February 29, 2016

Dealing With Divorce, Park 1

We live in a culture of "love", not commitment.
We live in a society where sex is thought to be the same as love.
Our families are destroyed because hormones are to be responded to.
We damage ourselves because we pursue feelings and hormones, not Godliness.

For decades I have used the illustration of, "If you want to meet a group of damaged women, suffering under the weight of multiple divorces - check our your local high school."  We allow through this western culture of "dating", what should never exist - those too immature mentally and emotionally to become involved physically - God's definition of marriage, and then to walk away from one another because of that immaturity.  You really have no understanding of today's youth culture until you understand this, nor God's expectation.

And most people marry, at least once, a high percentage numerous times - always looking and never finding, nor understanding.

In my family: the first divorce came about in 1940.  Grandmother married a swine of a man at 18 and by 25 realized just how big of a mistake that had been!  An alcoholic American Indian is not what long term relationships are made of.  Of her three children, all have been divorced at once and remarried.  Of her grandchildren, none of them necessarily married wisely, nor without struggles in the years which followed.  As for Grandmother, well 5 marriages ...  My father, 8 marriages ...  sigh ...

So, divorce is something all of us grandchildren feel strongly about ...  But, how does one deal with it?  It exists in our families, in our friend's lives, it is modeled for us in the media ... it is perfectly normal right?  After-all, people change and people cheat.  And divorce destroys ourselves and our children.  But, often what precedes a divorce, is often worse than the divorce itself.

How are we to deal with these issues?

Mark 10:1 - 12

1.  Divorce is sin, don't minimize it.
The world wants you to think that divorce is normal, that it is a success. 
God did not design you for divorce, you were built to experience real commitment and love.
Seeking new experiences and pursuing happiness is not why we exist.
God says that He hates divorce.
But, God does not hate divorced people.

2.  Divorce is serious, don't look for loopholes.
Verse 2, Pharisees were looking for loopholes to get out of marriage.
They wanted a "no fault" divorce, it was a contemporary argument at the time.
Deuteronomy 24:1 was the verse in contention.
She is disrespectful to her mother-in-law, she is a bad cook, she talked to men in the market, her hair was down in public.
Any reason was a good reason to some then, just as it is now.

3.  Divorce is permitted, don't make it a command.
Moses was discouraging divorce with his permission.
"Because of the hardness of our hearts ..."
Jesus and Moses sought to protect women and to underscore that women were not be treated as property.

4.  Divorce is real, don't side step it or step on it.
Understand that people sin and sinners need to come to God.
Know that people can suffer undesired divorces and they need our love.
Acknowledge that marriages can be damaged and need prayer.
Not to judge those whom are being damaged by their partner.

February 26, 2016

Mr Stumpy Status

Hurray!  It is not an abscess on Mr. Stump!  So, then it was off to a bone specialist, whom had to add that it is not an abscess, nor is the growth anything he had ever seen in his career as a surgeon!

Oh great, just great!  Kris gets to be unique yet again!  Arrrrrrrrgh!

So next up is a CAT scan - five hours worth!  Who have ever heard of such a thing?  I think my longest CAT scan, ever, was perhaps six minutes in length!

And the big day came and went ...

Well, first off, I was sicker than a dog.  Shades of my father's nervous digestive tract?  I hope not!  Lord, I do not want to go through life chained to a bathroom every-time something challenging occurs! With seven marriages, I have no idea how he did not die of dehydration!

So, they installed the IV (I HATE needles!).  Hopped in the CAT machine, and 45 minutes later I was out of there with my life back!  Well, but ...

I have had lots of IV's through the years and never have I had one EXPLODE!

I am just laying there and suddenly there is this warm liquid on the small of my back, then my shoulder, then the ceiling over me, the walls, the floor and the nurse trying to stop the IV!  Such a mess!

About 35 minutes later, we started up again and 8 minutes later they were happy with the results and calling in a bio-hazard report!  LOL!

What to do now?

I headed over to Olive Garden and celebrated.

Then to Leathercrafters, to sniff the leather and pick up supplies for a holster rebuild I am doing on a 150 year old cavalry holster.  Have to have it done by March 12th.  Oh did you know I actually hold a masters of Art in Leathercraft?  LOL so worthless!  but, it is the only degree I actually finished.  A Bachelor's in Computers and a Doctorate in Theology both suffer from my refusal to take a course called, Human Sexuality.  Yeah, I am so hard-headed, as the dean of the Columbia put it.  :)

Now to wait until next week sometime for the read out on the lump ...


very late Friday night update


So got a call from the surgeon whom had ordered the rather hilarious CAT Scan.  And laughter now ends.

Sometime between now and Monday, I am on stand-by for an emergency MRI on the lump.  No explanation, nope only a doctor could convey the results in a meaningful way ... right.

Obviously, they think they are dealing with cancer as far as the lump goes.
No I am not exactly happy about this.  And just when I am in need of emotional support - of course there is none.  Just rote words but no voices I would desire.  Texts are cold and painful.

When I was a senior in High School I had a friend, Kirby Anderson, or maybe it was Steve.  One was my friend, the other was the younger brother.  The older had bone cancer and lost his leg in 9th grade.  By 12th grade it had been found in his other leg and the doctors decided that it was time to take the other leg.  He refused and slowly died in 1973.

I have pondered this for many decades.  Right?  Wrong?  Humanist perspective?  Christian?  I have wrestled with this.  What would I have done ... ?  Well I guess by Monday I had better have the answer to that one ...

Your prayers appreciated.

February 25, 2016

Surfing Blog-landia

Friday night I had some time to just surf the web.  Everyone I know was otherwise involved.  All messages, all texts, went unanswered.  Of course around 10:00 I figured out that my computer was having major problems again/still.  I may well have to completely flatten my machine and install XP if I am to ever beat MicroSquish's incomparable inabilities with an operating system, combined with FaceBook's utter lack of not shoving out poorly tested releases!  Eeeeeeepah!

Ran across some sites devoted to recipes, but I had already eaten a huge dinner - so really no interest reading them.  Then on to European teenage girls and their shopping sites - ah, materialism you sly dog you!  Of course, Japanese teenagers and their cats are still a dominate force to contend with on the internet - or rather wade through!

And then, out of nowhere, a site that made me stop to think about what they were writing about.

First off, I have to applaud any group of people willing to take on the issues on human trafficking and work against it.  I have felt strongly on this issue since I first learned such a thing existed back in 1981 - with the added emphasis that this was probably what happened to my abducted sister and brother in 1974.  (okay, officially now bummed out again)

In this case a group of Mormons, most of them young, in Chile trying to work with the sex trade and pull the prostitutes out of their vocation.  In one post, the angst of a young woman venting because the women (really girls) could not understand the concept of abstinence and purity of body.

Too many Mormons in my family, too many Mormons known, too many young Mormon women talked with in-depth - I understood her confusion once I realized what she was saying.  How does someone whom has only head knowledge of purity based up the teaching of the Eldership and her parents - share what has become an innate part of her understanding about life?

How does one approach a sex worker, whom may well have never known any other relationship with a man, much less anyone, understand the very basis of their life is wrong?  What are their alternatives other than starvation and eventual death?

And I go back to the issue of this culture believing that sex is equal with love, love is expressed through sex.  The emphasis is on sex, not on love or what should be love.  It just sickens me, honestly!  So many youth I have worked with, so much pain, so many lives literally ruined because love is not understood.

How does one reach out to those in the trade?  In and with real love, God's love, the love that places them first - and they can see and understand this - though fear, suspicion and violent reactions should be expected ...  Once someone understands that they have been used, lied to and betrayed for possibility their entire life - yeah, not pretty.  And one of the reasons that the opposite sex will not be involved in the outreach, far too fragile of a situation!  Frustrating, I know.  But EVERY guy I have known whom gets involved in the witness, does fall eventually.  No, you are not the exception.

And back to this young Mormon woman, desiring to reach out to the women working the streets of her mission town, she is attempting to preach a foreign message, to those whom do not even speak that language.  It is God's love that is need to reach out to these women, in their need - before then, there never will be any response.  And once real love can be understood - then life changes become possible!

I really do wish this woman well in her efforts, if God is behind her work, then He will lead her to those whom she can witness and hopefully deflect from a very destructive lifestyle.

February 24, 2016

Chinese Curse

Last weekend, I did my first antique show since my surgery.  I had done one in January but it was with my mother, so I was covered if something surgery related went wrong with my health or I flat wore out.  In January, I did okay up until the pack up when my leg decided to swell up so badly I could not even stand!  It was a bad week that followed.

So, just back from Tucson, I was off to do a show by myself.  This is the show my mother was thrown out of last year (she had it coming!), so I was wary as to how I would do.  But, across the isle from me is a solid friend and if worse came to worse, I could count on him to bail me out.

Setup went well and then no one showed up for the show - LOL!  Well, there were a few people, mighty few but the weather was so bad that only the hearty set off in the thundering rainstorm to look at old junk!  I did sell enough on Saturday to break even on the cost of the show (thank  you Jesus!) and Sunday dealers were buying from me and actually I sold enough for a nice dinner out.  :)  Horrible show.

The fun part of being on the loss side of amnesia, is that everyone you meet is new and unpacking boxes is like Christmas morning!  It was actually a joy looking at all of this old stuff and marveling at times over the ingenuity of our predecessors!  I really had no idea what to take to the show, so I had grabbed a box here or there, a little of everything.  And what sold?  About six items was all.

So, I have another show in a month and I have decided that a couple of those boxes are going to Goodwill.  I just do not want to go the route of my mother in selling small stuff by the ton for a buck.  I would rather sell one item for a hundred dollars, than one hundred items for a buck a piece.  Who knows, it might work out as a strategy as well as supporting my new physical challenges.

And it was so good to see my friend at the show.  He is always sure to crack me up, irreverent, sarcastic and very fun!  We trashed all of the world's problems with our ample free time and concluded this year is going to be very, very, very interesting ....  As the Chinese curse goes: "May you live in interesting times".  We concur that we are.

Back home, I took everyone out to the local Chinese restaurant, immortalized by Jeff Smith, once as, "a quaint place with unimaginative fare".  LOL!  Since he ate there as much as I, I am guessing that his slam on the food there was more on a comment on the community we both lived in or near.  (Jeff Smith was the author of many cooking books and a pretty neat Christian guy.  But, Satan targeted him and he went down in flames!  It was all recanted later and charges really should have been brought against his accuser - but that will be God's justice since man no longer metes out any form of justice, just political correctness.  For Jeff, he was dead by the time charges were withdrawn.  sigh ... )

February 23, 2016


Do you like to wait?  I sure know that I am not fond of it, it seems to be all I do anymore!

I have a shirt tail cousin in Craig, Colorado whom sends me daily a litany of weird FaceBook type postings.  More than once I have blocked her from sending me things because she will fill up your inbox with hundreds of things a day!  Then she gets unhappy and I relent and suddenly I am buried under photographs of puppies, kittens, flowers and rainbows all with cute sayings, she obviously never thought through!  ARRRRRGGGGHHHH!

So, today I got one, from her pastor to her, along the line of "If you love life, send this to a friend."  Apparently, I am her friend.  ARRRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHH!

But, I thought about it.  "Love Life", what is there to love?

If every minute of everyday is filled with physical pain, what is there to love?
If every minute of everyday you long for compassion, friendship, love - and there is none to be found, what is there to love?
If every minute of everyday is fill with a longing to just be allowed to disappear, but the demands placed upon you will not allow you to, what is there to love?

Yeah, I know that sounds depressing and would flag me as a suicide candidate (I am not!) but it is the reality I have lived with for over a decade.

Sure there have been moments of ecstasy across this decade but by and large it seems that for every good moment will come at least a year' or more's worth of rejection and validation that I truly suck as far as all others are concerned.  Then someone will pop up and give me a positive stroke and the cycle repeats itself it seems without end.  sigh ...

What am I waiting for?  God to move, to do something with me, to start  me towards a future!  Sure, I am in a period of recovery and healing but I am doing nothing else - and I long to be used - to be of value to someone, in some context. :(

And, I sit and wait.  I have no choice.  There is no "Get up and go do something!" option here.  No job, no car, no cash, no opportunities.  I seem to excel at babysitting (which is okay, I love my grandchildren!) but that is hardly of great value except to my daughters so they can save money to take trips with.  sigh ...

And as I type this, I am waiting for a late Swede.  He wants to get together and go do something - as yet undefined.  Which means I must be making tuna sandwiches and we will watch a video if I can not talk him into Pride, Prejudice and Zombies ...

February 22, 2016

Frightened To The Bone

Yes, I am frightened, scared to the bone sort of to speak.  So, to review:

April 2915 I took a week off from work to have my foot surgically rebuilt on my right side.  The operation was a success, the surgeon brilliant and I now had a mechanical foot inside of the meat.
But, the ankle broke and had to be reset.  Then it broke again and required a titanium structure to hold the lower leg together in May.
An unknown infection set in and all but killed me.  I am amazed I even remember this my temperature was so high.
Months of antibiotics and the infection was beat.
In August I was "normal" as I would ever be physically and I started physical therapy.
October, while in PT, a cyst broke in my right big toe.  I felt it "pop", as did the therapist, I was rushed to infectious disease and lost my right foot.  Two days later they had to take the lower leg due to the spread of the disease.
And again I "miraculously recovered.

In December, I got my trainer leg and I started to get a bump on my stump, no one knows why.
In February 2016, I got my new permanent leg just prior to leaving for vacation.  The pain was great, the lump grew.

And now they think it is an abscess.  So have go to see the surgeon and all will be well.

But .....

That cyst back in October 2015  was finally identified in December as CRE, a drug resistant whatever almost guaranteed to kill.  So deadly, I was kept in isolation for two months!  Not exactly fun being treated by people in moon suits.

Now I have another cyst, an abscess encasing what?  There should have been NO surgery artifacts that far up the leg!  There certainly was no trace of infection that high up the leg.

And I am frightened.

In 2014 I experienced fear for the first time in my life.  Did not exactly like it much.  And, until today, I have not experienced fear again.

Is this infection take 3?  CRE take 2?  Something new I have not had before?  Can it be removed without taking more leg away from me?  Will 2015 now be repeated across the breadth of 2016?

Oh God!  Just the thought of reliving 2015 again ....  I have no desire to live through that again.  No one should ever have to.  Sigh ...

So, at 3:30 today I will be undergoing probing so they can figure out what to do - and I am hoping that probe does not set off another round of CRE.  I am not ready to die quite yet, I still have one thing left to do .....

Your prayers are asked for - strength, wisdom, healing,

February 19, 2016

Pride, Prejudice & Zombies

I actually never intended to go to this movie at the full fare theater, but Swede showed up and wanted to go to a movie - so, Zombies it was.

I had seen the trailers when I went to Spectre with Swede last December and we both had laughed heartily at the idea.  But,  you know it is an intriguing idea ...

And actually they did a good job with the movie.  They kept the idea of the book and dialogue, whatever ones thinks of Jane Austin - her editor did a good job of making her writings witty and interesting.  Add Zombies and it becomes quite entrancing.

Hey it is about Zombies, so you could drive a truck through that one!  But for sheer fun, this movie was!  Campy and laugh enticing, we were falling out of our seats at some points.  It may not have been the intent of the producers but it was a very funny film!  The straight forward dialogue set in an unnatural surrounding was funny enough - but add some decent acting along the way and you end up roaring at the emphasis that probably was not intended by Ms Austin.

For me, this is an owner film!  D'Arcy, continually getting the tar beaten out of him by the woman winning his heart was just too much!  A few interesting twists, lots of holes, oh yeah - purely entertaining!

No swearing, no nudity, no "situations" - it was a breath of fresh air in a world of movies made by ethical and moral zombies ...

Now, will we be seeing Jane Eyre vs the Living Dead next?  Hmmmm, I maybe I ought to be working on that screen play .....

February 18, 2016

New Car

Oh yeah, don't I wish it was mine!!!!

It only took 3 entire days of searching for what she wanted and then an entire day for her to wade through the vast amounts of paperwork!  But, youngest daughter bought herself her first new car, a new Toyota Rav4!

And I am just a little Jealous ...

February 17, 2016


So, we went down to Arivaca in Arizona.  The price of silver had lost its bottom and was almost worthless thanks to the machinations of the Hunt brothers.  Somewhere in the Arivaca area was rumored to be a rich silver deposit according to legend ....  A lost silver treasure.  Hmmmmm ...

We hiked for hours through the hills, not finding any float signs in the area and no successful audits from people whom had searched long before us.  It was hot but we had plenty of water.  Suddenly my mining partner, about 50 yards away, squeaked! and then took 5 bunny hops in reverse.  He was uphill from me and I was at a complete loss what could be the problem ... then I saw the thin line on the ground propelling itself through the air with each of his bunny hops.  What the heck?

I hiked up and when I got to where he had been, there was an eight foot rattlesnake!  Very unhappy snake at that!  My partner was no where to be seen, he was hoofing it!

Not real sure what to do now, I went back to the stream bed and continued my search.  I found some float samples - unusual looking wax like rocks.

By now, he was back, I guess unbitten - camera in hand!  And the would be victim is now the stalker of the snake!  Yeah, mean snake and lots of good photographs - LOL!

And last week, back in Tucson, his wife went out to walk their two small dogs and .... a snake nails their poodle!  So lots of stress, lots of crying, lots of unhappy puppies - and a HUGE vet bill to supply anti-venom to keep the idiot poodle alive.  Sigh ... they could have bought a dozen poodles for the cost of that treatment!

So, I stormed out in the daylight intent on ridding the area of any rattlers so this would not happen again.  With a titanium leg I had little to fear, Bon Apetite Mr. Snake!  But, no rattlers to be seen at all, anywhere!  NO trace, NO signs in the sand, no nothing.  I don't get it but then again - the dog had been bleeding from punctures on its nose - so ....... ?????

Sneaky little rattlers ...

February 16, 2016

No Longer Welcome

I thought I was going to die laughing from this one!

So about a decade ago my little town somehow managed to blackmail someone to come up with the cash to have a "Welcome To ..." archway built over the main drag through town.  Sort of embarrassing from the aspect that this little town always cash poor, manages to find cash for something so useless!

Be that as it may:

If you are going to destroy public property, why not do it right in front of a camera for an automotive repair company?  Yeah, like I said, I died watching this one!

Yeah, you have to admit that if you are driving a small crane/wench around town, you really ought to leave it in up position!


February 15, 2016

Tubac, Tumacácori and Wisdom's

One big outing while in Tucson was a drive south down towards Nogales.  But, something was going on and the police, Arizona State Patrol and the goverment's INS agents were thicker than fleas on a St. Bernard!  eeeeepah!

So we left the freeway at Wisdom and drove down to Tumacácori State Park.  This is the site of what is believed to be the oldest mission in Arizona, circa 1701.  It was good getting out into the sunshine and almost fell asleep standing in a sunbeam while I waited for my mining partner to catch up with me!

The ruins are gutted.  Apaches, Mexicans, US Soldiers, vandals and cows have all taken their toll on the them through the centuries.  And there is a disconnect in there.  The Apaches hit the mission in 1645, yet the building dates from 1751, but then there is literature giving 1701 as the date and even earlier ones in the 17th century.  It seems there were either multiple structures across time or researchers are confused.

This was a Jesuit settlement, very plan ordinary priests.  The building is not.  It is more Franciscan in style - fancy!  As is the San Xavier mission up the road.  Yet even the San Xavier mission was a Jesuit site as well but it is known that the original was washed away in a flood.  So maybe the Franciscan's rebuilt that one as well?

Not far away, like a football field length away I found some other ruins, not listed in the brochures.  Very simple, lost to time, but someone has been working the dirt looking for clues I imagine.  Perhaps this was the real Tumacácori MIssion?  

In the writings of the Jesuit's Padre Kino is said to have established the Tumacácori Mission for the Pima Indians in 1691!  Could this be the original mission buildings?  Most likely there was a small house and a small chapel (about 9x15 if I was to guess).  Simple, what you might expect a Jesuit to have built.  Hmmmmmmm ....

This is a site well worth the visit.

Just down the road a bit further is the Santa Cruz Spice company.  Cheap spices, excellent quality and a wide variety of chilies.

Back up the road north is Wisdom's, a hole in the wall diner and usually packed.  But, remember, there were police and INS agents everywhere today - so it was very open and "white eyes" were rushed to tables while a strolling mariachi band sang their songs.  

This is where I had that Sonoran Hot Dog several years ago, I told you about.  It is still on the menu but I already ate one once!  I forgot what I had, the prickly pear margarita sort of removed all memories of the meal from my mind!  Yeah, I rarely ever drink alcohol and so no real memory I fear .... :)  Man, that puppy was pure rocket fuel!

Tubac is a tourist trap, north of all I have been discussing.  You will have to go through an inspection station where all cars were being searched, dog sniffed and whatever.  I utterly freaked out my friends by switching to German just for laughs.  LOL - well sort of, INS agents have no sense of humor it seems.  But, that must be a grueling operation to have it removed ...  As for my German, I was practicing how to respond in German for about 15 minutes.  LOL!

It was a great day.  I picked up some great Indian pots from Casas Grandes, down in Mexico and some Mayan chocolate utensils (for Swede's birthday coming up).  Oh and of course some chirping bird dolls for the grandkids when I see them this weekend.

February 13, 2016

Musical Saturday Morning

A little more of my friend Paul's group, The Troggs, from 1967 ...

February 12, 2016

Oh Cisco ...

The wife of my old mining partner thought it would be great fun to go do a dinner theater, but there were no openings for the current show, but they did have some afternoon tables available, so we went to go see The Cisco Kid.

I really was not interested.  I like theater but I am a little jaded due to all of the operas and live theater I did in my youth.  But, hey, they wanted to go and I was not in much shape to do anything else!

Well, I will not spoil the melodrama for  you, but this was a production really worth seeing!

The script and acting was cheesy ... random modern-ish songs were stuffed in to make you laugh, lots of bad puns, etc.  Exactly what you would expect in an old west melodrama!

Although not one of the main stars, one of the characters really stole the show!  There were some trip ups in the performance, as should be expected with any live production, and one of the minor characters was quick witted enough to turn it into a gag!  Which of course got the actors to laughing hysterically, which only made it more funny!  And this happened several times.

So when in Tucson you really should consider the Gaslight Theater, it was money well spend in my book this trip!

February 11, 2016

The Tucson Trip

Oh dear where does one begin!!!!?

Last Wednesday, I ran to the store to pick up some things.  It was a driving rainstorm Seattle is so well known for - about 1.5 inches of water per second coming down ... okay that might be slightly exaggerated but not by much!  It was day two with my new leg, so I was walk careful and the next thing I knew I was flat on my back in the streams of water running through the parking lot!  And I could not get up without something to hold on to.

Two guys behind me, helped to lift me - I am terribly grateful to them!  Turned out that under the sheet of water, flowing through the parking lot, was a steel plate over an electrical supply.  Never saw it, it was invisible under the water!  And even at that, if my left foot had hit it first I would have been able to recover - but with no right foot to sense a change - well - SPLAT!!!!!

Yes, you can twist a stump apparently!  I never would have guessed that!  I would figure the leg or silicon sleeve would have slipped first.  Sigh.

Of course there were no scooters available, so I had to walk the distance through the store on an extremely painful stump.

Departure day and I was unable to walk, so I had to go with my crutches (I HATE crutches!), could not carry my luggage and the whole day was really quite the pain in the ass!  I wore shorts so the TSA types would see that I do have an artificial leg (which was not working, hence the crutches) and it all went quite well.  Going to Tucson the guards all but stripped searched me!  Like two feet of titanium exposed was not enough metal.  Returning, they could not have cared less other than the machine said I had a metal head and they were most intrigued by that one!

Since there was little I could now do in Tucson, I laid around quite a bit and recovered with short trips I will tell you about in the following days.

I have not seen my old mining partner for many years now and it was sure good to have!  I have known him for 38 years and his wife for 40.  We certainly have had some adventures through the years!  And their home is a wonder.  Sitting out in the desert, a true Spanish style hacienda, with kumquat and orange trees growing in the central courtyard of the home, wow, simply wow!  When it comes time for them to sell it, I imagine though I may long to buy it, I would never have the money for it if I can not find a real job soon!

So you are going to Tucson:
Caruso's an Italian style secluded restaurant is excellent.
Minidito's a Mexican place where no matter when it is, always an hour wait, excellent.
El Corral, a steak house going back almost a century, longs lines for a reason!
Many others nice places to eat, but these three were at the top of the chart.

The Western Art Museum, a tiny building next to the Tucson Art Museum has a nice collection of paintings and bronzes.  I liked it far better than its big brother you have to walk to to get an admission ticket!  Also a part of the complex is a old adobe homes you can tour.

Gaslight Theater is a must!

Sonora Desert Museum - part museum, part zoo all associated with the Sonoran Desert was interesting and fun.  If you can avoid freaking out, roaming coatamundi's will sniff you, not the most pleasant of animals, not nicest smelling, but terribly cool to see them roaming about freely.

Tucson also boasts several caves, an old central district of adobe homes, Old Tucson where thousands of westerns were filmed and the airplane graveyard.

For me personally, the triggering of so many memories and opening of pathways through my mind was quite helpful.  Although I can not speak them, I was able to recover my understanding of German, French and Spanish - which was in use profusely but many of the shoppers (arrogant enough to believe that others do not speak anything other than English!).  Perhaps with time I can form sentences freely again, maybe ....  I had to use Google to shoot postcards off to my aunts in Baselstadt.  But, I could listen and read well enough, but even as with English, speaking is still very hard for me - I stutter and lose words faster than I can think of them if I am talking!  sigh ..... very frustrating.

I really enjoy Tucson, but Golden, Colorado is where my soul is able to find rest.

February 10, 2016

Tucson Show 2016

So, I am now back from my Tucson trip.  I had not desired to be there during the rock, gem and mineral show ... well best of intentions, they opened the show early!  And, it is now two weeks long!  eeeeepah!

All I can say is that there were some awesome minerals specimens to be seen but the prices were out of this world!  Pieces comparable to what I might have sold or bought 25 years ago for $5, and did, were running in the $695 on up in prices!  I was stunned!

And, I saw an Azurite specimen for sale at $65,000 and I have a piece three times larger and gem quality .... I wonder that little puppy is worth under those pricing strategies!

However, mining equipment was not expensive, it was affordable and interesting to examine and discuss.  I walked away with a Mercury crock from the northern California diggings.  Never even seen one before outside of an assay office!

My mining partner scored a presentation belt buckle from the old AMAX mining company for which he worked for many years in Colorado ...

I walked away from being a mineral dealer in 1992 due to the vast amount of freaks believing that mineral crystals have special "powers".  Sold off my stock and never regretted having done so - but now, seeing specimens of lessor value than what I sold at a buck a piece going for three and four figures - argh!!!!!  Oh well, if I had kept them I just would have had to move them all over the world with me.

Saw quite a few people I used to know and some even well.  No one recognized me.  I even stopped a few of them and talked with them ... so much of an impression I guess I make on people.  Even my best customer had no twinkle of recognition in his eyes.  Sigh.  But, it was good to see some faces I recognized.

So, if you are headed to the gem and mineral show this year, just be aware that prices are ghastly!

February 6, 2016

Musical Saturday Morning

Ah, another first Saturday of the month!  Yes and we are not out of good music from the 1980's quite yet!  I really do not like Elton John, too much exposure to him up in the Colorado mountains - his excesses were quite the talk in the little mining towns, where someone so bent really stood out!  But, at times his music is good.  So, a little remnant from the Cold War ...

February 4, 2016


So, I am off to Tucson for a week.

I can ill afford to travel but my long time mining partner is now so old he has become frail and if I want to see him one more time while his mind is still around, well, there may not be many more chances.  Besides I want to try one more time to discuss his future beyond the grave - no pressure but he so desperately needs to reconcile his life with God!  Prayer item for you!

I have no other reasons.  I am sure he will want to get out and do some sight-seeing.  I hope he has an automatic as I am sure I can not drive a clutch ever again.  I seem to remember he likes going down to Bisbee, visiting "his" mines (of which there are many in Arizona he is responsible for building) and visiting Mexican diners.

For me, I just want to lay in the sunshine and feel some heat on this body.  Hmmmm ... time to lay and think about life, the universe and what Kris is going to be in the future. 

The only real negative is that I will offline until the 10th, when I will be back, tan, svelte and still tripping over things, LOL!  But, I will try and find somethings to pre-post for publication in my absence.

So until a week from now, take care!

February 3, 2016


I am in love ... it has happened ... it all started last Friday:

I bounced out of bed bright and early, cleaned up, put my leg on and then sat down and wondered were Swede was.  I had expected him to be here by now!  He showed up at 11, four hours later ...  But we were still down two people, my old college time friends Bruce and Joanne.  I almost never get to see them as they live in the northwestern most tip or Washington State, hard to get to from here when you cars have sucked for so very long.  They arrived at noon.

What should have been a great time rapidly went right down the toilet.  Anything and everything went wrong, impeding us from reaching our destination.  I have become good the past few years at trying to defuse tension and we continued on and just ignored the roadblocks and everyone began laughing it was so weird!

At long last we arrived at the Seattle Boat Show.  I remember going to one back in about 1980.  A huge dome covered football field completly covered in HUGE sailboats!  I remember Dutchman and I were building a 32 foot displacement hulled cruiser at the time.  Dutchman was interviewing all of the radar and sonar dealers, I was checking out head technology and bumper options.  That boat sank in 1981 right after being launched ... sigh, five years work on the floor of Puget Sound because someone had put a copper penny in a fuse box.  That coin burned an entire marina down and sank some 25 boats, ours was the smallest!

But I digress from my new found love!

So I managed to hobble the entire show and was the end of the displays at the southern most end of the building, there sat a woman with her foot in a walking cast, seated on a kneeling scooter - I felt for her, too many years on one of those things and I fear for the rest of my life.  :(  We talked about her foot mash up, she fell into the engine compartment of her boat and broke it.  And then I saw her ...

A Melonseed.  Seventeen feet of well thought out fiberglass, blue gel coat, mahogany trimmed twin rowing/sailboat!  I was instantly a sickened calf gazing upon the most beautiful sight ever!  And the people at the show responsible for her - well, they knew NOTHING!  Let me get this straight, you in the possession of the most beautiful boat at the show and the only thing you have is the ability to do is play dumb games on your cell phones (and you are over 40!  REALLY?????) !

I gently ran my hands over her smooth lines.  I caressed her sailing rigging.  I so easily saw myself sailing a large lake or even Puget Sound on calm days.  Times of quiet and peace.

Yes, my new love brings me peace!  :) 
Okay, okay, in my dreams! :)
Now I will be forced to whittle myself a peg leg .... maybe get a parrot too!
Sorry I have to leave now, my love calls me back to dreamland!

February 2, 2016

Going Forward

So, I am now at 3 months with no trace of a memory.  Anything I have for a memory is because something was said, which opened a narrow doorway into my mind surrounding that word.  For instance someone I know was telling me that their real name was, Mary Katherine.  It triggered something, but I still do not know what!  But the name does have a meaning ... like the name of a boat or someone with a boat or ... ?  Simply no idea, first time that has happened - you know there is a memory but it will not be opened.

So, I have pieces of me from the past - pictures of a childhood but no attachment to them, notes on my computer - old letters - pieces suggesting a past, but there is nothing there.  Random pieces but I am not a part of them.  Sigh ...  I truly am learning that I have no identity.

So, I have thought long on this ...

How do I regain whom I was?  I want to go back to work.  It would be nice if I could speak to my resume but I have no memory of people, places or even companies!  Were it not I am living off of royalties for my accidental creation of an addressing system for disk drives - I would not not even have proof I ever worked on computers - apparently since 1972!  Gees, that is how bad it is!

And then I realized .... I do not have to be whom ever that old Kris was!  (and between you and me, pre-2014 Kris was a bit of a POC!)  I can view this as a gift - I can do or become whatever I want.  I have the ability to relearn old Kris - or something new!  Same amount of effort it seems to me, simple logic.  I guess.  But, if I could do this - and I do not know if it is even possible - by extension, wouldn't this also be true for almost anyone?  Hate you life?  Change it.  (note the period there!)

So, who is it I want to be?
What is it I want to be or do?

Lord knows, I am clueless here, but I am sure hoping He knows!

In the meantime, I have been selling off my artifacts.  I have been reading my archaeology and anthropology books and they are interesting, actually fascinating, but I do not need boxes and boxes of artifacts - remnants of long past cultures.  Besides, I need to pay off my debts this year if that is even possible ...

If you have bright ideas of what I should do - let me know!

February 1, 2016

Up In The Air

So many issues/questions/opportunities in my life and no direction nor interest really to pursue any of them!  I have to admit I am physically and emotional exhausted.  There just seems to be no let up of demands placed upon me - and I just need to rest.

I was forced to rest one day last week because the cup on my titanium leg decided to fail on me.  Sigh ... I needed the rest but I had things I had to do, which when left undone left me on the receiving end of my mother and Gaelic Girl's sharp tongues.  Yeah, I ALWAYS have an excuse it seems.  I would laugh but I am  just too exhausted still.  And everything remains up in the air!

The entire month of January was such a disaster I was unable to write my series on Christian Warfare :(  Which really irritates me!  So February will now require me to do this in two parts:  The Art of War and then in March probably Christian Warfare.  It really bugs me to not kept on a schedule!

It is not like I am into procrastination, I am in some regards to the appearance of others, but this is real exhaustion and never having been emotionally exhausted before - I have no idea what to do or expect.  I just want/need ... something I can not even define.  "Rest", is the only term I can understand at the moment but it is not bedtime, it is not being left alone, it might be not having anymore demands placed one though.  Who knows, not me.

It was January 2013, I remember I was at the end of myself.  I had nothing but frustrations and all was quite negative.  Everyday I would leave college and look to the south and think, "I could just chuck this pack and start walking ...".  The joke with myself was that I would walk to Argentina, the end of the Earth.  What then?  No idea.  Sit down, watch the waves and fade away?

And though I would not suggest that what has happened to me was God stopping that idea, but it was but weeks later that my leg was injured in an auto accident, which began the downward spiral for my leg.  Certainly, Argentina is but a humorous point in my life now.  But, what if .... Well, not going to happen now, but separation from this life may well be what is needed for me to actually recover.

Dutchman came and saw me, the first time in two years (I think?)!  We talked about his landlord problems, son problems, etc.  He is not so sure that he did not agree with me that it is time to move on in life.  He nibbled around the edges of getting me to move to Sand Point, Idaho - his latest small town love.  I told him as long as it has a GREAT hospital ...

Now, I need a new name and history to disappear to .....  Hmmmm, there is always my German birth name, unused since my father was evacuated from Germany in 1969 by NATO paranoia.  But do I really want to serve 2 years in the German Army now, at 61 years old and one legged - to get my passport?  LOL!!!! Such an idea and such a sight that would be ...