March 30, 2019

Musical Saturday Morning

One of t he joys of spending so much time climbing in The Rocky Mountain National Park, was stopping at Village Inn in Boulder, Colorado about 2 AM. for a bathroom break and coffee.  Well then there was  the atmosphere and all of the odd people gathered at that hour!  One of them was Carlos Santana (and I believe his brother as well.  I just remember Carlos, as I ran into him often through 1978.

Yeah, in 1978, I witnessed to him about my faith and why.
He was polite and I had hope he would make peace with his Creator,
But, alas, the call of Eastern Mysticism was stronger!
So, personally sad ...

March 29, 2019

Living A No Lack Life

Nope Not going to be what you expect!
I do not hold to the beliefs of the "blab it and grab it" crowd.
Simply not a Christian approach to the faith we are to be living in!
Conversely, Satan is more than happly to "bless" you,
If it takes your eyes and heart off of God and Jesus!

Sorry, that is jhust the way it is .....
(yeah, I will get hate mail over this, especially from Casey Treat's hate filled crowd!)

Read Psalms 23

The Lord Is Our Shepherd
Good - the shepherd is a normal picture and easily understood.
Even today!
You can be content, with NO wants.
Because the Lord is the Good Shepherd!
As such, He knows:
Each of his sheep in His flock
He provides shelter, food, rest and ALL your needs
He provides protection
He leads, not forcing you in a direction (save from sin!)

But life is not all about green pastures!

The Lord Is Our Host
The Lord sets a table for you in the presence of your enemies.
You can rest.
Letting Him keep opportunities for sin back!
We must be grateful for His mercy and love.

The Good Shepherd is the Lamb of God,
aka, Jesus!

March 28, 2019


So, went to Fred Meyers for a little shopping
I wanted to make my pasta salad for dinner.
And on Wednesday, a dessert for an old farts dinner I wanted to attend.
Alas, none of my plans were to be!

About 1 hour into my shopping,
I was downed by another heart attack!

So, was not able to make any dinner, nor dessert, etc.
Maybe on Wednesday?
If I stay home and I take life easier than I would prefer?

Anyway, I got the bill for the February big heart failure: $64,000!
That hurts!
Luckily I have exception health coverage!
So, I will only get stung for $1,000!

Still hurts though!

As for the pasta salad, I will have to figure out how to make it with minimal sodium!
And the desseert?
Well, none for me!
Maybe I will lick out the bowl .....

Sorry no guarantee of further posts this week.
I really have to be good and rest!

March 27, 2019

You Need To Read

God wants you to read and be thoroughly familiar with your Scriptures.
So, lets start with Psalm 19.

The Book of Creation, verses 1-6.
The Heavens, what is physical and surrounds us.
Proclaim, to state the Glory of God - publicly!
Everyone needs to proclaim God's Glory.
The assumption is that everyone is capable of seeing God's Glory.

Creation shows order.

Book of Instruction, verses 7-10.
Love f the LOrd is perfect.
How to live in peace.
Endures forever.
Fear of the Lord shows proper respect.

Prayer of Appreciation, verses 11-14
Text changes to talking to God, here.
"Show me what I must corrcct".
We all know our hearys.
We know what we need to clean up!
So why ask this of God?
To remove further roadblocks in our lives!
Be appreciative of what God doe and has dones!

March 26, 2019

Your To Do List

Through the years, I have heard this phrase so very often!:
"Religion is nothing but a bunch of Do's and Don'ts'!"

Well certainly Christianity does have a few Don'ts, but in general you would not want to do them anyway!
But, what about the Do's?
What would you have to do?!?

Mark 12:28-34
Deuteronomy 6:4

Prayer, twice a day: morning and night!
As a new Christian, I figured out real quick it was okay to pray more often!
As often as needed for any and all situations.

Deuteronomy 6:4

Love your neighbor.
You show your love for God, by how you love your neighbor.
This is Agape love, what man is incapable of without the Holy Spirit!
It is unconditional.
The same love we are told to have towards God.
The same as God's love for you.

Follow Me, discipleship
Go to Church
Go to Mars or Mars Hill
Go do things
Read your Bible

But discipleship is the lifelong task of becoming more like Jesus.
Not programs, shows, or entertainment!
Not "busy".

Learn to Discern, by learning what the Bible really says!

Be intentional in your growth .....

You will be both amazed by God and very disappointed in man.

March 25, 2019


Back at the end of the 1970'a and early 1980's, I was a part of a user's group which governed the Hewlett-Packard 3000 series of computers.  I had known both, Hewett and Packard, quite well before this, so had some insight into HP thinking and direction.

At one of the BIG conferences, down in Portland, I crossed paths with Alfredo Rego.

At the time, he was the owner of a firm in Guatemala City.  He apparently came up scouting for talent.  By the end of the conference he had made me a substantial offer, about 5 times what I was currently making and tax free to boot!  :)  Total temptation!

But, I would have to relocate to Guatemala.  And, I was side tracked setting up the computers for my father's firm.  I could still do this from there, though a bit more travel would be required!  And, I was in the middle of buy several thousand acres in Australia for a new opal mine.  So, I prayed concerning this - really wanting to!  But, by the very next day, Guatemala City was flattened by a major earthquake!  I took that as a "NO!".

Alfredo was a bit bummed but did check-in with me for several years to try and get me to come down.  I just did not think it "right", in the face of what I knew.  Though I had no idea as to why.  Now one of the ladies, Star, in my Bible Study group, felt led to go checkout Guatemala as a missionary.  And all I can say is that her letters to me in no way matched the nightly news!  Having no other recourse, we prayed a great deal for her!

So, this morning, I was sitting and watching a documentary while nursing my tea.  It was on the 36 year Civil War Guatemala had survived.  (Civil War is a bit of a misnomer! The government declared war on the modern descendants of the Maya Indians!

It now is estimated that death squads were driving around the countryside and randomly herding Maya peoples and anyone with the Maya up and shooting them!  What the heck is wrong with our news service that there was never even a hint of this!?!?!?!?!?  Of course, American news reports were busy trashing Reagan for getting involved with Costa Rica and the problem of overthrowing Nicaragua!  It is believed that 200,000 have gone missing in Guatemala, assumed now to be in  mass graves!

I am stunned!

The show went on in they went about finding the mass graves, recovered the bodies and set about identifying the victims and then re-buried them!  I was a very good program.  And Star's letters suddenly made much more sense.

Evil truly is real in this world.  It just amazes me!

But, the real question is: will anyone be found culpable and ever face trial?
Something new to pray for!

As for Star, she was captured in a high publicity raid to grab arms smugglers.  Lower news coverage and they probably would have just  shot her.  As it was, they deported her.  And probably shot everyone else in that village!
Yeah, not real nice people and a very stupid star!
She forgot she is representing God - not Remington Arms Corp!

And, the opal mine ended up a bust!
Fastest way to lose 57 million I have ever seen!
Yeah, in a place where it never rained in recorded history, it rained!
Two of my friend, who were doing chip samples acrss the area had to be helicoptered out!
Yeah, lots of water!
In fact I now own the largest fresh water lake bottom in Australia!
Australia was kind enough to let me know that I was expected to continue paying taxes on a lake bottom.
Of course, Australia was kind enough to let me know that they now owned the fresh water lake!
I only had the bottom of the lake!
And it was all on my property!

Such a disastrous year that was!

March 22, 2019


It has always amazed te amount of superstition alive in Western culture.
I see people genuflect all of the time.
Sorry, but making the sign of the "cross", accomplishes nothing!
It is nice that people are traditional enough to cross themselves,
But there is NO blessing or protection which will arise out of it.
God is not somehow going to perform for you.
Sorry, if you think otherwise.

But, the same goes with:
Not opening an umbrella indoors
Not walking under a ladder
Not letting a black cat cross your path
Throwing salt over your shoulder
Even saying, "Rabbit, rabbit" on the first of the month for luck
etcetera ad nauseam!

I was real bored one fall and wrote a small book of all of the quirky things people do to either bring them luck or "protection" from what-ever.
When I shared it with my friends, it brought gales of laughter!
Because people can be quite humorous in their daily rituals.
And, as one of the group, started reading the list - we could all envision ourselves or others easily doing most of them!
So, through the years, that humorous lesson has not gone unforgotten.

Swede decided to retire officially this week!
In actuality, he retired in June of 2010!
But, he is wealthy and I doubt he needed the money.

So, he walks in yesterday and announced he was committing suicide.
Everyone looked up at him quizzically.
"Yeah, I applied for my retirement....."
"I decided to follow both my grandfather and father to the grave!"
Everyone stared at me as I burst out laughing ....

You see, both Swede's grandfather and father died immediately after retiring.
His father died with his first retirement check in his pocket!
And Swede's retirement should come to a sweet sum:
From his work for NASA
His work for the US military
Plus another 30 years in military aircraft design and certification.

Yeah, he will do well.

Everyone laughed when I explained the joke.
Swede, not so much though.
It troubles him.
But he assured me over dinner, it is just a nagging thought - not superstition!
Then again, we will find out in a few months!


March 21, 2019

Worry vs Faith

The Bible has lots to say about worry!
Yet we fall into worry so terribly easily.
As Debby Kramer told in my Christian youth,
"Worry is you telling God you do not trust Him."

Yeah, she had a way of speaking plainly!

Psalm 27

God Will Help
Light equates to Truth!
Are you up for it?

The Lord says:
"Hear my voice,
"Be merciful,
"Answer me!"

Seek, See, Connect with God!

"I Will Wait"
"I am confident,
"I will see goodness!"

So even when you can not see any evidence of Him in your life -
He is still there!

Often we are too impatient,
We are too distracted by the world,
We are not actually seeking answer,
We are not actually listening,
We are not open to any answer other than our own.
Any many, many more reasons which block His success in reaching us!

And often we just do not see His best as being our best!
My friend Bruce was crippled at the age of 20.
He definitely did not see this in a positive light!
And yet God smothered him in miracles,
He just was looking in the wrong places to see his prayers being answered!

Oh yeah, he is still disabled and life is not what he would prefer.
But, he has learned to live a far different life than he ever envisioned!
And in my struggles he has been a witness to me in how to face adversity!

March 20, 2019

Waiting On The Lord

Oh, I tell ya, is there anything more frustrating than,
Waiting on the Lord?
Come on God!

David, my Biblical nemesis,
Whines quite a bit over:
Not getting his way,
Paying for his deeds,
Having to wait on God!
I had little sympathy for David in my walk as a Christian!
It is like, "Grow a pair dude, and pretend you are a man!"Is
As I said, no kid gloves when you deem yourself a representative of God!

Of course, all of the surgeries,
And side effects,
Have humbled me ....
And now I must view David through the filter of,
He is just a fallen man ... no different than any of us!

Psalm 13

David's Complaint
"How Long?"
Alluding to the absence of God in his life.
David seems depressed.
So he must continue to pray for God's will,
AND WAIT for His response!

And be open to receive an answer you will not like ...

Call For Help
Waiting for the answer.
"Light up my eyes!"
"No more ..."

Confession of Trust
"But I have trusted ..."
Acknowledges God.
He can pray because he knows God is there!

David's Commitment to Prayer
Realize it is God whom blesses you.
Acknowledge that blessing!
It may take years!
So, get past depression!
Praise God for who He is and has done!
Know that God is there,
Is listening,
Will respond,
And will become real to you again!

March 19, 2019


I had a very fine Saturday.
It started actual Friday night when GG decided to talk with me.
A very rare occurrence any more!

"My counselor told me I need to talk to you.
"When you had that heart attack back in February,
"I realized just how much I did not want to lose you ...
I guess what I am saying is that: I love you."

I gave her a hug and whispered that I knew that,
At least, since the last heart failure.
So it seems that the warfare since 2001, on her part,
May finally be over!

Thank God!

Saturday we drove down to Fort Nisqually.
I love this place!
But I have no photos as my camera was lost last summer!
And GG killed hers attempting to stuff the wrong cable into the charger port!
sigh ...
And I vaguely remember being here before,
But that was before the amnesia - so there is nothing,
Just a feeling I have done this before!

In the gift shop, I picked up some 18th century leathercraft tools.
A book on designing fences,
And, a part of an 18th century tea brick!!!
Saw some fantastic 18th century pocket knives as well.
But, I hardly have that kind of money!

We next descended down to Owen's Beach, on the Sound.
GG had found this with her brother many years ago.
We got out and I managed to walk about 100 yards before my knee tired,
So we parked ourselves on some driftwood and watched the children frolic in the waves!
Very funny!

As I drove us back to the freeway,
Many overlapping detours completely got us lost!
And suddenly, there was an art supply store!
So I had to lap the block three times to find any parking space.

Inside was the most wonderful assortment of everything!
I spent my bank balance, but still not even the price of one of those knives!
I can hardly wait to start painting again!!!!!

March 18, 2019

Erin Ga Braugh

Yes, Erin ga braugh!
For sure.
Even though Ireland left a distrintly sour taste in my mouth.
Five years of running a computer consulting firm out of Cork,
Well it leaves you a bit jaded!

The people of Ireland are friendly and personable.
But, the work ethic is badly damaged by alcoholism.
And, a socialism government!
It cost me millions.

We planned to gather the entire family for St. Patrick's Day.
But mother, whom was to host, cancelled on Saturday night.
So, no celebration!

I convinced Gaelic Girl to go to Ben Franklin's down in Bonnie Lake after church.
During the 1 hour, 15 minute drive, my mother called to cancel the dinner, again.
And Oldest Daughter called to invite us to lunch.
So we diverted to Orting.

Had a blast with grand-kids!
Then took everyone to Ben Franklin's.
Grand-kids scored on that one!
Just wished we had one or or two of the others with us as well!

So, a night of sadness that there was NO celebration.
First lack of an Irish day, since 1975!
And all of the kids and grand-kids refused even try to say, Erin ga braugh!
sigh ....
Kids are not much fun in this generation of smart phone captivity!

March 15, 2019


As a student of Newtonian Law,
I adhere solidly to the principal of cause and effect.
If I can see a cause,
then I can know the future effect.
And, visa-versa, for past cause of observed effect.

There has only been one exception that I have observed,
And, that lay in the realm of flat out miracle!
Truly blew my mind!

So, I observe.
Behaviors (causes) and outcomes/difficulties/deaths (effects).
The larger my knowledge base,
The greater my ability to predict effect.
To my great sadness, usually.

I have noted, through the past several decades, the deaths of many people I have liked or took note of.
My taking note of you is not a good thing.
It means, I will use you in a class at some point.
Youth need warned of the folly of this world!

Think on some of them you may have been familiar with:
Jennifer Aniston
Farrah Fawcett
Elton John
Angelina Jolie
Anne Lennox
Lee Majors
Ryan O'Neal
Brad Pitt
And, so many others in the public eye!
And numerous of my friends whom you will not know of ...
And my famous relatives, who will go nameless, though perhaps eluded to in the past.

So, in this single instance, and eluding to no one, is a single science success -
Which leaves one disquieted!

The cause of colon cancer has now been linked to HPV-34.
Wow! A now known cause of another cancer!
The previous one was cervical cancer now linked to HPV as well!


(The implications are a bit disgusting to me however ...)

So, people of liberal sexual practice, beware!
And again, in spite of popular belief - latex blocks nothing!
But, it will make you feel safer ..... that is ..... until you die .....

And few will ever listen.
My dead and dying cousins never would.
Preferring to give me the silent treatment.
After-all, I am being judgmental.

It never occurs to them they are loved.
It really hurts to see a loved one die .....

March 14, 2019

Foundering Directions

Had an interesting meeting yesterday.
Had a call from a guy in another church whom wanted to meet with me.
Okay ..... a bit odd but it happens when things go haywire.
So, I am expecting another "Help me undo what Satan has done to my youth group ..."
Pretty much that is why I get these calls, about once a decade.
And I true hate what Satan is capable of.

So, I was unfortunately running late, which I hate when it happens!
I still had a burger to eat.
So, burger in one hand, drink in another I made it.
And I walk in to room with a guy on the verge of tears .....

I hate it when guys cry ... on me especially!

As I has suspected, it dealt with a you issue.
But, I made the mistake of making eye contact ...
So I "knew" the issues.
Did not need to, but apparently he needed help.

No, I don't hate it when decides to use me, but ....

So for two hours we discussed issues surrounding youth ministry and adult lack of ministries.
I like the guy.
He is sharp and a good heart.
And he sees the decline in the quality of youth leadership, lack of guidance and materials.
In other words, pretty much youth ministries are tanking.
He does not know why.
And very much wants to see this reversed!

Gees,I love this guy!!!!!!!!!

So, we did some analysis on this subject.
By the time we were done he understood.
And now I was depressed.

My heart is for youth.
But I no longer speak their language, nor understand what masquerades as youth these days.
I still work with the kids from years past.
But, my heart is still sold out on helping youth.
Their issues are much easier than adult situations!

Luckily, my brain kicked in over the weekend.
I guess those stints were a big help!
And it has been about ten years since I was my ration self.
Of course workiing brain with no memory is not to be envied.

As for the guy, he understands he must wait on the Lord.
For opportunity to serve.
Be it for one or a hundred!

As for what I "know"?
Perhaps in the future there will be a time to address his issue unspoken ....
But it matters little,
Tomorrow, I will have little or no memory our conversation ever occurred!
As I said, NO memory.
... sigh ...

March 12, 2019

Another One Drops

So, I was in the dialysis center, playing on eBay, when all of these alarms go off!
Technicians came a running from all over the building!
I guess  the lady in the chair next to me had a stroke!
Which affected her breathing.
Hence all of the alarms.

So, they got her breathing again.
But, she was otherwise unresponsive.
The papa-medics came, loaded her on a gurney and off they went.

No idea how long she will be hospital bound.
Sorta sad as she was a nice lady.

Then the young nurse whom had taken such a liking to me earlier,
Told me she is going to start a new job elsewhere next week.
Well. that was a bummer!
She is amongst the few whom do speak English fluently.
And you can tease her without any umbrage being taken.

But she was not well liked by the staff.
So from their perspective:
No great loss to them.
There are still teo other nurses.
Neither of them can speak English well however!

Like I should have anything to say concerning English!
I was pretty much considered a retard until I was in my 30;s.
Yeah, constant confused by this language!
In fact, I started blogging as a tool to get past my inabilities in English!

Yeah in high school, I took only one English class!
The teacher hated me more than I felt for her!
That was one hard year!

She was a huge, mean spirited,  teacher,
Hated equally by all!
At the end of that year she quit teaching and went on to found Weight Watchers.
Well it is good she did something she knew about,
After she lost about 300 pounds!

But all of those chocolate cakes still added up and she died of a heart attack later.
And I thought how odd it was ar the time,
She was maybe late fifties and huge,
And dies of a heart attack.

Not unexpected by her doctors.

Whereas my father,
The vary definition of starving in appearance,
Had his first major heart attack at 30!
Of course, I new nothing of DNA or family histories at the time!
But it made me a health nut and very observant.

Lot of good that did me!
I often have thought,
"Yup, these are the years all of that clean living bought me!"
sigh .....

March 11, 2019


So, Paul, my adopted father still clings to life.
Though the doctors do not know why or how!
I know his wife, whom has dreaded this day for a decade,
Just wishes it could be over.

No,not harsh to say.
Dying is hard when it someone you love,
And drawn out,
Beyond the body's ability to function.
sigh .....

I know the daughters are stewing,
As there is no way either of them could buy their parent's home.
It has to be around $1.5m, on the low side.
And the mother will have no ability to keep the house.
It seems husband made sure she was not going to inherit his pension!
"Nope, not going to make her a rich target for some weasel men!"
And so, with his death goes her home since 1962!

Yeah, the is a mortgage she can not pay with her meager funds!
Seems he took it out to help repair the home asfter a landslide!
And wasn't that just an awful storm and weeks of clean up ...

I will see about travelling again in a week to see him again.
Dialysis really gets in the way of travel.
And my PTSD does not help either.
Often, I just have to sit with eyes closed and let someone else drive for me,
While I quietly freak out!

GG is mostly over whatever set her back for 17 years!
Her knee replacement really opened her eyes,
And her mind has finally sen that she has not been perceiving everything exactly as it is or was!
Nah,does me no good though.

Well, bed calls!
And I really need the sleep ...

March 8, 2019

Catch Up

Ah, a moment to play catch-up!

Since I posted about Mt. Tambora's 1815 eruption, I have managed to find new information.
Such a tragedy!

I also managed to purchase another of the German hunger relief medals.
So I now have the silvered medal in great shape.
And I found the fob version of the medal at a shop in Salzburg two weeks ago.
But it is not silvered and has none of the fob hanger attachments!
Also obviously a dug item.
Detail is like new but with green crusties.
So it will take so work to remove said crusties and then silver plate.

I intend to carry this with me always
As I mentioned in my article, researching this has affected me greatly.
Just the thought of the suffering of those where I grew up!

And as I have since found out:

The famine was very wide spread.
Ireland, Wales, England, Belgium, Holland, Germany,Austria and Switzerland, not to even consider the Russia's - whose people could not have understood what had happened!.
In Germany there were wide spread food riots.
 But it seems that these riots were started when the rumor spread that the Bavarian Prince had sent the grain reserves to Switzerland!
I am sure Switzerland would have been grateful, but there was no grain reserves!
You can probably blame beer brewing!
Villagers were down to attacking passing horses and carving chucks off of them!
Such desperation!

In 1816 and 1817 there was massive immigration to America from the affected countries.
Can't really blame starving people!

And I NEVER read any of this in any history book!
Nothing on the famine, nothing on the riots, nothing on causes of immigration to America ......

Yet, were this common knowledge, then this whole stupidity being espoused by Al Gore, et al, would be seen for the brainless Chicken Little reactionism it is!

Sigh .....

But, even understanding that the Earth has gone through devastating climate change and somehow survived, no one will care.
It does not fit with the desired scenario scripted by the reactionaries.

Sigh .....

And, while researching further, I found a one line mention of a hunger releif effort by the German 11th Army!
No date, no place, nother!
Just that the 11th Army had performed some type of food relief!
Were my German not so bad now, perhaps there is more to be found?

Yeah, I feel quite lost at times ....

March 7, 2019

Garden of the Gods

Just a beautiful place to visit and walk around on a sunny day, outside of Colorado Springs:

March 6, 2019

Favorite Music

I was sitting around over the weekend trying to decide how do you answer the question, "What is your favorite song?"

But, I can only narrow it down to two tunes, not one!

First up is Petra and their song, "Hollow Eyes"

And tied for first is, The Newsboys, "Dear Shame":

Of course behind these two are songs like Wipeout, Kicks, and enumerable 1980's tunes, such as:

But, then I can understand their concepts ....

March 5, 2019

Cardio Rehab ...

Such a surprise this morning to be reminded that I have to start my cardio rehab program!

I have tried for decades to join a gym, only none would take me!  Yeah, it seems that if you father had 13 major heart attacks and seven strokes - well, no wants you in their gym!  As one snide trainer put it, " you are a dead man walking!"


That is not even statistically true.
But it is in the odds that if your father's genes suck, so will yours.
But necessarily true 30 years ago when that was said.

Of course nothing surprised me more that Dutchman's gym partner dropping dead on a quick walk to the local eatery across the street from the office building!
Yeah, it was a heart attack!
Now that I think on it, he lost another gym partner to an heart attack.
But that guy was 80 pounds over weight and made really poor diet choices!
... mmmmm, greasy fried foods ...
So delicious, so deadly!
What if I drop dead at 35?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Many years ago Gaelic Girl and I crossed swords over life and death.
I held that I could eat all the knockwurst I wanted because I was not going to live one second lonewr, nor shorter, than the time God has allotted for me.  - Barring someone outright killing me!

She retorted rthat it was not a question of duration but one of condition.
What shape do you want to be it when your time comes?

Well, that sort of took the wind out of my knockwurst eating sails!
Yeah, a high fat diet may not be the best option when your father is a cardiac nightmare!

So, four heart attacks later, I am finally on Medicare and can get into a gym program!
I am a bit hesitant because I do not know what to expect ...
And a bit excited.
Do I break out my dragonfly blue cycling outfit?
Or, just wear shorts?

Shorts will probably win.
Afterall, it is below freezing out!
And spandex is not all that insulating!

March 4, 2019


The flu has raised its ugly head!
Too ill to even care for herself!

Luckily, it has not struck me yet!
But same can not be said for Swede and mother!
Poor both of them!
I guess there is lots of vomit associated with this year's offering!

My last interaction with the flu was 1981 and the B-Victoria strain.
Utterly flattened me!
I was really PO'ed with my company and boss, so I did not stay home.
Took out the entire floor of the building I worked in!
Later on, I felt bad about that.
But, not at the time!

So, I am exhausted and have to go back down and do her grocery shopping for her.
No rest for the smucks of this world......

March 2, 2019

Musical Saturday Morning

When the Beatles came out, such a yawner!
I had no clue as to why anyone would listen to them!
I was and still am a Dave Clark 5 fan.
And most everyone I knew in Germany liked the DC5 far more!

So, I paid little attention to the Beatles.
Of course America made them super stars.
So, by 1967, even in Germany, it was solid Beatles, with an occasional Buckinghams or Zombies tossed in!
I was forced to go to short wave just to listen to something other than Beatles weirdness!

And everyone had their favorite Beatle.
Usually it was John or Paul, Paul if you were a girl, John for the guys.
If I had been forced to pick, it would have been Ringo.
He was the obvious outsider,
He was angular - his nose a monster - like mine!
Yeah, a lot like me, if I think about it ...

But even though I really did not like their music, John Lennon did write a few memorable ones.
And I still like them on those rare occasions when they are played on the oldies station.
So, this is one of them ....