April 27, 2020

Still No Answer

Endless doctor visits continue - three today alone!

But, the test results I want and need, still evades me!

However, all test were results were perfectly normal.
Now for this heel to heal!
And get this waiting over!

Well back to lshpping on Amazon:
So far I have picked up a nice hip bag for my metal detecting or painting.
A viewfinder for laying out a picture.
A small hairdrier for my watercolor painting.
And proportional image sizing.
Not bad, a few tings I have needed for years just never bothered to find.

Now, what to do tomorrow ..... ?

Lost Week

Last week was really not a good week!

Dutchman's mother died.

You know how there are people in your life whom have always been there.
They are rocks.
Always been there.
Always will be there.
Not fathomable it would ever change!
That was how Jean was.

She married a horrible man.
Violent beyond description.
And she stood by that man.
Raised her children, as best she could.
And tried to stay out of arm's reach!
She stayed true to what she knew.
She taught us quite a bit.

Dutchman is scarce currently.
And one more piece of stress he really does not need.
He is a heart attack just waiting to happen.
sigh ...

Please keep him and his family in prayer.

April 25, 2020

Musical Saturday Morning

It must have been 1963 that I first heard a song by Herman's Hermits.

Their tunes were easy to remember and sing along with.
Who cares if I was in third grade with no idea what they meant!

April 18, 2020

Musical Saturday Morning

Nothing like a recent hit, long lost history in our today only culture!

April 17, 2020


Went into the wound care clinic, one of only one let in that hour!
So sat down for my weekly foot wound care process.
The doctor inspects the wound, takes some measurements and comments,
"Well you are still at a pont where a skin graft would accellerate your healing.

(Oh no, I like all the almost daily attention
i get, lets open the wound back up!)

Heck yes, I want the skin graft, even if my co-pay is $530!
(Of course if I could get the local coin shop to open I could sell one of my yummy pieces and easily raise the cash!
... sigh ...

So, he did it right there on the spot!
And it was a big nothing!
It was comparable to laying a pieces of tissue against your skin, taping it down, and done!
No shots,
No pain,
No lollipop!
As I said a big nothing!

Of course, no walking either.

Tomorrow I am once again being fitted with an "air walker" boot.
which takes the weight off the foot and puts it on your ankle.
So we will see how that goes!

April 16, 2020

So Gaelic Girl is back to work at the rocket factory.
And delighted with life once again.
And I finally am no longer micro-managed!
Thank God!

Swedish Rocket Scientist is bent all out of shape because,
Believe it or not,
He did not get Covid-19!
So now he wants his anti-bodies tested to prove he have it at one point!
I don't get why this is so horribly important to him!
You can not talk with him without his getting violently upset on the subject!

Dutchman continues to move his everything to Northern Idaho.
His offices have finished construction and his high speed computer line in.
His aircraft hanger no contains most of his stuff from his house.
His son's house if finished and moved into.
His grand-kids love his acreage to go wild on!

All my kids are doing fine, as are their children.
And that about all there is news wise in my life!

Yeah, pretty boring,
Stuck in one place,
With no car.

Oh my car,
GG took it to Fred Meyers and slammed into one of the concrete light pole bases.
I am guessing about $3,000!
So that means 5k by the time they are done with it!
Of course she did not bother to tell me.
I ony saw the front end of the car by accident.
... sigh ...

Just another cost of not being to drive currently.

April 15, 2020


When my kids run out of cash and have a reasonable need,
It is Papa to the rescue!

So, oldest daughter wanted to support her daughter's desire to join the cheerleaders at her school.
Grand daughter is a 4.0 student and does not have much of a social life,
So reasonable activity.
But no cash to buy the outfit with!

So, I asked daughter to come and organize my panty.
It is a disaster as GG and youngest daughter both put nothing away!
So everything becomes quickly "lost"!

And she worked hard cleaning and sorting.
Net result:
I can find nothing
Nor can anyone else!

I wanted to make blueberry muffins today,
It took 3 hours of diligent searching to just find the ingredients!
Dear Lord grant me patients!

So today I am attacking just one small area as a start.
Making a shopping list of what is missing
or has been destroyed.

Yeah, someone scoured my non-stick muffin pans down to bare steel!
Now that took dedication ...

In the meantime I need o find where my crackers have diappeared to!
... sigh ...

April 14, 2020

Fail Right!

 One thing these past few months have taught is how true Murphy's Law is!

Murphy states, "if it can go wrong it will go wrong ..."
And so, this week has gone.

Pick up something, just accept you are going to drop it.
Set something down, just accept it will shortly throw itself off of the table.
Order anything off of the internet, just accept it will be lost,.
Go to be fitted with a custom boot, know that they will not have it in stock.
Do your taxes and remember all you forgot to include!
And in the mean time,
I am learning how to accept failure ....

and on the list grows!

It can be quite frustrating waiting for a return to normality ...

April 9, 2020

Air Walker

So today is my fitting with an air walker boot.
It takes the pressure off the foor and moves it onto the leg.
Cool idea.
And it has to be easier to walk in than the post surgical boot which drives my nerves crazy!

Currently, you know if I am around.
Ker-thunk, ket-thunk jer-thunk!

So lookig forward to this change!
And .... I get to get out of the house and see something other than another hospital!!!!!

April 7, 2020

Yesterdays Ghosts

Since high school, I have always been haunted.

At the time, I was haunted by:
The damage I did to two thugs, whom would have killed me
My abandonment by my high school sweet-heart

After college, I could add:
Loss of an almost wife
Causing a terrible traffic accident

A few years ago I was able to get past the loss of my wife and accept her choices in life.
I have no reason to "get past" the thugs, they got what they earned.
This past winter the Lord kindly reminded me about what really happened to my girlfriend.
So, I understand, it was not her choice but her father's I could not deal with.
And the traffic accident, I really played no part in.
But I was part of the problem, in so far as I was speeding.
sigh ....

But several years ago, I slipped up, and trusted someone again.
I was completely transparent, that was our agreement.
I was just not ready to deal with someone I trusted - lying to me ...
To my face ...
Without so much as a blink of the eye!

Around year two, things were no longer understandable to me.
So, when Kris is confused, he turns to Miss Manners.
As usual, their insights were right on target.
Then they deleted me as a friend.
I have no idea as to why.
But that hurt.

I thought I was past all this,
But last night I visited my es-friend's homepage on FaceBook.
Yeah they had quite a few changes in their life,
Not necessarily for the best.
And I felt kicked.

I hate it when people  I still pray for make poor choices.

But, I now know to pray for God to draw them back.
He is good at that.
Even if He has to use a baseball bat to get your attention!

As for me, more time in prayer,
It is my refuge.

April 6, 2020

Another Month!

Oh gees Louise!
Grounded for another month!
Which really sucks when you consider I have been a shut-n since October 31st!

Well, apparently I need more rest and sit time!

I may yet get my nickel collection sorted, mounted and catalogued!

But, time for  a nap .....

April 4, 2020

Musical Saturday Morning

I was sitting in a sunbeam this week, feeling warm and happy.
Then this song popped on the radio.

Years ago, when the song was first published, I wanted to learn more about the group.
This was back when everyone was on MySpace.
Lead singer, Tedder, was friendly and very real!
He told me they started out trying to raise money to go to college.
Very expensive!

Needless to say, this song and his other string of number one hits, probably got in the way of those plans!

April 3, 2020

Means Well

I seem to be cursed with less than logical care providers.
I have a Russian whom refuses to talk above a whisper, except when on the phone!
She also refuses to follow the surgeons instructions on how the foot should be wrapped.
So she will only put on half the required drainage collection pads.
And foam cushions go under the foot, not where needed!

The we have a guy from the Cameroons.
I really like him.
But honestly he can't wrap foot.
And his banaging is guaranteed to fall off within hours!
So, GG has to redo his work everyday!
Which makes for a grumpy GG!

Then there is the nurse from Gaum ....
Totally skilled, never fouls up,
But only wants to work one day a week,
And never after noon!
..... sigh .....

And the surgeon keeps ordering supplies to be used which are:
Not available, even as a special order;
Or in quantities which make it too costly,
Or worse yet:
So costly that a single application equals my income for 2 to 3 months!
And that is with insuranxe!
And talking with him, about it, his face just goes blank!

Totally, utterly, clueless!

Well, that is my whine while I sit here wondering if the guy from the Cameroons will even so up!
He is only batting 30% as it is .....

But they all mean well,
You just can not trust them to show up even.....