December 27, 2017


Notes from thinking on how we should be living our lives and as to what value any of this is ...

John 13:1-17
 Acts 2:2-47
1Corinthians 12:12-20

Serving Was Jesus' Mission
Jesus served by example.
Serving the absolute lowest in society.

Serving Was The Early Church's Mission
Service as a lifestyle witness.
Serving freely brought the curious.
Serving set the Christians apart from the world!

Serving At The Heart of the Church Today
Service must be!
No one is useless.
No one is without value in Jesus' Church.

Service Must Be At Our Heart
We are here to service, to help, as a witness for Jesus.
It turned the 2nd century Roman people to wonder.
It showed there was truth behind Christian claims.
It brought the Roman Empire to its knees.

December 26, 2017

Mixed Bag

Such a mixed bag this holiday has been!
Statistically,  10 % of all people get in at least on fight over the holiday.
Others argue the number is closer to 40% !
And let the holiday fisticuffs begin!

Of course I am flat on my lips.
Stage 5 kidney failure has taken its toll on my health and body.
I rely heavily on Gaelic Girl, when she is willing to help.
But, she was hit by food poisoning last Tuesday and is on her lips still.

Saturday, I planned to take my mother out to lunch.
Can't do dinner - no, "they" will be watching.
Can't do Olive Garden, she hates their salads.
Can't do Famous Daves, she now hates BBQ.
Just like last month, no place will do, she wants to rot at home and force others to rot with her.
And with a puking GG for 45 miles, we arrived.
And true to form she refused to go to lunch - insisting that we had to eat her food!

I flat lost it!
And then she spent 25 minutes calling me every name in book, at the top of her lungs!
When GG finally had enough, I was past caring if she lives or dies ...
I realize I am stuck with this woman in my life.  And God really needs to move in that hard heart of hers!
For now, I can ignore her, but her birthday is three weeks away - maybe I can send a card ...
Most of my adult life has been spent with her not talking to me ...
Certainly not driving three hours again out of my way for her!

Christmas Eve was a success.
I made steak oscars, which were well received.
Christmas day was a bust, I was beyond  exhaustion!
I made a pasta salad and the day was over for me!

Today is a day of rest, to accomplish what I can before surgery on Wednesday.
I am wiped.
No energy what-so-ever.

I trhink I will lay down with my new antique French cookbook and read a few select recipes .....
And dream of the life I lost when I was forced to move to America ...

December 22, 2017

I can See!

My new glasses came in yesterday!

It has been two months now since the auto accident smashed my face and took my sight from me!
And for someone whom loves to read, it has been hard.
It is unfortunate that the retina damage is permanent but at least I now have pretty good vision.
A little fuzzy though.

Not real impressed with the price though.
But if it takes a specialist, you see them.

So, I am taking off on my first walk with vision!
I get to see the car that has my name on it now!

I probably will not post til after the holiday.
So, Merry Christmas and may the Prince of Peace rule your days....
But you never know ....

December 21, 2017

White Christmas

I have commented before that the only being viewed on cable is the Hallmark channel.  My youngest daughter is completely addicted!

So I watch and I think....
First observation is that the story lines are shallow and predictable.
Hollywood values being pushed on to small town America.

Next is that they reuse the same actors oiver and over.
To the point that many could be called serial stalkers!

And then there is the white Christmas phenomena ....
So far there have been NO America Indians,
No religious message,
Nothing to do with Jesus what so ever!
You will across All of the productions only see 5 colored people!
No Hispanics what so ever!
And no main characters ...

Pssst, Hollywood - the minority in America is white .....

So althoiugh it is interesting to see a minority catered to,
Perhaps representation of what Americas racial mix really is would provide wider viewing?
And less basis for phobias ....

December 20, 2017


It has been interesting watching all of the politicians running for cover as hard questions are being asked and answers demanded!
Oh how I have laughed at completely inept public "seervants" try to cover their butts with weasel words.
I hate weasels.
And our government has been filoled with less than intelligent weasels, hoping to stall the backlash against them.

But, even the Canadians are unhappy with the severing of the only real road south from Seattle.


It is unsettling that it has taken the deaths of many, hospital stays for about 100 injured and of course the shutting down of the highway to show the corruption in planning - where safety should take an important role, was not even a consideration!

Will the future be changed?
Probably not.  They will weasel word things for a year and then try to quietly sweep it all under a rug.
Business as usual in Washington State.
The news here deflected to the appearance of a fuzzy bunny in a baby stroller!
No kidding.
Someone dumb enough to push their rabbit around in a baby carriage and reporting staff dumb enough to think this is news ....

Will ANYONE ask any probing and meaningful questions?
Doubtful ....

December 19, 2017

In Life and In Death

Generally, I plan a day's post up to a week prior.
I type it up the night before, sometimes in the wee hours.
Today's originated back in October, planned for today.
I was thinking on the failure of my health, aware of Jesus' sacrifice, but then life intervenes .....

I am a bit of a fatalist.
I know if I get on an elevator, I will fall to my death.
I survived a floor drop in Phoenix - huge springs kept the car from turning me to goo...

I know if I am passing a logging truck, it will drop its load on to me!
I was behind the truck that dropped its load near Aberdeen.
But, for a matter of seconds, I would have been dead as well...

Aircraft were made to try and kill me!
A Continental flight crashed in Salt Lake City about 20 years ago,
We hit the ground so hard the wings folded!
But for what ever reason, God saw fit to save my bacon that day!

And to feed my fatalism, today's Amtrak derailment outside of Tacoma.
There you are, driving to work and now train cars start falling from the sky!
Are you kidding me?
Train cars falling off a bridge?
And worse, at a point where there is just no way around!
Sigh ...

Lots of lessons I am sure will be learned here.
About trains on old tracks.
About courts making arbitrary decisions about safety.
It was the first day of service for this route ...
But what about for me?

Philippians 1:19-26

Jesus Can Be Honored 
In my life.
In my death.

Jesus Defines Life For Me
Verse 21
We are to put all under Him in importance.

Jesus Makes Death Not Scary
Death is foreign to our existence.
We fear what we do not understand.
But there is comfort in knowing our future is in Him.

It is too early to know how many have been injured or killed.
But your prayers for healing and comfort are needed!

December 18, 2017

Jesus, An Introduction

My favorite author in the Bible is John.  He speaks a language I can understand, uses phraseology I know and it is hard to knock holes in his statements by modern day disbelievers.

From John 1:1 - 14

Jesus is the Incredible Word 
Jesus is Eternal.
Jesus is God.
Jesus is the Creator.

Jesus is the illuminating Word
The purpose.
The power.
The passion.

Jesus is the inclusive Word
All who accept Him are accepted by Him.
All who accept Him are Children of God.
All who accept Him are "born" again.
(a brand new you)

Jesus is the incarnate Word.

December 15, 2017

Doctor's and Cars

Well today is dedicated to a neurology exam.
Yet another check mark on my road back to my ability to drive again.
I have no idea what the doctors expect to find, I don't pass out as a rule.
So, just a waste of cash I expect.

And I am just a bit stressed.

On the other side of my quest to drive again, I have been shopping car lots.
I am fairly resolved that it will be a Toyota.
The Rav4 is the current leader, though I like the Highlander most.
The Highlander has more room, but the Rav4 is economical.
But can I get in it?
Will it need to have accommodation features?
And does Toyota do this?

Sigh .....

And I have no energy left for all of this.
Just these few lines has me now at 90 minutes!
And I still need to walk to the doctors - about 45 minutes to do the six blocks ......

December 14, 2017


In preparation for the winter Olympics in February, I beat the rush and ordered cable.
My figuring was that with a typical Seattle winter ahead of me, I could stay mentally engaged watching whatever ...
Unfortunately, there is often nothing on the free channels!
Unless I want to watch movies I already own or have seen a dozen times!
.. sigh ...

It just amazes me that out of 1,200 channels, the can be NOTHING to watch!

But if I was into porn or spoke Spanish, there would be all sorts of entertainment ...

December 13, 2017


What a horrible night!
I have no idea what triggers this ... yeah, seventh grade - not worthy of memory, but I ended up reliving a horrible series of memories from when I was 12 years old last night.

It all started because father insisted we dine at one of his cousins' estates. 
He wasn't home so we went to a local five star spot for breakfast.  I even remember what everyone had for breakfast!  And the ensuing fight between my father, a waiter and me.  The problem was I refused to eat two raw eggs.  Father demanded I eat what was served.  Before it was over, the police were called whom ended up giving my father a lectrure on what work of "art" he was, the waiter was beaten into unconsciousness, the head waiter was arrested, as was the cook!  Yeah it got ugly real fast!

But father was not done with me and cold-cocked me in a sucker punch! 
He was gone off drinking when I came to.
I was very angry!
Hitting me was nothing new, but to attack from behind me was just too much!
Later that night, he collapsed in the doorway to our apartment, drunk and soaked in urine.
I left him there and let all the neighbors see him for what he really was.

When he came to, he blamed me for allowing him to remain in the doorway and fetched his strap.
And when he came at me, I threw all 70 pounds of me into the perfect punch.
I flattened his nose so bad it had to have titanium bars to rebuild it!
Grandfather would have been proud!
But his abuses only became worse, once he was out of the hospital and he was no longer being supevised by the police!

Yeah, like I said, it was not a nice series of memories!
It would be another fiour years before he left my life for 39 years.
Many similar events and two more broken noses for him during those years.

I miss that I never had a father.
I curse his name that I had an abuser instead!
He has been dead for seven years and it still angers me!
It was all so unnecessary ....
It makes me all the more thankful for my DSnish great uncle ......

December 12, 2017

Warm Blankets

To my friends, for all of my life I have been known for being immune to cold.  When I was working ski patrol in Colorado and they had severe cold hit the resort - I was the one sent up to clear the slopes.  Still the best day of skiing ever!

Yeah, I could get cold, but it was not often.  When I had to retrieve my father from Fairbanks in January 2005, there I went with a flannel shirt and only wore a coat when the winds were too strong.  The Alaskans all bundled up in their snow bunny outfits were all commenting that I was insane - they just did not understand that I like cold weather.  I also like sunbeams too.

However, following the car crash in October, something went wrong inside of me - I can not get warm!  My natural heat seems to have vanished.  It is 72 right now inside the house and I am huddled over my computer wearing what used to be my winter coat - and I am shivering so hard that typing is further confounded for me!

I have been freezing since the accident, pure and simple, I am cold!

So, I ordered an electric blanket from Amazon.Com last week.  But it arrived too soon - I still had to find a wall outlet to plug into!

Yesterday, I washed sheets, pulled off the blankets, made the bed back up and set the electric blanket to pre-heat the bed. 
Come bed time - it was roasty-toasty!  It was too hot!
I could not sleep as it was so I got up and let the blanket cool off.
Three hours later, I crawled back into bed, set the blanket on its coolest setting.
And slept warmly ...

Only problem I found is that when morning arrived, I did not want to leave my warm blankets - for 3 hours!

Now, I wonder if I have time for nap this afternoon...

December 11, 2017

Gift Giving

Well only five more gifts to mail this year - such was the death count across my friends and family 0ver this year!  So few from my past are now left ...

And for the first time ever - that which needs mailed, has been!  Often I am lucky to mail by Christmas Day!  Next year, gift cards all the way!  So much easier and one size fits all.  All I have to do is guess correctly on the store!

And, for as bad as I am at gift giving, those whom survive are very good at it.  I already have three presents under the tree!  People have been very good to me this year. No, I really do not understand why ... but I am not going to complain that there are a few whom care, whom remember.

First daughter always remembers to call or text from where ever she is on Christmas Day, oldest daughter never has any money but her gifts are ones of love (priceless), youngest daughter does give gifts but son only will spend money on himself or what ever piece of fluff he is chasing at the time!  Yeah, these young women are short on self esteem - that is what passes for "love" in their culture .....  And gifts are just another way of saying you want something in exchange ...

Sad if you think about it.  He certainly was not raised this way by me.  Sigh ...

December 8, 2017

Heros of Telemark

My father loved war movies.  I do not think that he actually understood war too well - war equals dead people, lot of them!  And for someone whom saw the slaughter of the scientific workers associated with the V projects, the fire bombing of Dresden and the bombing of Nordhausen ... he really was quite clueless.  I at least recognized that these represented sons, brothers, fathers and grandfathers - whom would never be returning home.  I think father's entire philosophy of life was based on the idea: you are either alive, or you do not exist.

Anyway, in 1965, a very different style of historical war movie appeared, it was filmed on locations in Norway where the events had transpired  (or as close as could be done, allowing for German and British bombing damage)  It made the story more real and the casting of Kirk Douglas in the lead role brought his brooding performance into focus.  Though he seemed to be very uncomfortable throughout the film.

Of course, the story revolves around the attempts to destroy the Telemark heavy water processing plant in Norway, during World War II.  In spite of all of the attempts, those crafty Germans were always one step ahead of those desiring to destroy the project.  Filled with spies and nail biting sequences, if you are cheering the Norwegians on, this is engaging film.  But, if you cheer on stereo-typical, cold, calculating, merciless Germans - well, lots of  opportunities in this film! Unfortunately, too few films are made to this quality level.

(under the item of Too Much Information:  I had a chance to interview Hisenberg in 1967 or 1968 and I asked him if Telemark as the only heavy water plant or were there others.  He laughed and commented that it was of no importance, they had all  of the Plutonium they needed by then.  Other questions unfortunately only pissed him off - so I hit a nerve when asking about his bomb's triggering mechanism ... sigh - if Kris, then really piss people off!  Which was unfortunate as I had great admiration for the man and his work on the first atom bomb!  Fortunately the design could not have worked!  I may be German but I am not insane!)

Certainly a must view, a must ponder on the points the film brings up concerning life, nationalism, sacrifice, etc!  And the complete absernce of God, when filming in what was a deeply religious country and people.  1960's Western morals being overwritten on to WWII Norway?

December 7, 2017

Christmas Prep

Well, for the first time in my life, I have almost all of my Christmas presents purchased!  Thank you Amazon.Com!  Usually it is Christmas Eve before I am this far along ....

I even have bought gift wrap, packing peanuts and boxes to mail gifts in!  I tell ya, I am smokin' this year!  It is my goal to have the four to be mailed gifts ready to ship by end of day Thursday!  Friday will be shoot  them off day!     So great to be so far ahead of my usual sloth.  Of course my children can't be bothered with gifts to anyone other than their friends - if I am lucky I might score yet another excuse as to why they can only afford presents for their friends!

Gaelic Girl put up the tree last weekend.  I fear that with my ongoing heart failures I am quite useless, and doing the tree is my favorite part of the holiday!   Well, unless we are doing a German Christmas - in which case I get to set up candles and bells.  And flying cherubs!

Next up is Christmas Eve Dinner planning for the entire clan!  :)

But for now, I get to rub medicated oil all over my hive ridden body!  I tell you if it is not one thing, it is another this year!

December 6, 2017

Uhm ....

I would be the first to admit that I watch all around me, ponder and continue watching.  It is the reason I became a follower of Newton's Cause and Effect line of reasoning.  It served me well up until last year, anyways.  Back at Thanksgiving, I was surprised to have a college boxing buddy show up.  Now he is more than a little bit of a conspiracy nut.  I discount all conspiracy claims .. at least until something persuasive pops up.  Surprisingly, my friend has turned out to be correct on too many conspiracies - so much so, he has gotten to be known well by the FBI.

And during his visit we got into it over his hatred of the "fake" Jews in Israel, Russians trying to monopolize on "our" avocado crops and then the Vegas shooting ............ Errrrrr ........?

Now I will admit that when the news of the shooting, broke - it was too surrealistic.

Normal Nevada rich dude, gambler, apparently takes a mental health vacation into psycho land.
And the press followed up with lots of nothing to support the theory.

And the problem ....

Shooting at night, 500 yards to the target, down slope - and he is untrained?

Witnesses agreed that the shooting came from multiple locations.

Over an hour for a police response when they are assigned in the hotel?
Three different time lines when the tapes are time coded?
No tapes of the man moving in his gear, when elevators are filmed?
Photos show a rifle with scope set up by the front door, why?
There were supposedly over 8,000 rounds fired, and yet minimal brass litters the floor.

And on and on .... my friend rolls off the discrepancies  and certainly at face value he has too many points.

Certainly the Vegas shooting disappeared too quickly from the press and there is no continuing news source!

It does make wonder what is.
Was Yet another attempt at a power grab by the government?
But, did something go wrong?

I wonder if we will ever know .....

Will my missing God-Daughter ever be found in Vegas?
No answers to that query at all!

December 5, 2017


I ordered an electric blanket on Amazon Sunday night, as well as, a book to read now that I can once again focus my eyes!  I had both items within 12 hours!  Wow!  Of course I am still looking for a wall plug on my bedroom wall, but I have to move furniture to find it!  The book was so good, I finished it within a day!

"Gold!  Madness, Murder and Mayhem in the Colorado Rockies" by Ian Neligh

It is half about the author and his mining experiences mining gold in Clear Creek County, the remainder covering pieces of Colorado's colorful early history and discovery of gold.  I learned a few things and spotted numerous holes and some only partially correct information.  However, it is a good read and a great starting point for learning more on what interests you.

I first came to Clear Creek's mining districts in 1970 and rather quickly realized that there was gold in them there hills!  I ran a placer claim on North Clear Creek for five years.  Then an additional five years spent mapping the thousands of tunnels around Idaho Springs.  So, I know the locality very well.  But, how is it I never crossed paths with this guy?  Same locations, same friends and many events he tells of, I was there as a part of the Rocky Mountain Search and Rescue - and we never crossed paths!  It seems almost impossible .....

A good read, filled with wry humor and certainly leaving me wanting to know more!  Maybe after Christmas I will have the time to run down some of the stories in greater detail  ...

But as I thought on it, I suddenly realized that I ought to teach my nephew how to work a gold pan!  He is chronically under employed due a medical condition.  So, hmmmmm ...?

December 4, 2017

How To Destroy Your Faith

Understand this post is about people whom are Christian, raised Christian, had all appearances of living a Christian life ...

We face a formidable foe, its name is Satan.  Its methods have been known in writing since Moses penned the book of Genesis on clay tablets.  And yet, thousands of years later, its lies still cripple us!  Why you say?  Because there is always just enough truth to cause doubt ... and unresolved doubt allows for the entrance of sin.

I have pondered this situation for the whole of my Christian life, because one sees this so often!

Why is it not possible to guard our lives from temptation?
Why doe Satan continually (or eventually) win?
Why are lies so terribly appealing to us?

Of course, we are told in the Bible how to live our lives such that Satan has no "in" in our life.
We are told what to be watchful for.
We are told ultimately to flee from even the appearance of evil ...
And the whispered lies always pierce our souls.

Wind the clock back many decades ago ...

I was a youth pastor with a huge youth group - and every problem known to man existed in that group!
I was often at my wits end on how to help these kids, one of the reasons I am such a strong believer in prayer!
The result of those prayers was my suddenly understanding and seeing to the real situation separating them from God.
Not really pleasant in the least for anyone!
No, no one actually wants to know anyone else could know their sin.
Much less willing to get in your face!

But sometimes it was not of  their choice.
Sometimes, we have trauma inflicted upon us.
Trauma leading to unresolvable sin.
But we still have to overcome, and that can be near impossible for anyONE of us to do.

Such was the situation of a young teenager I met 41 years ago.
Inappropriate would be the only to describe their behavior!
But, I "knew" that their behavior was the direct result of having been broken.
But it seemed by gentle questioning, nothing was known by anyone.
However, there were sufficient problems to warrant psychiatric evaluation.
The doctor's prognosis: childhood molestation.
Not a well understood damage back then.
So, I could understand the situation better but was powerless much more than to pray.

Across a decade, they got their act together.
And then Satan struck.
Subtle, so very subtle, was the attack.
Always drawing them and others further from God.
Even those of us watching could not see it coming!
What was to follow was an orgy of sin for demons.
But, watchers learn and can warn others.

Now I have a best friend, whom had to be reduced to that of an acquaintance finally a few years ago.
And the change in our relationship was marked.
From family to strangers literally overnight.
And I could think of nothing I could have done to cause this.
I have spent years in prayer for God to move in their life,
To resolve this situation.
Or to just end me - so much simpler to end me!

I really hate unresolved issues ...

Saturday, God decided to move in their life ....
Across over an hour of hysterics and vomiting- I learned they were at their end.
They had been abused as a child!
And are just now remembering.
Pushing all away from them.
Falling into unfamiliar thought patterns and behaviors.
And they desperately need help.

And now to pray for wisdom at this unexpected turn of events.

December 1, 2017

Again And Again

Yeah, the heart decided to go off on me twice this week!
No fun, that sure is for sure!

Tuesday, I had a doctor's appointment up in Seattle.
No biggie, walk a mile and catch a bus .....
Simple in theory.

Took my time, walked steady.
At half a mile I figured out that a mile was not going to happen!
I diverted to my favorite coin shop and rested in their provided warmth.
Then one block to Burger King.
I must have looked plenty horrible as the clerk gave me a great deal on two Whoppers and a drink!
I rested, ate my burgers slowly, took my nitro pills.
Made it one more block to the bus stop.
Rode to my doctor's.
Discussed this continuing problem with him.

Back on the street I started to walk to the nearest bus stop.
I was just barely remainiing upright
A voice yells, "Hey Kris!  Wanna ride?"
I saw it was the wife of a friend and gladly climbed aboard!
Their chocolate Labrador and I  snuggled.
I accepted big wet kisses from the dog.
Back home I laid down and slept heavily.

Then Wednesday, feehling better, I did some Christmas shopping.
Just around town, staying within a mile of home and on bus routes.
And the heart kicked a fit at one mile!
I took a nitro pill, waited half an hour, recognized I needed to get back home.
It was 12:00, I was only 8 blocks from home ...

By 4:30, I was still 4 blocks from home!
I was by a wall and I sat heavily down.
What was I to do?
I had nothing left in me!
I prayed for help.
"Hey, old man!  You need a ride?"
I looked up to see my son and girlfriend smiling and laughing.
It took more than I had to get across the street and into that SUV!

Back home, I went to bed for a painfully sleepless 12 hours.
Using a heating pad I managed a few hours sleep.
But, right now, I am headed to soak in some hot water.
To be followed with an easy day of playing with Swede!