July 29, 2019


Today, is of course, the anniversary of Apollo 11.
Man's first reach for the stars that succeeded.

It was fun to hear from long lost cohorts that worked with me on the internal upper stage.
Almost humorous think on how a German college student got drafted on to the internal upper stage, until I  was brought to America and then put in 9th grade!
Then I was off until IUS redesign many years later!
Lord how I hate supposedly "intelligent" people!
Educated far beyond their abilities!

The one most noted absence on the TV has been the rather complete lack ofany referenced to "Uncle" Werner ( Von Braun).
I know he was there, as father was there with him!
They both stopped by our house on their way back to Washington DC after the successes!

So a fun day of reminiscing!

And day 2 of breathing again!

Now to catch up on 6 weeks of no sleep!

July 22, 2019


Posts will be sparse as I have been Meeting with the feds concerning a major attacks on ALL accounts and looting of my bank accounts!  Including supposedly safe Federal accounts!

No idea how it was done. 
The losses significant.
Even I do not have access to the data it would take to do this!
So, inside job it would seem,
Or we can always blame the Russians!

So, day one was learning what happened.
Monday will be spent with banks.
Tuesday with the Social Security.
Wednesday with IBM retirement fund.
Thursday back with Social Security.
Friday nervous breakdown.

And I still pass out about three times an hour from lack of oxygen .....

July 18, 2019

The Sky Is Blue

Had first oil painting class!
I was so excited.
But then oh soooo late for it!
Bad car accident on the freeway!

So, I am driving about 150 feet behind a Washington State Patrol unit.
Just slightly behind the front end of the cop car,
And in the right lane was a Mazda Miatta convertible.
Approaching us in the most left hand lane was a Ford F-150 pick up truck with a load of window glass.

Suddenly the truck swerved on to the right shoulder of the freeway!

Just as suddenly,
The truck did a 90 degree turn at about 70 miles per hour!
Straight into a concrete jersey-barrier,
Head on!


The load of windows became airborne!
Up, Over the jersy-barrier!
Over the front of the  cop car!
And, crashing down onto the poor little Miatta,
With a mighty explosion of glass!

The Miatta,
Now with two flattened tires and front end,
Safely rolled onto the right shoulder.
The cars behind the Miatta,
Stopped dead with numerous flat tires.
The stopped on the left shoulder.
I came to a stop.
The now totalled out truck rolled backwards across the freeway in a cloud of steam.

The cop checked my tirs out and waved me on.

Such excitement!

In class everyone was working on tonal values.
But, I have done this for many years.
So, I worked on creating a Seattle blue for my painting of Mt. Rainer.
Then estimating how much to make!
Then discovering that I needed to use a palette knife!

So, lots of learning and extremely fun!

July 16, 2019


If one thing could sum up my meeting attending life, it would be:
"Any place, Anytime, in Any position,
Kris falls asleep!"

Yeah, NOTHING more boring than a meeting!

So Monday, was a series of meetings.
Unfortunately for anyone wanting to be there!
Add to my ability to zonk some zzzz's.
With my tendancy to pass out several times an hour,
Due to the heart failure,
I am not really anywhere!

Except for from where the Wenschmachen calls.
zzzzzzzzzzzz :)

So, meeting got cancelled and moved to my house next week.
And I got escorted home!

Back home,
With nothing to do,
I settled down for a nap.

But I awoke to find GG walking oddly,
Always indicative of her sleep walking!
But I was unable to reach her before she went down!
And daughter showed up just in time!
I had got her sitting up,
With daughter's help, standing!
She is still out cold on the bed.
With a purring kitty by her side!

Well to bed I must go ...

July 12, 2019

Bag Valve, Mask

When I was in the Explorers, my Post was a Medical unit with a very experienced doctor as our mentor.
So, a group of stoners with a few interested in medicine.
Okay, I was interested in learning all I could about medicine.

And in the ten years I was with Rocky Mountain Rescue, \
I got lots of practice.
I used to joke that delivering a baby was the only thing I had never done,
Which is not to say I was I was an unwilling participant in 7th grade,
when our science teacher collapsed in the classroom doorway as the
freoght train  her baby was on came a rushin on!
Oh, the things that lady screamed!

Yeah, made a huge impression!

Anyway, sorry about the rabbit trail!
So, one piece of equipment I had learned was a bag, valve, mask.
Really useful when people stop breathing!
So, with all of my lung problems,
I ordered one.

It came today,
Super simple to use
And with my breathing difficulties,
Smooths my rhythm right out!

Now when will I be getting my oxygen?

July 9, 2019

Long Awaited Day

Yes, it has been a horrible three months to reach today!
But, this afternoon, I will be finally tested as to my need for full time oxygen!
It is such a battle!, even getting just a few hours of sleep!
Much less trying to not pass out in meetings or other activities requiring consciousness!

So,I will catch you on what happens, tomorrow!

I am guessing that I really must be looking bad,
As women, too numerous to mention,
Have gone out of their way yo talk with me!
Thankfully, none have been as touchy as my dentist was!

I am just not a touchy kind of person!

I guess I cab be with my children,
But that is about it.

Well, I fear my lungs are going out again,
Taking my brain with them!
I will correct thge errors later,
So very tired now ...

July 8, 2019

Power Of Touch

So, when I did my dental exam last week to gain surgical permissions, it sort of went odd.
Oh, the exam was an exam!
But assistance were all being odd.

Now my dentist is from Hungary, so Soviet trained
However, an Evangelical, not Eastern Orthodox.
Although she is a superb dentist, I do fear her!
Just sends out vibes like, "I really would like ti kill you!"
So I am always polite.

Out of nowhere,
She grabs my hand!
And for the next 15 minutes,
The hand got quite the luxury of attention!
As she professed her sorrow at my pending surgery!

I was quite moved.
Whom would ever have thought her dcapable of such passion ,,,,
Much less expressed towards me!
Well, it sure caught me off guard!

And I still do not have a response to this!

July 6, 2019

Musical Saturday Morning

I was thinking about "Critter" this week, AKA "She whom hates all males".  She would have significantly changed the flow of Ryder's book!

We used to do duets around the Seattle area back in my college days.
Most winning song, for us, was "Hush" by Herman's Hermits.
But, in my tenor days, I was in a Barbershop Quartet and we sort of conquered with, No Milk Today.
So it was fun to reflect on ....

July 5, 2019

Poor Swede!

Oh poor Swede!
He  is back in emergency,
Though at least this time it is not his fault!

Seems he was not feeling well.
No, specific complaint,
Just an over all feelig of ... ick!
So he went back to the doctor I took him to last Monday.

For whatever reason,
The doctor decided Swede needed to be cath'ed!
Unfortunately, the nurse had never done one before!
But, of course that is never mentioned  in advance!

End result is a Vienna Sausage,
On a tooth-pick!
Oh ouch!

So he will be in the hospital for a few days.
And veeeeeeery sore for many more!

Poor Swede, just not his week it seems!

July 4, 2019

4th of July

Dutchman came up with the best quote of the day,
Actually a few days ago!

"Isn't interesting to gather and watch a group of west coast Leftists,
Get together to celebrate an event linked to the then government's attempts to:
Confiscate firarms
Confiscate ammunition stores
Arrest known leaders of resistance to Colonial Rule"

And I agree with Dutchman on that one!
VVVVeeeeeeery Intersting!


Blinked and the day was gone.

Don't know if I passed out
Or fell back to a deep sleep.
But, when I came to,
It was time for bed!

Yeah, I slept through the night away as well.

July 2, 2019


I finally was able to get an entire nights sleep!
That is a first in many, many, months!
The usual is 3 hours a night, in perhaps hour increments!
So pleasant to feel refreshed for a change.

I have been meaning to tell you about some interesting thungs.
But, with no brain,
It is darn hard to remember to tell anyone!

So, late one night I got to thinking about the wrongs done me.
Oh, make no mistake, there is a long list!
And at the same time, one of those had been instrumental in making me think.
Of course, with amnesia, it is darn hard to know what real facts are.
But I do have my writings to try and judge by.

And so I spent a day praying down the list.
Forgiving, letting go,
Of everything.

Then I hit Radic.
And it was hard to forgive a mass murderer.
He killed the only other male in my family.
If I ever trembled on the edge of hatred - it would be towards this creature!
It took me many hours to work through the issues.
As bound up in releasing my hatred for this fallen man,
Was my complicity in eliminating his sniper squads.
Yet, I do not believe it is wrong to execute murderers.
But, there is that darn Hutterite teaching ingrained in me:
The taking of human life is wrong.

Even though I have never killed anyone,
That I know of,
I did assist and equip those whom did kill the 189 Yugoslavian snipers.
So, now I feel some guilt over their deaths.
But I was able to pray through this.
Releasing Radic from my list.
And I honestly do hope for his finding Jesus' forgiveness!

Guess I have hanged a bit!
Or grown.

And I was able to continue down my list.
The only hiccup was a sister whom used me to her own ends,
Utterly trashing me in the process.
Me, I could not care less about.
What could have broken so badly in her, to have done this?
Of course, I know from my writings, it took Dutchman to explain this.
And I marvel at his perception,
And her brokenness I never had detected.

I still have no response to this situation.
Oh, yeah, I have prayed all through this one.
I just have never been so blindsided,
By someone so trusted,
To be used.
And for evil ends at that!

Well, in the end, it is all in God's hands.
I understand this life is not an end unto itself.
Something so many Christians truly need to understand as well.
Then life can be lived far differently!

And I forgave the faceless people whom conspired against me in the trashing of Kris.
They were used just as I was .....
Rather depressing to think on this.

But, liberating.

July 1, 2019

Shut Down

By the time you read this,
What is left of my brain should  be permanently in la-la-land!

I am so oxygenn starved that the brain just is not working!
No long term memory,
Short term went out this morning,
I puff
I wheeze,
I cough,
and NO doctor understands my need for oxygen!

I also find myself limited to a single thought at a time!
So, frustrating.

Not sure how to keep blogging when a single sentence is all i have at any given timr.......