December 31, 2014

State of The World

So we end a quick review of the year, not a very positive one however, sorry.  But, something which will define the next decade was created by the USA and Britain, in 2014, for their own political ends.  ISIS will be a bain to our existence and no, and do not believe that God is going to bless those whom have empowered those whom murder without conscious or consequence!  We corporately will be judged accordingly for the deaths of so many.  Because that is just how God actually works ...

December 30, 2014

State of Moi

Sort of a state of the state but where the state is Kris, rather than politics, ad nauseum.
2014 certainly will be the most memorable year of my life.

I have learned humanity, in all of its variations.
I was to be humbled, as few men ever are.
God tried me in a fire I did not think I could have survived.
And God had to give me the Grace/Faith just to continue.
Much prayer has been answered, oft in miraculous manners.
I am at a point where this pack-rat can walk away from all.

I end the year with a stronger heart.
I have only had to take three nitros since October.
My bones are strong.
I have hobby employment (45 minutes a day!).
I have a friend ... so I guess I am rich.

God is apparently not done with me - as I am still alive!

My ex-friends gave me a good earful.
My ex-consultant gave me a good earful.
Gaelic Girl continues to give me a good earful.
My friend from last year, gave me quite an earful.
I said goodbye to those of my past.
Hundreds of nitros down the hatch.
So many heart attacks as to not even be hardly mentioned.
Still cursed with my broken ankle and right foot.
Heart is still not 100%.
Body not much to put any stock in.

I was stripped of my honor.
I was stripped of my integrity.
I was forced to face existence with only God on my side.
It is as if all of life is on hold ... awaiting - what?
Rather lonely year.
Up to 264 pounds - how is that even possible?????
I gained 35 pounds since August!  Really???

December 29, 2014

Loonies On The Loose!

The is just something about the holiday season that brings the absolute freakishness out in some people!

Last Tuesday I had to hop a bus to Des Moines to get my annnual eye exam. Simple proess, or should be in theory anyway.  As I get on the bus one of the passengers was in a major verbal altercation with the bus driver, I honestly expected the bus driver to pull the bus over and call the sheriff's office.  Then the passenger pulls his pants off!  The teenage girl in front of him, sitting sideways watching this spectacle, starts screaming, the bus driver swirves off the road and I am thinking - yup gonna miss my appointment now!  But, the little old lady sitting in front of me, swung her umbrella like a baseball bat!, and dropped Mr. Bares-All like a sack of potatoes!  Yeah, she really rung his bells!!!!!  His screams and vulgarities continued as he crawled to the back of the bus, hugging his pants.  As I exitted the bus, he was still quiet, still doubled over, still moaning.  It was hard to feel sorry for his pain ... :)

Also on Tuesday, my mother went off the deep end again.  What can you say?  She lives in a state where crazy people are allowed loose - as long as they do not harm anyone.  Well, ya know, once they do harm someone it is a little too late then!  But, her 1.5 hour raging call about her trailer and THEY whom are wanting to damage her place, finally settled down to she was not going to come to Christmas.  What ever .....  Every friggin year insanity at this time of year!

Wednesday was the family Christmas Eve party, I suspect my last, so I tried to make it special.  LOL, yah sure ya betcha!  I am cooking on the stove when I hear oldest daughter arrive.  She stormed into the kitchen, three sheets to the wind, slams a wine bottle down and proceeds to tell me about her battle with my mother an hour earlier and her ordering my mother out of her house!  Seems mother decided to straighten daughter out on what a horrible person my dead father is.  Only problem is that he at least chose to be a part of my childrens' lives for many years, versus my mother, whom only this year decided that she might like to know them a little.  LOL .... See, it is not just me that knows mother is insane!  LOL!

In the end, oldest daughter was so ploughed she gave son money to get more wine.  And, at least I was to learn how she became pregnant at 18: Oldest Daughter + wine = clothes keep falling off.  Sigh ...

Then, add to this really grumpy people at the grocery store, or most any store I went to, customers were on a rage - leaving in their wake far too many broken service providers.  Twice I took the time to cheer up cashiers whom were in tears due to the customers immediately in front of me.  People are just flat out insane this time of year!  So, I took the tact of wishing every sad person I met a Merry Christmas.  Quite a few really perked up!

But what would Christmas Day be without my mother crossing swords with me?  Yeah, she decided she needed to call me and tell me what a bunch of whack-os my doctors are and then when that had no affect, she decided to attack my cooking skills ... well, does not matter, I was trained as a chef of the old school - she only believes in boiling things.  If it is not boiled well then it is not cooked in her book.  Yeah, worse cook outside of Scotland, ever!  I held my tongue and refused to fight with her and then she hung up on me!  LOL ... mothers!

Gaelic Girl of course had to get her digs in as well.  I found she gifted many of my things to the kids.  Whatever ...  Her attacks did not find their mark, I think I am finally past her being able to get to me - but honestly, I do not want more attacks to know for sure!  No sense tempting fate as they say!  Which of course, her barbs not hitting their mark, only angers her more.  So, not expecting the rest of the year to be going very well.  Sigh ...

So, surrounded by lunatics, obvious not where I am supposed to be, the countdown to 2015 begins!  I wonder what the new year will hold .....

I know what I hope, I know what seem realistic, I know what my "luck" seems to hold at.

December 26, 2014


Today is a day of left overs, at least i expect so, as i am writing this on Monday because I know I will have no computer time!

I really do not expect to cook, just chew on left overs.

The family Christmas gathering did not quite go as planned.  Number one daughter needed to take her family to see her husband's father as he is dying.  The curse of being a chain smoker, six months younger than me and on his deathbed for nine years now!  Only this time it might be the real end - in the extremely near future.  His ex-wife is a Christian, so needless to say, he is not and wants nothing to do with Christians either.  Sigh...

Number two daughter decided to switch to nights at the bar she works at as of last weekend.  So, she was out of the picture as well.

Mother went off the deep end and instead of showing up is guarding her trailer, because, well, THEY are watching and waiting for her to leave so THEY can do damage to her trailer.  Sigh ...  As THEY say, being paranoid does not mean THEY are not out to get you, especially if you are as bad a neighbor as she is to hers!

And the story goes on.  Less than half showed up for all of the festivities and I am left with a ton of leftovers!

Gonna be eating good this weekend!

December 25, 2014

A German Christmas Laugh

Okay you do not need to speak German to get a laugh out of this!  Little pictures will help you understand what they are doing to WHAM!s, Last Christmas.  Well, I was laughing pretty hard at the originality of it all! 

And do you realize that this song came out 30 years ago?!?!?!?!  OMG where has time gone!?!?!?!?!?

So, I wish eacy of you, Frohe Weihnachten, dear readers ....

Take a moment today and be the savor, in someone's life - bring others joy and meaning.

December 24, 2014

Her Lonely Christmas

A weeks back I wrote about the death of one whom was my antigonist.  To me, I respect those whom disagree with me, I just want the ability to discuss.  You are welcome to your opinion as long as I am welcome to mine.  And Stephen was just that way.  No we did not see eye to eye, except on the big stuff: Jesus.  LOL, yes it makes me smile to remember him because he would get in my face and we could discuss differing points of view, differing understandings and we were both honest enough to be willing to admit we could be wrong.

I have known few men like him.  My fiancee's father, whom violently disliked me, yet stunned me by supporting me when the church was wrong in what they were doing and I called them on it.  He also you might remember from earlier blogs sent a life long apology to me through Dutchman - how I wish he could have done that in person!  He had no idea how much I loved  and respect him!  Even if we disagreed for decades over everything!

Stephen and I originally crossed swords because I called one of his friend to account for behavior unbecoming an elder.  It was scandle, it was sin, it cost the church hundreds of thousands of dollars in hush money for it to not become public news!  But, it did wake him up that perhaps he was too trusting and too willing to sweep under the carpet what the Bible clearly teaches we should be getting into each other's faces over!

And both Dutchman and Swede have this same relationship with me as well!  And I respect them for it -

Proverbs 27:6  Faithful are the wounds from a friend, but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful.

So, that was just the intro to what I really wanted to talk about, Stephen's wife.

Imagine you are in Junior High and you already have met the man of your dreams.  You are 7th grade, he is 8th and you know it is only a matter of time ...  They married in college and life was wonderful ever after ... until that day at the Gym when he collapsed in the sauna ...

She came to church Sunday, quietly sitting in the Baptist section of the church (last row).  I caught a glimpse of her as I was wiggling around and got up and hobbled over to her during a song  and asked her to lunch.  She accepted.

It was a chance for her to unload at lunch, not many around to do so with, no one wants to be there for her, no one wants to know, no one wants to listen.  And I just let her ramble.  I understand pain and the inability to formulate the words to express what lay deep inside.  I thought about giving her a hug but really, she is vulnerable, so best not to.

As I drove away from lunch, full of Mexican food, I wondered what must life be like to have met someone in junior high and then spent the whole of  your life with them?  It would have been sweet to have known love so young in life, to not have your heart torn out, to have done everything right and have it turn out so.  A life without pain ...  yet, pain is now all she knows and she never had faced pain before.  Like me, ill equiped to deal with a change requiring defenses which should have been learned young but now in old age having to gain those basic skills of youth.  

Yeah, I really feel for her.  If you want to join me in prayer this holiday season for her, her name is Peggy.  And she faces her first Christmas in over 50 years without him ...

December 23, 2014


One frustration I have with this time of year is the pseudo-intellectuals whom pontificate concerning Christmas and its non-Christian origin ... and therefore Jesus is just a sham.  Okay, apples, oranges, not the same, there none of them are fruits using that logic.

Yes, the Celtic tribes had a Winter Solstice celebration, virtually all pagan religions observed this, it was the point of the coming of winter.  Important to know if you care about agriculture or hunting or just finding water.

Yes, the Roman Catholic Church set Jesus' birth to match with this celebration as a way in which to "christianize" a pagan holiday.  (note small letters because there is nothing Christian about this.)  When was Jesus born?  Who cares?  It was probably in April, hence the April's Fools Day, a time to play tricks on those stupid enough not to know it was December 25th that Jesus was born on!  Yeah, Greek or eastern tradition versus Latin or western tradition.  And Jesus was afterall eastern.  Like I said, who cares?  He was real, that is provable.  He was crusified.  His tomb was empty.  The Jews attempted a cover up.  All of this is known from non-Christian writings, if that somehow has a better historical basis for you.

But, today I am thinking about what Christmas is really about: Jesus, exactly whom was he?

Luke 2:8-12 - the long awaited Messiah for the Jews, he just was not what they were looking for!  They wanted a physical kingdom.  They wanted to rule others the way they were ruled by Rome!  He offered them an eternal relationship with him and his Father.

Luke 2: 1-7 - he was born very much the normal way.  Yeah, a miraculous creation but a very normal baby, birthed by a mother, through the usual process, usual growing up - he was completely  human in that regard.

John 1:1-3,7 - he is the creator, whom chose to become a part of his own creation - well because he cares for the eternity for each and everyone of us.

1 Peter 2:24 - through his death, he set us free from the judgement for sin.  Yeah, a little hard to understand: how he could set the rules and then take our punishment for what we chose to do ... unless you have been a parent and had the opportunity to beat the tar out of your son - to understand suddenly the compation God has for each of us in our own state of sin.  Then you can understand, then you can forgive ... as you too have been forgiven.

Galations 2:20 - through his birth, his life, his death - and more importantly his resurrection from the grave - we have all been set free.

Revelation 19:11-16 - everyone must go through Him in the end.  He is the final test, the final filter before anyone can enter Heaven ...

So, whether Jesus was born in December, April or June - it makes no difference.  We have an arbitrary date to remember his coming, remember whom he is, remember what he has done for each of us and celebrate!

No, it is not about presents, it is about His sacrifice - and wouldn't it be nice if you could do something sacrifical this holiday season?  First, for those around you - your family,  your church; then for those you know - co-workers, those in your church, those you are not the closest with; then for those in your community; and then for the body of believers worldwide? 

I am not talking cash or presents here, I am talking time, prayer and commitment to your brothers and sisters - no matter what you think about them - we are family.

December 22, 2014

Rob Grill

It is frustrating livin in a cast, and then for the most part of 13 months now.  Sigh.  My whine for the day - I hate wearing a cast!  How can I have the densest bones ever recorded and still be constantly breaking the bones with the same readings?!?!?!?  I am sure you medical types have an explaination, I will just have to go with Kris is stupid and it is my curse ... sigh ...

So, surfing around the web early on this morning and found that Rob Grill had died.  Who (you say?).

Yeah, not exactly a well known name.  Everyone knows the names of each of the Beattles or Led Zepplin or The Raiders - but who knows the name of the man whose songs and group were on the American top 40 longer than anyone, longer than even the Beattles and at the same time as their popularity peaked?

Rob Grill was the front man of the Grassroots, one of my favorite groups from the 70's and I had always thought they were a local to the Boulder area of Colorado.  Well, I guess they were just in the Denver area quite a bit so that it seemed they were local!

And I found out he had died three years ago!  Really?  Well, that last three years have been hell so I guess I can forgive myself for not knowing.  But, such a  sad loss.  Yeah, he was in his late 60's but that is kind of young anymore it seems.  Well, you take a blow to the head, go into a coma, have several strokes because of those injuries ... and well ... yeah ... longevity is now over.

How sad ... But, just a little something to remember him by for those of you whom did not know him:

December 20, 2014

Musical Saturday Morning

Something a little different today, because this is a special day.
I have sat on this video for over a year now, since God told me of this coming to pass.

And, I have great joy.
I just wish I could have been there.

So, for the bride and groom ...

Carissima figlia,

Oggi è il vostro giorno - uno di felicità , gioia e amore.
Lascia che sia il primo di molti.

Vostro Padre

December 19, 2014

His Will

September 23, 2013 - God found me in prayer, befuddled by an unexpected occurrance, I had hoped it was to be a change for the better, but it turned out to just be an error someone made.

I went to bed that night frustrated and disappointed.  My prayers much different than in the past.  I prayed for God to replace me.  Previously, I had been praying for restoration, but if I was now percieved as that negative, then just replace me God!  Because of my nature I have no real concern for me, it is others whom are important.

And He gave me a vision: people, names, places, and yes even dates.  Then I understood just how broken all had become.  But, it showed me that God was still in control and what was to follow was Him exercising His sovereignty, and yes answering my pray.  Make no mistake He was sovereign before, but He can work with stiff necked people if he has to.  Just less than perfect are the outcomes for some.

So, I have seen much unfold since then.  Destruction, salvation for others, God moving to continue to show His hand (only they do not still recognize this) and of course, the implosion of Kris and his rebirth (well some would say suicide).

I have thought on this for months now, as all remains on the same path; I watch - I pray, God talks to me when I need to be praying for others.  And He shows me answers which often take me months to finally realize what the actual question was.  For example my question from earlier in the year, "What makes you human?"  I had gone with my acquaintence's definition that it was the ability to empathize with others.  But, I have since learned that it is not empathy, it is the ability to understand sin, which defines humanity.  Sigh, not the answer I had hoped for.

Yes, inspite of the mess most see, it does all lead somewhere, to His end, for His purpose - and I do praise His name for this.

I just wish it could be a little less painful sometimes ... and alright already! lets get movin' here.

December 18, 2014

Daniel's Beast

Commentators just love the date setting and exposing whom Daniel's beast is.  Just think of it - you can sell hundreds of thousands of books by coming up with your best guess - and people will believe you for at least a minute and a half until the next best guess out!  Of course, never mind that Jesus said you ain't gonna know until it is too late ... but that never stops those whom see the flock is for sheering, eh Hal?

Anyway, this past weekend we got into it over Daniel 8:24 - 25 ...

v24:  strong, but not by his own power

v24:  cause devastation and will succeed

v24:  destroy mighty men and holy people

v25:   deceit to prosper, thinks himself superior

v25:  when secure, he will destroy and stand against the Prince of Princes

v25:  he will be destroyed but not by human power

And, having read this list, a pig pile of commentators select this to be historical and a reference to Antiochus Epiphanes.  Make no mistake, Antiochus was a royal pain in the backside to the Jews!  He treated then with disdain as their ruler, rose a statue of himself in the Holy of Holies and when it was torn down and beheaded - he slaughtered the priests.  Then he slaughtered a pig on the altar and ended up having to kill quite a few more Jews before God struck him down!

Judah had not seen anything like him before or after!

On his death bed Antiochus even wrote that he really could not understand his treatment of the Jews and was remorseful for the atrocities committed by him against them!

All of verse 24 fits him and the history we know about him. 
All of verse 25 fits him as well!
So he IS the anti-Christ!  Right on!

Only Jesus is quoted as saying we are to "watch for the abomination which causes desolation spoken of in Daniel".

But, if Jesus said we are to be watchful, then that means the anti-Christ has not yet come!  So, Antiochus could not be the anti-Christ!

Now take the following verses and see if you can map them with Daniel 8:24 and 25 !
Rev. 13:2
Rev. 13:3-4
Rev. 13:7
Rev. 13:5, 13-14
II Thes 2:3-4, 9-10
1 Thes 5:2
Rev. 19:19
II Thess 2:8

Looks interesting when you put them together!

December 17, 2014

Missing The Reason

Some people just do not "get" Christmas at all.  Sure our culture has place a great deal between us and Christmas to distract us from the reason:
  • Gifts
  • Time off to play
  • Family
  • Friends
  • Parties
  • Food
And did you know that a poll last week showed less than 40% equated Jesus with Christmas?!?!?!?

So who does not "get" Christmas?

The Proud
v51: they do not reach out for Jesus.
Humility is required to even find Jesus!
There will be no proud, arrogant or powerful people in Heaven!  Sorry, God will scatter the proud.

It is the humble that God gathers together ...

The Powerful
v52: will be brought down.
You are not the master of your fate.
You are not the captain of your soul.
You are not the ruler of your life.

The powerful fall constantly, inside and outside of the church, yet we are always looking to the powerful to lead us!

The Pampered
Jesus came for the hungry, not the full.

It is all a matter of your heart, humble yourself constantly in our culture, for we do think far to highly of ourselves ...

December 16, 2014

Christmas Pary

Yes, it was that time of year again when my billionaire acquaintance was holding his annual Christmas party for 460 of his closest .... uhm, well, I am not sure that any of us are that close to him but we keep getting invited every year.

This year was a bit different in that he actually joined us for the first time since this Christmas tradition began a decade ago!

It was also the first time I have ever seen him without armed escort, even in a crowd of friends!  No running car outside the front door to whisk him away.  He smiled, laughed, smoosed and seem to have a good time.  His weight is down, his children happy, his wife standoffish as usual but seemed to be enjoying herself as well.  And never make eye contact, even when talking with you, seems to be the rule ...

Food as usual was without compare.  Oh the dreams my full belly has had since the party!  Alcohol in abundance, but I did not even go near the watering area.  And then there were the stories ...

A little girl wrote on a white board, "I love Werner Von Braun", and I thought what the heck - he has been dead for decades and she is about 7 years old ... ?  So, I asked her father why she wrote that.  I guess there is a series being run on PBS right now about genius and the last episode was on Von Braun, and she was highly impressed with him.  I could not help but think at how her perception would change had she actually known him!  I have not thought about him in quite a long time, so I dug out my photos of him from his visits after I was a teenager and had a camera.  Yeah, him and his handlers.  You have no idea the frustration we all had with our handlers back then ... and my mind slipped back to the last time I had seen Margit, his daughter I had the worse crush on for so many years, maybe 1970 ...?  We had so much fun sharing stories of how to frustrate the FBI :)  She was quite the rascal.

Every year there is this classic Irishman whom attaches himself to me and as the drink continues so does his monologues.  He is a very intelligent man, and yes an engineer!, and oh is ever so!  But, I found out that his first love had been banking until he took an engineering class and it was all over for banking then!  Ah!  Accountant type alert!  But, what a switch, from banking (about as interesting as eat wall paste) to engineering (about as interesting as eating wall paste).  Yeah, he will be single for the rest of his life if I had to bet!  LOL!

Of course what is a large party with alcohol, without women desiring to show off their tattoos as the night rolls on?  Or the couples seeking out hiding places to satisfy themselves.  Sigh.  I really felt like smacking more than just a few people!  There were dozens of children there!  Apparently the decency to at least sneak out to your car is no longer a thought - much less self control in public.  We live in a rapidly declining culture.

Overall, great party.  A few annoyances.  Great food.  Much laughter. And sadly I think my last time to attend.  I suspect I will be long gone by this time next year - I pray so - my heart is growing weaker with the pressure surrounding me!

December 15, 2014

Daniel's Vison of the Beast

Just been reading and thinking on Daniel chapter 7

I have piles of commentaries on Daniel and so many writers take a purely literal approach, except that they are not paying attention to words ...

Like a lion
Like a bear
Like a leopard

It does not say these empires were actual lion, bear or leopards!  Nor that they even possessed characteristics of any of these three animals.  But, so many writers will take you down rabbit trails about what these animals are like ...

The fourth animal is the most important and the one which Daniel was most concerned about.  There is  no term "Like" associated with it, because there was nothing to compare it to.

And interesting Daniel 7 takes place between Daniel 4 and Daniel 5, between Nebuchadnezzar and Belshazzar.

No need to think about whom or what the fourth beast is, it is not its time and so no one on Earth will no because the time has not yet come ...

But, interesting to read and think on.

December 13, 2014

Musical Saturday Morning

I like Sarah Brightman's voice, and that is about it for her in my book!  However, anyone she refers to as "The Freak of Nature", has got to be worth a listen ...

December 12, 2014

God Can Use You

As we wrap down one of the weirdest years in my life, I reflect on where I am and where am I going ... answers would be nice ... LOL!

So, considering God's selection of Mary ...  Luke 1:26 - 38

God Will Use You
Honestly, you possess nothing God needs, you have no skills or credentials of any value to Him!
You are completely replaceable in His work on this Earth.
Mary had nothing - NOTHING - to make her more desirable to become the mother Jesus over other young women.
She was nobody, in a nowhere town, or no importance

God uses ORDINARY people to do extraordinary things, for Him and His purposes.

We Can Only Offer Ourselves
God does not need your skills!
He can and will supply everything that you need to accomplish what He desires.
All He needs is your availability and your willingness to be used by Him.

There Is A Cost
If you want to serve God, then be prepared for many of the same costs Miriam faced:
- Fear
- Being Inadequate
- Change (and change is always evil!)
- Being the Target of Gossip!
- Being Stoned
- Being "put away" by your family

We Need To Trust
We have nothing to offer except for our limitations.
God and will overcome those limitations - if we let Him ...

December 11, 2014

Lack of Power

Three times in the past week we have lost power here.  Really?  Exactly how hard is it to keep the power up?

Granted, two of those times were cars driven by drunk drivers going through power poles.  I could add two weeks ago we had one of the last of the areas chestnut trees planted to commemorate World War I go down and took the power lines with it.  And then yesterday a backhoe went through an underground line several miles from here.

Point is that NONE of these occurrences are even on the grid for where I live, however due to the automated switches installed: a power surge or drop causes the computers to go crazy switching power grids to try and keep the airport up and then take everything else down in the area - every single time!

Personally, I would opt for the airport to relocate to Oregon, let them deal with the pollution and traffic that local feature provides us!  I know, I know, so politically incorrect!  Airports are important - but to whom is the real question ...  And maybe they should move to Oregon to be closer to their beloved airport! :)

So, no power for most of the week and I am hoping to get enough internet time to just catch up with this week!

December 10, 2014

Living In God's Kingdom

What is it like to be like a Mustard Seed? 
Thinking on Mark 4:30-34

Pay Attention To Small Things
The mustard seed is a small seed. 
Not the smallest, perhaps the smallest grown in the Middle East at the time?
God's Kingdom is based upon small works.

People take credit for impressive big acts!
But, God is in the details, no one notices or wants to do ...

Practice The Perspective of Eternity
Eternity is God's timing, not the here and now!

A seed is sown, it grows up ~ it takes activity, plus time.
We must learn to be patient and see time from God's perspective.

Comparing yourself to others does not lead to faith!
Seeing your lows and other's highs, leads to defeat.
Seeing our dry periods and failures, leads to defeat.

Remembering how others live out their faith, through their highs, the lows, dry periods, and defeats, should help us build faith!

Appreciate The Power
It is where God's Victory is found!

The tree/bush created by the tiny seed becomes powerful, all come to depend upon it.

I wonder if this includes a Gentile faith .... hmmmmm ....

December 9, 2014

Jesus' Name

Thoughts on Matthew 1:18 - 25

Your Salvation Is In Jesus' Name

Your Security Is In Jesus' Name

Your Focus Is On Jesus' Name

Your Stand Is On Jesus' Name

Well compared to the lives we live today, do we even care?

December 8, 2014

Dollars From The Dead

Father was a brilliant man, without argument.  But, he was a complete fool when it came to life, love or money.  Some common sense is required to make it through this life - but do not look to me for being successful in those areas either, I am exactly like my father ... just no common sense.  It is why Brother Timothy told me earlier this year that I really needed a keeper, a lack of common sense, a brain too fast and too random, and something or someone is needed to help focus me.

Father died April 1, 2010.  With his passing, I was asked to go through the mess he had created.  I discovered he had figured out how to scam credit card companies.  No, we still do not know how many levels were in his pyramid scheme or how much he actually held in debt - suffice it to say there was nothing but debt!  I have no idea what he could have done with all of that money represented!

So, father's death set me back about $13,500 to cover expenses - and then my company in their generosity - shipped my job to India.  I returned home to find my contractual offerings were no longer needed.  Really?  I had to laugh because there is no one whom could replace me ...  In the long run I was right, their cancelling my contract cost them millions but the greater loss was to their reputation with the customers I worked with.

Father's last wife was to die one year ago this week.  It took her family about 5 weeks to tell me and it complicated the closing of father's estate - of nothing - beyond almost any repair!  But, the government and the state finally agreed that there had been nothing, there was nothing, so fighting for a piece of nothing is rather dumb.  And they closed out his estate last summer.  Yeah, 4+ years!  Gees.

But, there was something, $1,000 which had been held for me and was considered part of the repayment for the death and funeral costs.  I thought to plunk it down on my massive debt, but it is too little to even make an impact.  I thought to put it use on repairing Gaelic Girls house, but actually glad now I did not do that one!  So, it has sat in the bank.

Until at least this week.  As I have thought about father, he had several passions that I could find something to remember him by: sail plane flying (gliders to you Americans), Alaska, Opera, mountain climbing.  I thought to travel and reclimb the Matterhorn, but alas between my knees and now crushed foot last year - that is permanently off the table.  I could travel to Santa Fe and see the opera - a favorite of his, but going to an opera alone is about as exciting as chewing on wallboard paste - opera is best shared and experienced with someone special!  Swedish Rocket Scientist had a grandfather whom traveled from Sweden to the Yukon in 1890's as part of the gold rush.  We decided to follow his footsteps, but my knee broke and he is still fighting his infection from hell which has kept him down for almost two years now!  And right up front - you will never catch me in an airplane where the horizon is not on the inside of the plane!  Shudder!

So, there was nothing I could do as a memory of father!

But, then this week, I thought,  you know father loved to shoot his .22 long rifle pistol ...  Hmmmm, I do not even own a 22LR pistol ... hmmmm, I could buy one.  So I set out last Friday to just sniff around and see what is out there and then to decide which one would be the best memory for me ...  Admittedly, all I ever really remember of shooting with father was my sister, Sommer, putting her first shot ever through the side of father's car ....  Okay that still makes me chuckle!  Oh, the German I learned that day!

So I now sit here with my selection to remember my father by: a Ruger single action, 10 round, revolver.  Father was really into Colt Woodsman pistols but I like revolvers.  He loved to dump a clip, I like to savor each shot.  And I was 10 when he taught me how to shoot.  So, I think it is all very fitting and I think I will just avoid allowing Sommer to even touch it ...  LOL

December 6, 2014

Musical Saturday Morning

Yes, it again the first Saturday of the month and the 1980's must rule!!!!!!

So many I talk to, do not understand what the 1980's were really like.  They have no memory of the Iranian hostages, or how Sadam was created (to be a problem Bush had to deal with!), the fraud called Noriega, the mess we made in Costa Rica, they applaud our invasion of an unarmed island (yeah, the Cubans had it coming but really?), dare I bring up our financing the Argentinian invasion of the Falklands (then backing England in its counter-attack), they do not remember how Carter's 21% inflation propelled Reagan into the White House, and it seems everyone has romanticized the Reagan years ....  Really?

So, lets us journey back to a time when people did remember an appalling presidency and actually protested something affecting the world ...  No, the 1980's were no a wonderful time - but the music sure rocked!

You did not think it would be serious did you? :)


December 5, 2014

Living In The Kingdom

Thinking on Mark 4:26 - 29 and certain aspects of my own life ...

Growth is not up to you 
The sower does nothing to make the seed grow.
It is all up to God.
We do not actually know His ways.
We do not actually know how He will trigger growth in anyone's life.
Or our own.
God must be Sovereign to do as He will.
( ... and growth is dependent upon your not living a carnal life ... )

God is working
This takes faith.
This takes real trust.
Whether you can see God's hand or not, He is there, He is working.
When the seed takes root, this is success!
It is not about numbers, rewards or anything!
This is about what can not be seen ...

One size does not fit all
You must have patience!
All people, even you, are still a process in work.
Only salvation is instantaneous.
Maturity takes a lifetime (some slightly longer!)
So do not reject/condemn/judge yourself any better!

I guess the point of this parable is that God is the force whom will use what we have, use what we attempt to do, all for His glory and for His ultimate purposes....

December 4, 2014

What Was He Thinking?

Zoom in and you will see that the entrance to our local sporting goods store is caved in.  I was going for gas and saw a police helicopter overhead and the area blocked off by police.  What the heck is going on?

So some man arrived slightly before opening and opened the store by driving his SUV through the front entrance.  He then took a turn through the store and backed up to the gun counter.  He had loaded 14 rifles when he then noticed ....

The local SWAT vehicle with its nose behind his SUV.  Yeah, he is only 2 blocks from the police station!

The police had shut down the entire area.

The fire department arrived and dropped it ladder onto the roof.

A team of snipers crawled out on to the roof and walked around, not much else to do!

4.5 hours later they managed to catch the guy crawling through the ceiling of the store.

What on Earth could he have been thinking?!?!?!?

December 3, 2014


I was unable to create something to post this morning as I am too busy and too wounded to try and keep up with my obligations!

Yesterday, I was stricken by what maybe the return of my old food allergies.  Sigh.  I am just so lucky.  But, hey I got to life a normal food life for 17 years anyway!  But, by last night I was fighting dehydration as nothing would stay in me, even water!  So, did what I could and praying I would not be struck down with kidney stones ever again!

And I had an infected molar so got to visit the doctor, lucky me!  Turned out to just be a sunflower kernel bit under the gum, so easy fix if you are a dentist - and no needles required - yippie!

And of course the stress I have lived under for the past 5 years, had to go off again in my face.  Just love those parting shots.  "Why thank you for trashing me ... you could not even make it three weeks since my heart surgery before opening up on me again."  Sigh ...  I know they think that I am deserving of death and subconsciously would like me that way.  But, honestly, why do they think I even care any more?  Does not change the stress my heart is put under, that is a reaction to the environment but at least mentally I can not be damaged any longer.

And I was up until 1:00 am preparing for a lecture on fossils I was giving today - and my printer decided to uninstall itself!  Really?????!!!!!?????  So that took three hours to reinstall.

Sigh, life, what fun would it be without it?

December 2, 2014

Who Is The Blonde Man?

Last night I had a dream or more like a memory, because my dreams are rather complete stories.  But this one is pieces of something that must have happened in 1956 or 1957.  Yeah, most people can remember a little from being three years old, however I have vivid memories of the locust invasion of 1957, which made me two at the time.  But, this precedes even that and this memory has repeated throughout my lifetime!

It all revolves around a family my parents apparently knew quite well at the time but mother's memory is pretty much gone so no clues from her, now that I actually can remember this in an awake state!  The father was blonde, good looking, worked with my father - so that made him German and in on the nuclear program.  His wife was also blonde and very German in appearance, I thought her lovely.  They had two children whom were older than me, I remember nothing about them, I was but a toddler.

Now the dream or memory always starts out the same way: baby grouse all bunched together, some sitting on the backs of some type of spotted feline (bobcat kits?).  At some point I have a basket full of these chicks and am hauling it through the grass.  The chicks keep falling out and the woman is laughing so hard as she gathers up these chicks and drops them back into the basket.

But, what the heck was this from?

I know the woman's face well, as well as my own mother's, so I must have seen her quite often, even though I was probably pre-verbal.  Her husband I had a great liking to - but whom is he????? I can still see him standing there in a livingroom, light colored slacks and a knit wool sweater that is white or beige, I can remember the cabling on the sweater even!  And have no idea whom he is!  I do not even remember my parents being there in this memory, so perhaps they were baby sitting me and had a farm of some type?  Or perhaps I really was adopted as I have long suspected (like since second grade!).

So very strange and yet so intriguing!  Driving me crazy where this could have been.  That year, father's work had him in Portland, Castle, Lawrence Livermore, Sandia Labs, White Sands, Iceland and Hungary (as I found out a few years ago) .  Well, Iceland and Hungary I can eliminate, as I was never there.

I do remember being at all of the others, except for White Sands.  I do not remember any grass in New Mexico and Sandia was a just a huge kitty litter box - albeit with a cool underground I remember being in often.  I would eliminate the California locations just because of the heat and a sweater would have been a bit much.  So, that leaves Portland.  It could be but outside of Von Braun, I just do not remember any other Germans ever stopping by, or my spending time with anyone other than American families after I turned three years old.  Outside of the Germans at Lawrence Livermore and Sandia in any event ... they were an awesome source of humor to this little guy!

So, a mystery to ferret out one of these days.  It was probably Otto the shoe repair man anyways ...  LOL

December 1, 2014

Fall of Civilization

They sit easily before their forms of entertainment, snug in their assurance that they are safe within their self controlled lives.  Their countries are powerful, their economies are thriving and nothing could possibly go against their desires.  They shake their heads when they hear the daily news, of the stupidity and misery others must suffer through – always someone else, somewhere else.  Why can’t others live as they do?  It is all so simple.  Nothing could ever happen here, “We are the blest people.” they say!  And yet, the news seems to be getting stupider and more miserable; and now the events are coming from closer and closer locations to their homes.  How can this be?  Is there a reason for this?  Is someone, somewhere trying to tell them something?  Are they not listening?  What is going on, in this confusing world?

Does this sound familiar?  Well, long ago, this interesting analysis on history was offered – which you might consider carefully:

“The following five attributes marked Rome at its end:  first, a mounting love of show and luxury; second, a widening gap between the very rich and the very poor; third, an obsession with sex; fourth, freakishness in the arts, masquerading as originality, and enthusiasms pretending to be creativity; fifth, an increased desire to live off the state.”

Edward Gibbon, wrote this line between 1776-1788 in his book, The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire.  What an interesting observation he made.  Was he correct?  Certainly, about the Roman Empire, without a question.  And you know as well as I, these five cultural conditions did not just ‘happen’ and then suddenly came the end of Rome.  Surprise!  No, it took time, it came gradually, across several generations.  But, none the less, the mightiest empire, the world had ever seen, fell to a group of Visigoth invaders from central Europe.  It wasn’t superiority of line commanders’ intellect, nor Visigoth weapons’ technology nor did the Visigoth’s field a larger army, but it had to do with internal corruption within the Roman Empire itself.  The rot ran from the lowest peasant to the highest officials.

If this was what destroyed Rome, as Gibbon’s observed, then can this be true of other empires?  In other words, can we learn something here by looking at history?  Certainly, these attributes were true of the Greeks, the Egyptians, the Israelites and all of the Persian empires.  The far flung British Empire, 20th century Fascist and Communist states and even China sure were not exempt from these conditions.  And, they all fell due to their internal failures as well as the predominant culture at the time of their conquests.  Apparently, with wealth and security comes the degradation of the standards for culture, morality, value on human life and then comes the end. 

So, it is well for us to consider Mr. Gibbon’s words, from 250 years ago, as we read Daniel chapter 5 and see if what he has told us is documented in some form within Daniel’s telling of the last day of the Babylonian Empire.

Okay, time to go back now and think about the fall of Rome, the fall of Babylon and see if we can come up with any similarities.  Here is Gibbon’s list:

From Daniel chapter 5 and archaeology:

 Gibbons Conditions Of Rome
 Observations on Babylon
Show and luxury
Babylon was very big on show and luxury in the 6th century bc.

Large gap between rich and poor
Those in Babylon lived as kings, while the rest of kingdom was in many ways only peasants.

Obsession with sex

No details from Daniel, but from archaeology we know they weren’t as bad as some.
Weird art

Um, to the western eye, yes very weird and often sex related.

Masses desiring to live off of the state

Certainly we know from Daniel there were at least 1,000 if not 2,000 present for the final feast of Babylon.  The army was treated as a guarantee of livelihood with little requirement to endanger yourself – at least until the end.

So I would say that 1, 2, 4 are definitely met as conditions, while 3 is unknown and 5 is a strong possibility.

What I want you to see here is that Babylon had rotted from the top to the bottom.  The top of society no longer cared about anything, except themselves (save for Nabonidus, Belshazzar's father and King of the Empire, but then he was on tour when all of this happened, so he was sort of an “I don’t care kind of guy as well.”).

The vast population was in crushing poverty, having never really recovered from Nebuchadnezzar’s wars of conquest which had flatten whole regions so that there was nothing left standing and they were taxed beyond their limits.

Their culture, like so many, was a little weird on their view of sexuality and religious observances – same kind of stuff that Israel – the northern kingdom was destroyed for by God using Assyria as His hammer.  Too bad for Judah – the southern kingdom didn’t learn from other's mistakes!

Okay, I think you get the point.  Babylon’s culture and leadership were in decline and God, having had enough of them, used Cyrus of Persia to crush them.

Now look at your life, the culture in which you live, are Gibbon’s conditions for decline and fall being met even as you read this? 

 Gibbons Conditions Of Rome
 Observations on Western Culture
Show and luxury

Large gap between rich and poor

Obsession with sex

Weird art

Masses desiring to live off of the state

  • Will you suffer if this culture is judged and destroyed? 

  • What can you personally do, that can make even the tiniest difference in how God will view this culture? 

  • What will make you different? 

  • What will make you a Daniel and not one of the nameless masses that didn’t fair so well that distant night?

To quote Edmund Burke (1729-1797) and repeated by many others since:

"Those who don't know history are destined to repeat it."