December 13, 2017


What a horrible night!
I have no idea what triggers this ... yeah, seventh grade - not worthy of memory, but I ended up reliving a horrible series of memories from when I was 12 years old last night.

It all started because father insisted we dine at one of his cousins' estates. 
He wasn't home so we went to a local five star spot for breakfast.  I even remember what everyone had for breakfast!  And the ensuing fight between my father, a waiter and me.  The problem was I refused to eat two raw eggs.  Father demanded I eat what was served.  Before it was over, the police were called whom ended up giving my father a lectrure on what work of "art" he was, the waiter was beaten into unconsciousness, the head waiter was arrested, as was the cook!  Yeah it got ugly real fast!

But father was not done with me and cold-cocked me in a sucker punch! 
He was gone off drinking when I came to.
I was very angry!
Hitting me was nothing new, but to attack from behind me was just too much!
Later that night, he collapsed in the doorway to our apartment, drunk and soaked in urine.
I left him there and let all the neighbors see him for what he really was.

When he came to, he blamed me for allowing him to remain in the doorway and fetched his strap.
And when he came at me, I threw all 70 pounds of me into the perfect punch.
I flattened his nose so bad it had to have titanium bars to rebuild it!
Grandfather would have been proud!
But his abuses only became worse, once he was out of the hospital and he was no longer being supevised by the police!

Yeah, like I said, it was not a nice series of memories!
It would be another fiour years before he left my life for 39 years.
Many similar events and two more broken noses for him during those years.

I miss that I never had a father.
I curse his name that I had an abuser instead!
He has been dead for seven years and it still angers me!
It was all so unnecessary ....
It makes me all the more thankful for my DSnish great uncle ......

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