathy for any form of prejudice or racism.

And as the "fates" would have it, he had to go into the hospital for some tests as part of a new job placement, part of which being a blood work up on him.  Net result was they discovered he has sickle cell anemia ....  Of course, I had to ask a doctor friend how this was even possible!

Apparently, it is known problem with Italians, whom untold generations ago, introduced African slaves into their gene pool.  Well, that was a new concept for me....  And, yes, I have found this such an incredible form of justice - to show him that he is not better than, nor mightier, than those whom he has trash talked for the entirety of his life .....

And yeah you should be praying for anyone with this affliction.

November 15, 2017

Our Example, Jesus

Jesus set down some excellent actions and words as to how we should live.  But, He also left us with  some compelling proofs to back up those words:

Reading Philippians 2:5 - 8

How He came down:
He was the form of God
Not equal to God
Not equal to man
He chose to lower himself to the level of man
Christianity is about who Jesus is
Christianity is about your relationship with Jesus
We are told who He is
We are told what our relationship is
We can have peace in knowing

What He gave up:
He became a slave for us
He became human in form
He became the antithesis of what man looks for in a God
Similar in appearance to man, except without sin

How He lived here:
In humility
Obedient even to the point of death
A state execution on a cross
A servant to all

Why He came here:
To die i8n the worse way possible!

November 14, 2017

Coconut Water

One of the side problems from the auto accident, and losing my kidneys, is that all of my long used medications have to be changed.  I think the doctors have done well on getting my substitutions to work.  However, there seems to be no replacement for diuretics..

I remembered something about coffee and tea having a diuretic effect.  Well, I hate the taste of coffee!  But I am a tea fiend!  So, I set about drinking a ton of tea daily.  Net result leg swelling and massive angina problems.  Okay, so I switched to decaf tea ....  That stopped the angina.  But utter swelling failure.

Not to let my enthusiasm be dampened, I needed to find something as the pain was getting unbearable!  I even tried compression hose!  But don't tell anyone whom holds any respect for me ...

And then I got to remembering something about one of my friends, it was pre-surgery, so very hard to remember!  But they are into coconut water as a cure all.  So I hopped on the internet to discover that coconut is a touted cure all.  Sigh, I hate the piles of garbage on the internet!

So, I went to the local grocery store and picked up two pint containers of coconut water.

The taste was mildly sweet but no added sweetener on the label.  A pint of the water  has about as many carbs as a slice of sliced bread, so no real diabetes worries.

All I can say is that, that pint of coconut water put me in the restroom for about 3 hours!  Net result was a 50% reduction in swelling in my leg!  Who would have thought?

So I have continued to drink one pint every morning and watching my leg continue down in size.  This morning my skin was feeling like it was not mine at all.  Covered in dead skin, I thought I was shedding a sunburn!  So, it seems that coconut water does work as a diuretic ... now if only it forced kidney regrowth ... sigh ...

Next up will be trying this every other day to see if that is acceptable.

November 13, 2017

Bad Day

If you had to pick something I hate more than anything else on this planet; needles would be the winner!  I hate needles thanks to the brutality of US Army doctors!  When I was 18, I snapped and blasted one of those psychopaths through a wall!  When my mind returned to me - the doc was laying on the floor, half way through the wall and quite unconscious!  I grabbed my medical charts and headed out the door!

I felt really bad for the poor guy, I later heard he "retired" from medicine.  Well, he certainly did not have a bedside manner worthy of not being trashed by every patient ...

So my life has been lived in varying degrees of object terror of needles and the past three years have been nothing but constant needles!  Constant surgeries, constant IVs ... shudder!

And now I find I am to be subjected to a minimum of four more surgeries, in a series beginning on December 27th ... waaaaaah!

This is the start of the dialysis surgeries to install the first of the fistulas ....  Well, I am guessing that it is good that technology is there for people with "poor" veins.

And with the dead kidneys, they had to drop all of my diabetes  medications - so guess whom now has to go injections of insulin ... sigh ...

Yeah, Kris' life is about become a living hell beginning in December.
And I honestly have been asking the hard question, "is life worth it?"
I know where I belong, it is just a question of, for what am I living here?

Sucky day ...

November 10, 2017

How Dare He!

So I was able to get a ride to church on Saturday night.  I like the Saturday service as there are fewer people - and I like avoiding crowds - however well intentioned!

I was surprised when they announced the senior pastor was not to give the message, but one of my God-children was!  I settled back to see what he had to say.  About a third of the group got up and walked out during the opening prayer - including some good friends.  So, I had to ask ...

"he has no business in pulpit!"
"he is not a pastor!"
"I don't believe his testimony!"
etc ...

These quotations were repeated by a close friend as well, whom has probably given 100 sermons through the years and has NO ministry background at all, but is gifted.  Very hypocritical!

I did not want a fight so I kept my mouth shut.

Thanks to the organized church aka Roman Catholic Church, we have a completely skewed view of what a pastor is!  The pastor is the ordained one.  Even in the Reformation Churches speaking was limited to the elders, usually 10 to 12 of them!

Biblically, the only qualifications for a pastor or even elder all revolve around their character and commitment.  Sorry 21st century church, you never were legitimate at least if you believe the Bible.  And like so much in this generation, we call upon tradition of a corrupt church to defend our beliefs.

So my God-son, gave a valuable sermon on each of our responsibilities.  Solid, Biblical, people were listening - and that is what God desires of each of us, and of him that day.  He did well and I encouraged him afterwards.

Whether you witness to someone, help an old lady in the grocers or preach a sermon - you are called to perform all of these tasks (as God leads your spirit).  We are to be servants to all - always with an answer for the faith within us!

Break Satan's hold over your Church, get involved, serve others, your community.  Study, pray, witness - be the meekest of witnesses, learning to love others more than yourself!

November 9, 2017

Awesome Book

With my recovery from the heart attack and auto accident, I have been mostly on bed rest.  And, I have pretty much read everything in the house and on the computer - life becomes overly boring!

Back when I was in college I got into reading Agatha Christie's books.  She was an okay writer, most of her early works were better, the latter ones predictable and often contrived.  I managed to assemble a complete collection of her books - in first editions.  I even had her pre-release edition of the Under Dog.  My favorite was They came to Baghdad - obviously written by someone whom had been there!  Experience is always the best resource when writing.

So in my search through the house, I found an Aggie I did not remember, "Come, Tell Me How You Live".  Written under her married name of Mallowan - I think it is her best book!

Basically the book covers her husband's exploration of tells in Syria at the start of World War II.  The obstacles her famous husband are at times so laughable, I had to put the book down to recover!  And it was telling to read of a rather sheltered British writer whom is suddenly faced with the reality of life in the real world often with hilarious results!

If I had a criticism, it would be that she never goes into sufficient depth to understand the resolution of issues.  And I am nosy enough to want to know if she ever fully understood the plight of the non-British, non-moneyed people of the world!

Were you to just cut and paste the name Somer, everywhere that Agatha refers to herself, suddenly we have my sister's life of traveling the world and failing to interact successfully with others!  Which only increases the humor potential for me!` Failing that you can just watch the movie Trenchcoat to see my sister's usual vacation ....

November 8, 2017

Car Shopping

I am still months away from having my cardiologist clear me for driving again.
Which is fine, my body is far from able to walk in a straight line, much less drive while sharing the road with others! 
And I to admit a certain level of fear at driving again.

Swede came down from Everett and took me around to took at cars.
I really want a pickup but as we found, I can not get into the current generation of truck!
Darn titanium leg just will not fold small enough.
Same with all of the current offerings of cars .....
But we did find a Sienna van I could easily enter and exit!
It sold the next day as I thought about it.
Vehicles built in the past 5 years just are not built for tall people nor artificial legs!

So I am looking on Craigslist now.
So much junk being offered.
Terms like: cherry, low miles, grandma's car, etc are all keywords for rip off!
How can people lie so easily?

I drew up a set of qualifications.
Under 100,000 miles,
Over 20 miles per gallon highway,
Able to easily get in and out of,
Can haul stuff to shows,
Parts readily available,
And limited quality recalls!
Easy, eh?

Today I am researching Ford's Escape
Tomorrow Jeep offerings.

Well must go, I have an appointment to discuss leg modifications to make car entry easier!

November 7, 2017

Finding Joy

Continuing with the thought of finding joy ...
But how are we to do this?

Philippians 2:1 - 4

Begin with God.
He is the one whom calls us together.

Joy and blessings flow from joy.

Work as a team.

Same mind, love - in agreement.
We are to be one.
Unity does NOT mean uniformity!
Keep mind on Jesus!

Put others first.
Everyone is more significant than you!
Humility - seeing others needs.
Serving others.
Replace pride in you life with humility!

(from painful e3xperience - this takes time and much prayer!)

November 6, 2017

Snow Daze

The chilled winds descend from the Arctic, down the Frazer River Valley of Canada and reaching south down the length of the Cascade Mountains to Oregon.  The winds dropping the temperature from 60 degrees to 34 here at the house in just one day. 
The rains came but never reached the ground ...

Silently massive large fluffy flakes fell silently to ground, circling, lifting, and falling again. 
I sat in the window and watched visibility fall until neither the lake nor the neighbors homes were visible. 
I am alone in this silent world ... and utterly at peace.

And I think on all sorts of issues - none of them resolvable by me. 
At how stupid I truly can be.
At how gullible I am.
At how Satan crushed me.
And I never saw it coming.
Stupid me.

And in the snow I found I was not alone.
As dozens of men came to visit,
Having heard of the terrible accident,
And its repercussions.
I was very surprised!
Men whom had not spoken to me in years.
My students of 20 plus years ago!
The Israelis, of whom I do not speak.

The concussion leaves me trembling.
My head aches.
My right eye worn from strain no longer focuses.
The broken facial bones throb.
But still they come.
I need pain killers.

Whom would have thought such an uncoordinated out pouring on this day?
The snow slowly piles up.

Three of my four grandchildren have come.
Hugs and kisses are always the most cherished.
The future is laughing and playing before me.
No, stupid Kris died years ago.
Now and the future are reserved for a damaged, albeit smarter Kris!

But the snow does not care,
Falling silently,
Covering a cold world.

My  heart is warmed.

November 3, 2017


Been thinking about the trauma of my recent past a lot, about how all but joy is present.
Rather miserable way to live.
Yet, joy is what we are supposed to have.
So turning to the Bible:

Philippians 1:3 - 8.

Joy can be found in good memories of God's people.
Don't let Church disappointments crush you!
Joy can not be found in sinful pleasure, sex or drugs.
Or adrenaline highs.

Joy comes with grateful partnership in God's work:
Prayer for one another
Joining in fellowship
Acceptance of one another
Sharing with one another
You learning to love others!

Joy comes as we gain confidence in God's faithfulness .....

Yeah, a bit ponder and the need to refocus my heart's eyes.

November 2, 2017

Whip It Up!

The subject of fear is always one of those touchy subjects in this culture.
Who doesn't enjoy a fair and the rides they offer? (other than me!)
The roller coasters and chair drops ... always long lines.
Or the haunted house hoping to shock you?
And don't forget the splatter movies so prevalent this time of year!

People are drawn to fear.
It excites.
There is nothing like the adrenaline rush it brings!
And yet fear is not what God desires for any of us.

We are suppose to live at peace.
We are suppose to live in an assurance of safety.
We are supposed to only fear God.
And our enemy, Satan, longs for what is God's.
Fear, due Him, is no exception.

So, man blinded to eternal truth - seeks out fear.
And slowly is weaned away from being where God is.
But where Satan rules.
And becomes lost to the safety God offers.

Of course my example above is only a metaphor for all we do which is against God, against our conscience .... it brings excitement and possibly fear ... when caught!
But then, that is part of the fun, the rush if you will.

And this morning - yet another terrorist attack in New York yesterday.
And hour after hour of coverage on cable and broadcast TV.
In fact, before 10:00 am, there was only one channel not  dedicated to the story here in Seattle!
Over sharing of the story.
Blowing it up.
Hoping to create fear - so you will watch for more news!
But also pushing lost man further into fear and hopelessness.
Creating a dependent victim mentality.

And people wonder why look-a-like crimes are committed.
Really simple psychology here.
"I want to be important, if even for only a moment ..."
And evil is multiplied.
Man is pushed further from God.
And the cycle continues.

For as much as talking heads want you to think they have the answer.
That government can and will care for you ....

Yet man's only hope has always been and continues to be faith in God.
And in God's love for us.

Yet as Daniel's friends observed, when thrown into the Babylon furnace,
"Even if God does not save us from these flames, He is still God."

 There is nothing more to say.
Your hope is in God alone,
Or nothing at all!
For all else are idols
Who can help you ....

And your only security is in the eternity supplied by Jesus sacrifice.

November 1, 2017

Good News

Just a short post today,
Too much to do!

In the week I have been out of intensive care,
The testing has continued - as has my frustration dealing with hospital empowered morons.

But, all of the testr results are encouraging:
Eye socket is healing correctly.
Eye ball is intact and returning to normal.
Retina is undamaged.

nose bones are healing.
Cheek bones look to be healing.
Headache is greatly reduced.

But, blood pressure is still out of control,
The concussion great limits my concentration time
Or ability to listen to music!
Bright light is so painful!

So, keep on praying!

In continuing good news:
More memories have returned
but of no value.