June 30, 2015

Gotta Love This Culture

I tell you,  you just have got to love a culture so willing, so blindly running into the open and waiting arms of Satan.

The Bible makes no bones about it: marriage is between a man and woman.

But, man in his infinite wisdom has to redefine marriage, then set an equality between same sex civil unions and traditional marriage.

Plays right into Satan's rule book on how to finally put a death knell into Christianity, next up will be going after the Churches and eventually individual Christians for discrimination - intended or not, proven or not, observed or not.  All Christians are proven haters and bigots - right?

So just in my short adult life we have legalized abortion, some states have legalized "assisted" suicide, drugs are now readily available in my state and many others openly.

The culture is in collapse.  No not the ravings of someone crying "Wolf", but someone whom has studied history and understands what supports and what destroys cultures.  Oh well, no one listen, no one ever learns from the past, failures must always be multiplied for failure only occurs when "I" am not the one doing it - if it was "Me" then it would work.  Right?  Sigh ...

God in his long suffering has allowed this culture to run itself amuck!  Do not even pretend this is a Christian nation - it hasn't been for at least the past century.  And God holds back his wrath, but it will come, He will have His due from those whom have led this nation and culture back to the brink of paganism.  Unfortunately, it is not just America whom will get smacked down, it will be this pervasive culture of sin we wade through everyday, hoping not to be tainted by sin which swirls around us - but that is in vain for you can not go untouched by what you live in.

I commented a few years ago that Washington State no longer represents the values I hold as important.  It seems now that is true of the USA as a whole, thanks to the godless men we continually put in to rule over ourselves ...

We are at a point in this Western Culture where every pray you lay should be directed towards Revival!  Not the emotional outburst of the late 19th century.  Not the self satisfying "charisma" of the 20th century (in quotes because this is not of God - read  your Bible if you think otherwise).  But real revival - awaking the walking dead of the pews - Christian stumbling around with no understanding, no Spiritual leadership, no power for ministry!

Where are the  Jonathan Edwards, Henry Ward Beecher and the litany of men whom were willing to preach fire and brimstone because the world was (and still is) going to Hell and no one cares to rock the boat!

Pray God will raise up men of equal caliber, whose tongues point to God and not themselves or others.  Men whom will willingly suffer the antagonism of this pagan culture to point the way to God!  Pray like you never have before and if enough of us will, God will respond, He promises to.

June 29, 2015


So, I am going to be writing much of what you will see posted, over a week in advance - as Kris gets to play host to Gaelic Girl's family and then some.  So, from all over the world, they will be appearing and I am still only on my feet 5 minutes an hour at the most! 

I wonder if I can lay around and just eat bon-bons and watch the dysfunctional disaster unwind around me?  Unlike years past, I am not planning on getting involved in their squabbles and fights.  The peace maker learned his lesson - he is now dead and in recovery.

Well, if I am up to it and start a few days early, I might think about bbq'ing some ribs for the Fourth of July ...

But, if all goes as planned today - the Australians arrive, I think, no one will tell me but I have to have a bedroom ready for - ? 1? 2? 3 of them?  No clue!  Someone really needs a brick upside their head, but hey, I would get in trouble for that one ...

How do you plan meals when you have no numbers, no dates, etc?  And of course the one girl whom does communicate almost daily with me is off on vacation before the trip to the Gold Coast of NE Australia, so I can not even find out if she is part of the trip, or her sister, but I at least do expect their father as he has to do some official thing for Australian Geological Services while here.  Sigh ...

Now to think of things to post for this week ...  Hmmmmm ....

June 27, 2015

Musical Saturady Morning

I stumbled across a crack up video done by A1, but could not find it on a linkable image on Youtube, however the situation was so funny - I just had to share.

Now back in the early 1980's Aha, a band out of Norway, living in England - in fact with my online friend Bunny Bunting at the time, did a song and video which shot up the charts on MTV.  It was about their only international hit.

And here is an English group, A1 - on tour in Norway and doing Aha songs!  Well, I am still laughing because they are awful but the crowd eats it up anyway ...  :)  Just struck me a extremely funny, enjoy:

June 26, 2015

Call For Wisdom

Dutchman has been talking with me over the past two weeks - he needs wisdom.  What can he do to help his son and new daughter-in-law when Satan is reigning supreme in their lives?

Sigh .....

Dutchman's Son is the product of a Dutch Reformed Christian background - however he is not a real Christian, just heavy exposure.  First marriage, one kid with wife.  So, he knows what is right and what is wrong, he desires what is right, but wrong just is such a strong lure and so much more enjoyable ...

The Bride is from an atheist American family, third generation on welfare, no incentive to do or be anything other than the responsibility of someone else.  The appalling part is that she has had three children all by different fathers, married twice before, and is now the ripe old age of 22!

The problem is she now wants the freedom to rejoin the party scene she left when she married DS and is having problems understanding DS' lack of understanding for her to come home at all hours!  Add to this that DS has reverted to, or may have not actually departed from, his premarital problems.  So, she is sleeping around and is back to chemical dependency, and admits it willingly because she sees no problem here!  DS is back into porn land and his alcoholism.  But, remember, they have three children between them!  And as I hear from other sources, there is abuse going on now.

Add to this that the Bride's mother decided to move in with them as she got caught cheating on her Section-8 housing rules (how much you can make and still qualify) thus being thrown out of the discount housing she lived in.  Now with her daughter for several months, I have no wonder where some of the Bride's ideas are coming from ...  Plus, mother has a 22 year old boyfriend, recently deported to Canada on drug charges and is pregnant with child 9!

Oh the tangled webs we weave ... (one of Shakespeare's best statements!)

What is poor Dutchman to do?  He has sunk $42,000 this year alone in trying to help his son get on top of the messes the wife keeps making - yet there is no learning, the messes just get worse and more costly.

And the call for wisdom ...

I always struggle in such situations.  I do not like speaking for God (ex cathedra), in other's lives.  But, if asked, I will as God - His knowledge of where all paths lead is infinite, mine only goes to the horizon, if that far.  Heaven knows I have been blind-sided more than once!

Mother has to go away asap before the daughter will have a chance to think about her marriage and not herself.
Friends, also long term staying in the house, need to go away as well.
Son has to get his act together with God, or there is no reason for expectation that God will take any hand in healing this family.
Bride needs to get a handle on what her husbands professed faith really is and make her peace with God as well.
Both need to get a handle on their anger issues for the sake of children. 
Counseling is mandatory, individually as well as together as a couple!
Both need to start to place the other first in their lives!
God has to become number one, not self interest and selfishness.

For as much as I may desire DS to be healed, his problems began long ago and are deeply ingrained now.
For as much as I may desire this marriage to be healed, humanistically, I understand this may not be possible.  They both have already turned their backs on the other.
For as much as I many desire a sold family for these three children ... sigh ...

Without God, there is no hope. 
With God there is not only hope but a solid expectation!
But, it also takes two committed hearts to one another, as well as God.

Please be in prayer with me over this disaster ...
God can and will move to change things.

June 25, 2015

I Can Walk Again!!!!!

Sorry this post is late today, but what a yesterday I had!

Monday was my surgeon's appointment for my rebuilt foot and ankle - and they removed the cast and said it looks like I can walk!  Only 5 minutes an hour at this point - but I can WALK! on it!

So with Swede to catch me, Wednesday, I did.

I made it all of 75 feet into my favorite Mexican restaurant.  Dined for an hour and made it back out with only one side step!  But, I did it!!!!!

Of course, that little trip really kicked me bad and I was out of it for the rest of the day and well into Thursday it seems!  So, I slept through my time I could have thought of a post for today.

Really bad feet and ankles run in my mother's family.  A Spencer is going to give birth - just plan on surgery for the kid right off the bat for a guaranteed shade of a club foot to one or both feet.  I was "lucky" in that there was no surgery back in the day, but I did have to wear steel inserts in my boots (not shoes) through all of my childhood to straighten the ankle/feet.  But, this left both feet with an odd cant to them and as an adult I have tried to get foot doctors to make an insert so that foot is flat to the ground - hoping to avoid the second problem I have, the Plattner bad knees.

So, I took my first step yesterday and almost fell flat on my face!  Yeah, the surgeon had corrected that little Spencer problem and my foot now falls flat to the ground when I step.  Very disconcerting!!!!!  But, yesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss!

Of course, the left foot is still slightly canted sideways, so it makes for a very interesting exercise, that short walk.

I do not believe there are any walks in my future today, the ankle is very tired still and sore.  Maybe towards evening I will walk to the bathroom ...  Maybe even take my first soaking bath since March ...

Oh that would be a joy!  I will have to see how all of the holes they drilled in my foot and ankle are doing at closing up first!


June 24, 2015

Selfishness and Love

During the 1930's there was a growing notice given to the concept that the American culture was becoming more and more selfish.  Apparently, the US Government does little useless studies in some form or another and in comparison to previous surveys, the 1932 one showed that the population had become distinctly more selfish!  The 1933 State of the Union address by President Roosevelt touched on this idea, by 1936 it was the point of the address!

These surveys showed how from pre-World War I the US population had gone from long range goals of bettering family, to only seeking pleasure for self.  Yeah, 80 years ago the trend was already in place.  Why care?  Because the surveys pondered what the long term affect of this trend would be on the nation, the family and the individual.

Welcome to 2015, where last night the long term affect can be seen disgustingly played out on ABC's The Bachelorette show.

We can look backwards to the 1930's and start tracking the breakdown of the American family, being pushed and pulled by distractions, fueled by wealth and completely dedicated to self interests.  Lost along the way has been religion, morality and the understanding of "love".  After-all, self interest is what has taken over and rules supreme in our hearts, minds and souls now.  Cast along the roadway - the wreckage of human souls destroyed by Satan's lies that self interest is best ...

So, back to Monday night's Bachelorette show, where Kaitlyn decides that casual sex is best played out in the public sector.  To quote her, "Sex is an important part of a relationship and must be ...."  Or in other words, "I want, I take, don't care how it plays out in the press ...".  Of course, in reality she does care because she has scarred her heart long ago in her past.  She wants a husband but is driven by selfish desire to have it all now - no matter the cost.  She thinks ...  But, I think inside of her she still knows that justifying herself is not going to get her what she really wants.

What does she want?  Same as any of us: unconditional love.  But, unconditional love does not put self before the other, quite the opposite.  So, she set herself up to not find what she actually wants - and Satan won, stealing any prize she might have found.  She was played, she was used and welcome to you future Kaitlyn ...

Under the plan Kaitlyn and all humanism devoted understanding:
the terms love and passion are interchangeable
but passion does not lead to love
any relationship is thus condemned from the beginning

As God laid it out:
friendship leads to love
love to marriage (commitment)
love safely has a component of passion

No, there is nothing selfish in God's plan.  There is no taking, there is no shame, there an unending expression of selfless love.

So, Kaitlyn screwed up on national TV, probably not for the first time, probably not for the last time - at least until someone can explain for her the above.  You want selfish desire?  You will never find what you will ultimately desire.  You want your best?  Then learn that passion is not love ...

Philosophy allows one to see the causes and effects.
Concern allows one to understand where Kaitlyn is.
Compassion allows one to know what Kaitlyn still has to learn.

If anything, if we can not change the direction of Western Culture, then it seems "the days of Noah" can not be that far away from us ... and the curse which goes with that.

June 23, 2015

Painful Lessons

As promised, a first cut, not completely thought out, but - I wanted to share anyway.  So please understand - it is not completely thought out!

Over a month ago, my leg was inserted into a titanium frame to help force the rejoining of my right foot with the right ankle.  This goes back to it being shattered in November 2013.  And I reacted poorly to this fusion being done.  It was not in my plans, nor my will, that I suffer this type of frame and all of the metal shot through my leg, ankle and foot, then there was the pain levels!  My life was now lived within 20 feet of bed - and that was it, save for doctor visits.  And I threw a hissy fit that utterly amazed me!  I have never thrown a fit in my life.  So, God really got both barrels from me!

His reply?  "Well, now you are seeing why this had to happen!"

I repented for all of the PRIDE, EGO and VANITY I had just demonstrated.  But, He was not done with me yet ... no, Kris had a bit more to learn ...

Well, my body may be broken, but there is nothing wrong with my brain ...  I think, I consider, I analyze everything.  I read my Bible and pray a great deal.  I want to literally know the mind of God.  And somewhere in there is an explanation for all of this.

I have mentioned before, last month's ER visit - sick as unto death, literally.  I had nothing left, only the knowledge that it was not my time to die yet.  And in the ER, in my misery, unable to get anyone to understand me as my brain had reverted to my first language (German) - I prayed for God to bring death.  I was reduced to nothing, I had finally even lost my hope.  I understood that no one would ever be there for me, no one would ever help me nor come to my rescue, I only had nothing - but of course God.  And, a human needs someone, anyone, whom will step forward and be there for them ...  And I saw that person does not exist in my life.

How I longed for death!  I no longer cared.  I would forgo any future rewards in Heaven, if only God would just bring me home now.  Well, not in His plans it seems.

Back home for the last two weeks, I made a point of overtly reaching out to all of my past friends, my current friends, acquaintances, family, etc.  Strangely - and I do mean strangely, my pastor came by for a visit!  He has not even talked to me but once in 4 years!  He used to be counted as a close friend by me.  Okay, that was strange.  Then out of the blue, one of the men from the little job I was doing since September popped up!  That one was beyond strange!  I like the guy but assumed he would always just be an acquaintance and once I was off the job, would never see him again.  And the pastor came by again!  Staying about an hour and a half this time.  This is beyond odd, no one ever visits me or calls for that matter!

God was pointing out to me that perhaps the support I need is not going to come from where I would expect it.  I have been massively failed by my family and the support structures of my past.  So, okay ... I guess ...  I understand it, people suck.

Swede, post blow out fight with Gaelic Girl, has been a lifesaver for me.  He comes by at least once a week to spend the day and run me around.  I never would have even considered he would have ever done this before.  And I have had some really good times with him - lots of silliness and laughs.  Which I think we both need.

And God, in a gentle manner, has shown me across last week a few mistakes I have made in the past.  I am still not sure how to reconcile them with what I know - did I fail my culture or did I fail God?  I honestly have no idea.  It is all so confusing because God looks at the heart and with the most innocent of intention - I made messes.  Perhaps it is just His way of saying be more careful in the future.  No problem there!  I may innocently have stumbled into unwise territory in the past but I have no plans to ever be that involved ever again with humans!

So, God has brought me to zero.
He is providing my needs.
He is obviously working on a framework to rebuild me.
So He still has work for me.

On the other hand, it seems there will be a few changes in future Kris, and change is always evil ...

June 22, 2015

Last Monday

Well last week was quite the week!  On Monday, I had the time to write Tuesday and Friday's posts, figured to do the rest of them on Tuesday.  But, life intervened.

So, this has been my life for the past month, plus a few days.  About twenty pounds of titanium constructed as a brace around my poor right foot, with 15 pins and one screw shot through the bone of the foot, ankle, tibia and fibia.  Just not much fun at all and the reason for one huge hissy fit on my part in May.  Non weight bearing (no steps, no resting on ground even!, foot always in the air) and I was beyond very good!

And my body's inability to accept this kind of trauma led to two nights in ER and literally bringing me to my knees finally.  I had nothing left.  And I wrote previously of that experience: pleading for life in an ER where no one spoke German.  As I said, I had NOTHING left in me at this point except for the knowledge that God was not done with me yet.  And, I do mean nothing.

So, Monday night, I am getting ready for bed, take my night time pills, use my knee scooter to make it to the toilet and suddenly there is this huge "snap" - followed by incredible pain!  I have no idea as to what happened.  This contraption lives under four layers of gauze and ace bandages, so I had to gently unwrap it and there the problem was highly visible: the bone screw which attaches the frame to the leg had pulled out!

So I called Gaelic Girl and asked what I should do.  By ten o'clock at night, it was off to the emergency room at the foot hospital, again!  I called ahead, so they knew they had the foot rebuild coming back, yes, again!

But, I had to wait four hours for an empty room as the emergency room as overcome with whooping cough, chicken pox, cranky senior citizens and klutz cases.  It was quite a mixture.  Oh I forgot the one stoned dude that kept insisting that he needed to push my wheelchair down a flight of stairs.  Yeah, he was really out of it, but continually could be discouraged from actually doing it.  They brought in a security guard that would make a guerrilla look small to keep an eye on him.

A series of x-rays showed that the bone screw had not pulled out as I feared, but had sheered off in the fibia.  So, the broken screw was popping in and out of the tibia.  This then led to the collapse of the titanium structure and foot sliding out of alignment.  :(  Well there is $81,000 down the toilet!

Finally, the original surgical team was assembled.  Still no rooms available so they just set up a work area in a hallway and got to it.  You can tell a lot about a person at two in the morning, when they have been called in after a regular work shift.  Everyone was exhausted but they found this all very exciting.  In the few years since this surgery had been developed, no one had ever heard a metallic failure! 

By 5:30 AM Tuesday, they had pulled off the frame, disinfected the foot and leg, cast the same in a fiberglass contraption, and I donated the frame to Doctor's Without Borders, since there are people all over the world whom could use ankle correction.

And off to bed, blessed sleep awaiting me, and filled with enough pain killers to be sure Kris did not stir for very many minutes a day.

Sigh ... life ... the "why's" and "wherefores" one really must wonder at, at times.
Tomorrow, why did I label this "God's Will"?

June 21, 2015

Albert Plattner

I think this is the last photo I have of my father, before his death in 2010.

He was at my sister's house in Minneapolis recovering from a horrible operation to correct a blocked artery from a stroke.  Father was at peace, something he knew little of in his lifetime .....

June 20, 2015

Musical Saturday Morning

I know I have posted this video before, many years ago in the old Apple blog, however the disjointed whole of the song and video, seems be appropriate to my life these days.

June 19, 2015

Flashback Friday

I was led to do this post about two months ago and have just slept on it.  Because I still have problems resolving some of this with whom I was at the time, my involvement and where as a human I now stand.

It was the fall of 1970 and we had an assembly at Aurora Central High - there were three other high schools in town too.  My school had about 1,700 students, so big hall but this is back in the day when there was still respect within the culture.  The Principal announced a military recruiter, whom came out and started speaking.  Slowly the stomping of feet began in the back of the hall and the clapping of hands.  And, the din grew as more and more students began to copy the beat.  Soon, all that could be heard was the chant, "Just Give Peace A Chance".

I had heard that the prior year on the East Coast of America and it was a thought which rolled around my brain.  I was not pro-war nor anti-war, I really did not care, no reason to.  Of course, as I grew closer to 18 and mandatory draft filing, I began to wake up a little.

Quickly the assembly was out of control, the speaker stomped off the stage, the kids spilled out into the hallway, the vice principal locked himself in his office and chaos ensued.  But, remember we were still of a respectful age and culture, so nothing really interesting happened at all other than a few of us used the distraction to walk to Winchell's for doughnuts and tea.

But, today this song has rattled around in my head because of the state of the politic of this country.  What should and could be a great land is fractured and the political correctness of those whom decide what is "right" will in the end tear us apart rather than bring us together.

We do not have peace in our souls, in our families, in our homes, in our towns, in our states, in our regions due to the self seeking decisions made by the corrupt whom have seized this country.  Sure open warfare is always an answer, but it is the creation of peace within each and everyone of us that is only thing which has the ability to make change.

And that peace is only possible through, each and everyone of us humbling ourselves before God.  As an unapologetic Christian, I see my contribution to peace in my time as keeping my nose clean before God, helping all around me and for those whom are interested - helping them to make peace with their Creator.

John Lennon thought the road to peace was to tear down norms and revolution.
But, the only road to peace is a pathway through the blood of Jesus.
If you can not walk it, then you never will find it.

Personally, I pray for change, vast change, where - yes, mankind can give peace a chance - but the cost is that of pride, ego and vanity.  Very near and dear to most human beings.

I wonder if there are any cripples needed on the next Mars mission ...

June 16, 2015

Messed up Archaeology

I find nothing more humorous than the outlandish theories people come up with concerning artifacts of prior civilizations.  I hold to the idea that people today are exactly the same as people any number of yesterdays ago.  Same needs, activities, desires to understand their surroundings, etc.  But, today's group of educated believe that the obvious explanation of an anomaly can not be good enough - no we must look to the unprovable ...  If nothing else just lie and make something up!  You really do have to be careful of what can be found in print - much less on the internet!  Question - question -question!

I was cruising through my local junk store and seeing what kind of back issues of magazines they had.  There, I found three copies of, "Boundary Waters" magazine.  Hmmm, now I been to a place call Boundary Waters back in high school and wondered if it was the same place ....  So, I flipped open the first copy and there was an article about something I had actually done - and OMGosh!, they boy, were out in left field as to what had happened!

The article talked about the "well known" dolmen situated above a lake in the remote Quetico Provencal Park of Ontario in Canada.  Dolmens are considered to be pre-historic graves from the stone age of Europe - 7,000 BC +/-.  Mind you, there has never been ANY bones or funerary artifacts ever found associate with one.  And here in Ontario, in the middle of nowhere - sits one!  How could it have gotten here?  What European had traveled the distant past to have created this?  And on the article goes into the limits of imagination ...

It was 1972 and I had been working hard for three years to save up money to go to Hudson's Bay, but as plans firmed up, the 12 of us decided to on a canoeing trip from Ely, Minnesota and see how far we could paddle canoes north.  Sounded great to me!

It has been so many years I can not remember how far we did make it.  I know that once back at Ely, the daily spotter planes had verified we had made the longest canoe trip since the 17th century!  So, lots of parades, free food and we were treated as returning heroes, completely unexpected by us.

But back to that dolmen ...

On our way home, camped on an island and rested our aching muscles.  Usually we would fish for dinner, hunt berries and roots - anything to feed our starving stomachs - yeah, we miscalculated food so badly we had run out of food on day 8 of 30!  eepha!

Our only other activity was to throw rocks in the water, the bigger the splash the better!  So, when we found a great launching pad, with a huge rock laying behind it - well, you have to get that rock to fly off the island into the water!  It was simple to get the rock into launch position using the idea of the lever and block idea:

Lift one edge of the rock, brace it with a rock; lift another edge, brace it; repeat until the rock can be easily rolled down onto the launch point.

Then, start all over again, lifting the rock until it was ready to be easily pushed over and down into the water for a world class splash!

But, the tree limbs we were using as our levers, broke and we were now stuck.  We tried to lift the rock and flip it but nope it was more than 12 teenagers could topple!

So, we went back to fishing ...

And forty years later, our rock still sits, now a piece of Ontario's imaginary history ...

June 15, 2015

San Andreas

I have not made it to very many movies over the past two years.  So it was a delight when Swede showed up and we headed to watch this "thriller".

In Short: 
It is the funniest movie either of us have seen in very many years!  Recommended cheepie movie theater fodder!

The Long:
 Well, there is the "Rock", showing off all that steroids can accomplish.  He never has been able to be an actor, I suppose because no one has ever told him that acting is not being able to open your eyes wider.  Whatever, you need a hero type for this style of movie.

Two women, whom based up on their symmetrical faces are probably known somewhere, for something, but not for acting since they were unable to, as well.  But, you need damsels in distress.

Two "English" kids round out the cast, sigh ...

Story revolves around the Rock's failed marriage and his saving of his soon to be ex-wife and daughter, over and over and over again!  Well, gotta save the supporting cast as well.

And, let us not forget the title of the movie, San Andreas - as in the fault system which runs from Baja to Alaska, although only through California on land.

The fault lets go, causing much damage and opportunities for the Rock to buffoon his way through this movie.

Why the funniest film?
  • All laws of physics were suspended during filming
  • The nature of geology is ignored
  • The attributes of the San Andreas fault are ignored
  • How buildings react and fall are ignored
  • How a tsunami behaves is ignored
  • How real people behave is ignored
And some of those are mighty huge gaffs!  Hence, the basis of much unintended humor!

Attendance was horrible - only one other person in the theater other than the two of us!  We therefore howled with laughter out loud and cracked jokes without end.  It was a very fun movie.

So, completely unbelievable, completely without reality, completely enjoyable and recommended viewing as long as you are paying a reasonable fee!

June 13, 2015

Musical Saturday Morning

Yeah, the 1970's - gotta love that they are gone - hopefully for good!

But, I do miss the music on occasion ...

By the way, if that was flaming redhair, it could have been Dutchman back then!


June 12, 2015

Article: Christianity's Own Demise

Another interesting article in a US National publication.  I am only doing this because it is shows exactly what I have been saying for so many years - the Western Church is lost.  All of the complaints here you need to rethink in terms of: what has brought a decline in the faith but more so what would led someone to think the church is not where it should be ...

The number may vary but the trend line is consistent: The Christian church is in decline. From church attendance to those who identify as Christian, all numbers are heading south.
Is Christianity the new middle class? Has it become an amorphous term to describe something that most assume they understand but carries no real meaning?
There are myriad reasons for Christianity's downward trajectory. My focus is the public face of Christianity.
Ironically, it has become a faith defined more by its willingness to exclude.
If one reads the Gospel narratives, the teachings of Jesus clearly indicate love, inconvenient love, is at the epicenter of the faith. Observers of the faith are placed in a paradoxical bind in that its difficulty is rooted in its simplicity -- the simplicity to love burdened by the difficulty to achieve it.
As a result, Christianity is dominated, at least in America, by an ethos of oversimplification that seeks not a self-reflective inconvenient love, but one that places its focus on the other.
Historically, Christianity's post Enlightenment participation in the public square is a mixed bag. The church was on both sides of slavery, the Civil War, women's suffrage, Jim Crow segregation, the Holocaust, and South African Apartheid.
We've recently witnessed for profit corporations hiding behind the veneer of the amorphous term Christianity seeking laws that come uncomfortably close to the type of dehumanization that necessitated the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
The Religious Freedom Restoration Act, which some describe as a law that opens the door to discriminate against same-sex couples, while others offer that it would give people more freedom to follow the dictates of their faith.
Evangelical leader, Franklin Graham is calling on Christians to boycott gay-friendly corporations. Graham recently announced that he is moving all the bank accounts for the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association out of Wells Fargo because of its ad featuring a lesbian couple.
However these issues are adjudicated in the short term, the long term prospects can only do additional harm to the public face of a faith already in decline.
A nation committed to a "more perfect union" must to some degree be in a constant state of flux. History has proven unequivocally the trite use of biblical justification is a less than worthy adversary when one decides to drink from the well of equality that was originally dug by the Founders.
Moreover, it is a mistake to compare Christianity's recent public efforts with those of the Civil Rights Movement of the '60s. The purpose of that movement was not to move the country to the limited contours of its particular doctrine, but rather to move the nation toward the promises it already made to all of its citizens.
The viewpoint that is deemed in the best interest of the church in its private morality cannot be the rationale that justifies denying the civil rights of individuals in the public morality.
The primary failing within much of American Christianity's latest pursuits in the public arena is its inability to see where its faith and the Constitution coalesce.
The Bible does not offer a commandment to "like" something, but it does command that one love. Doesn't that suggest that in the Christian tradition one must embrace the arduous task of loving that which they may not like?
Likewise, the Constitution was not written based on what the majority approves. I would argue the barometer for one's support of the Constitution is to embrace the concept of something that involves a specific issue they may philosophically oppose.
Both are difficult endeavors. It is understandable that one would advocate for a simpler path. But an honest examination suggests no such path is available. Even if it were, it is unable to make the individual better.
The Christian church at its best is an institution that offers guidance through the complexities of the human condition, humbled by the reality that there are some questions for which "I don't know" is the only appropriate response. Failing to pursue this valiant undertaking creates an arrogance that undermines its best intentions.
And any religion defined by its worst attributes of its own making can only look in the mirror to seek the guilty party for its demise.

June 11, 2015

Shhhh! Sleeping Church!

I have been astounded across the past year at the total ambivalence the Christian Church has shown towards the killing of the faithful throughout the Middle East, the heck the world!, by Muslim zealots.
Of course, I realize that due to political correctness the Christians of the West have been effectively muzzled by Satan.
However, at what point do you care about this travesty?  When it is your neighbors, your family or final you ... ?  What will it take for the Church to wake up?
 I ran across this article which says well which I could not:

Where is the world Christian outcry to stop the annihilation of ancient Christian populations in the Middle East? 

And let's not forget Africa! Black Islamists kidnapping, enslaving, raping, executing African Christians in the Sub Sahara nations, Nigeria, Sudan, and elsewhere.

Where are the moderate, modern, western, American, Moslems joining the cry for tolerance and justice? Where is the voice of Iman Feisal Abdul Rauf of Cordoba House, who is supposed to be tackling, "tough issues in a practical way in order to build bridges between Muslims, Jews, Christians, and people of goodwill from all cultures and faith traditions."

Who is going to step up to save these Christians (and other minorities), who are now the focus of Islamic extremism in communities they inhabited for millennia? Do they need to be rescued to another place? That's not their choice. Or can the greater Christian and tolerant world defeat/contain their executioners and provide protection to them in their homes to live in peace. 

The world is watching history repeat itself and doing nothing once again with full knowledge of the devastation being inflicted on their cousins, if not brothers.

Shame on the Christian world for turning its back on their brothers! Shame on the Jews for not screaming out for the world to notice and act!

If you are interested, this was an opinion piece by a Jew ...  I removed all of the historical parts on Jewish treatment throughout the Middle East, being used as a comparison.

June 10, 2015

Tradition and Works

The old Hebrew faith was beset with problems.  It is hard for anyone to really blame God for losing His patience with His people.  No matter how strong their desire, all faith would be lost across as little as one generation and they would fall back into works - then sin as a nation.  And I have often thought about this.  How can you one day see miracle, be given truth, live it, teach it, and end up sacrificing your children to Satan ...  Huh?  Where did that come from?  History of the Jewish people, they constantly were falling into worshipping with their Canaanite neighbors (you might remember, the ones they were supposed to wipe off the Earth due to their sin ....).

Mark 7:1-13

Here the Pharisees and Scribes tangle with Jesus again!  Again, their traditions have come into conflict with Jesus and His disciples:
  • We are supposed to be clean
  • Why are your disciples unclean
Okay, where did God command anyone other than the serving Rabbi's in the Temple be ceremonially clean?  Nowhere.  Yeah, that come from the Rabbinical writings.  The thought is not a bad one, each males should be ceremonially clean, just like the serving Rabbi's.  And having put that into writing - it became an enforceable requirement placed upon all males.  Of course, the Scribes knew perfectly well it was just their own requirement and not God's - but it they could bully this Jesus into doing what they wanted ....

Jesus just turned this on them - you do what you want to do, ignoring God's words as it pleases you; making up new rules.  It is about your heart - not the cleanliness of your skin ...

We Making Our Own Prison
God gives us Laws
God gives us Principles
God gives some really good ideas

But, when man turns Ideas into Principals, Principals into Laws, and elevating them to Traditions, aka "Traditions of the Elders", we are departing God, departing the freedom of Christianity and creating paganism.

Making Application Tradition
If you ever get a chance to read through the Rabbinical writings - they are very interesting.  Millennium of thoughts, translations, how to apply God's Words.  There is both wisdom and foolishness to be found there.

In our passage we read in Mark, we find that the Rabbi of some prior time, read about ceremonial cleanliness and thought, "Well, if it is good enough for the Temple and the serving Rabbis, then should not all men be clean?  Should not all homes be treated as the Temple and be clean?"  Hey, not a bad idea - but not what God asked for.

So a tradition is created, I am sure for all of the right reasons but again, not what God asked for.  And Tradition becomes equal with God's Word and is turned into a work to be obeyed ...

Creating Roadblocks
When Tradition has achieved the status of God's Word in our lives, we throw up roadblocks to other's faith and limit the application of God's Love.

How you ask?

Because if you blindly accept what you are told,
if you blindly accept what has become a Tradition as Law,
if you blindly accept what is done as being "right",
then you have REJECTED God's Word - and substituted Tradition for what is to either Faith or Law!

Jesus pointed out that they had replaced Law with what their desired application is ... but that is sin!

But ... 
Is Traditional bad?
It is when we are willing to separate fellowship over Tradition and not Scripture.
It is when we are willing to replace Tradition (works) for Faith.
It is when we end up with a pagan culture because we have relied on Tradition and not Faith.

Is Tradition good?
I would have a hard time arguing for this.
Due to the Roman Catholic Church we have:
  • No use of Jesus real name
  • No use of Mary's real name
  • Creating a separate priest class
  • Ceremonializing of events within the Church
  • Demanding money from all, when all is supposed to be God's!
  • etc....
Due to the Protestant Movement:
  • Loss of unity within the faith
  • Allowing argument where none should be valid
  • Ignoring historical
  • Accepting Roman traditions
So I hope you can see today's point - substitute traditions, applications, rules, any form of works for God's Word and you just earned paganism.  Oh no, not right off the bat, it takes a few generations for what might have been a good idea to replace what God desired and then all goes bad.

How could the Hebrews have time and again failed?  Because of this very same problem ...  Which by the way has also destroyed the 20th century church - leaving a works driven model in the 21st century.

June 9, 2015

Ode To Joy

It was not a good weekend, lots of spewing being done all over me and I am supposed to respond how?  There literally has not be one day since the first surgery and subsequent attacks (it only took being in the house 6 minutes before it with renewed vigor!) that I have not been led to leave, seek help, anything!  But, no I had to be pushed into another heart attack and God seems well with that.  I just bite my tongue - well except for Friday when I bit back.  Which probably is why the weekend was so bad.  Never mind ... it is just death kneel after kneel ...

But Saturday was a show about Beethoven.  It was literally ALL that was on.  Hockey, soccer or horse racing dominated ALL of the channels.  And people are shocked when you tell then you don't watch TV!  But, now in week 7 of my no life imprisonment, I am stuck with the electronic babysitter.  Sigh.

So Beethoven was interesting from the standpoint that it held to my belief that man is the same today as yesterday.  You have to feel sorry for the guy, blaming God for the consequences of his own decisions - conversely, when he had the chance to break the mold and succeed as a man - Satan won that battle too.

I was so sad, I would hope for each man, happiness and when he discovers a mess, makes it right and then can find joy in doing right.  Then  the movie weirdly split off into doing Friedrich Shiller's lyrics of Ode To Joy, set to Beethoven 9th ...

Oh friends, not these tones!
Let us raise our voices in more
Pleasing and more joyful sounds

[Baritone, Quarter and Chorus]
Joy, beautiful spark of the gods,
Daughter of Elysium,
We enter fire imbibed,
Heavenly, thy sanctuary.

Thy magic reunites those
Whom stern custom has parted
All men will become brothers
Under thy gentle wing.

May he who has had the fortune
To gain a true friend
And he who has won a noble wife
Join in our jubilation

Yes, even if he calls but one soul
His own in all the world.
But he who has failed in this
Must steal away alone and in tears.

All the world's creatures
Draw joy from nature's breast;
Both the good and the evil
Follow her rose-strewn path.

She gave us kisses and wine
And a friend loyal unto death;
She gave lust for life to the lowliest,
And the Cherub stands before God.

[Tenor Solo and Chorus]
Joyously, as his suns speed
Through Heaven's glorious order,
Hasten, Brothers, on your way,
Exulting as a knight in victory.


Joy, beautiful spark of the gods,
Daughter of Elysium,
We enter fire imbibed,
Heavenly, thy sanctuary.

Be embraced, Millions!
This kiss for all the world!
Brothers!, above the starry canopy
A loving father must dwell.

Can you sense the Creator, world?
Seek him above the starry canopy.
Above the stars He must dwell.

Be embraced, Millions!
This kiss for all the world!
Brothers!, above the starry canopy
A loving father must dwell.

Can you sense the Creator, world?
Seek him above the starry canopy.
Above the stars He must dwell.

Joy, beautiful spark of the gods,
Daughter of Elysium,
We enter fire imbibed,
Heavenly, thy sanctuary.

Be embraced, Millions!
This kiss for all the world!
Brothers!, above the starry canopy
A loving father must dwell.

Can you sense the Creator, world?
Seek him above the starry canopy.
Above the stars He must dwell.

Be embraced, Millions!
This kiss for all the world!
Brothers!, above the starry canopy
A loving father must dwell.

Can you sense the Creator, world?
Seek him above the starry canopy.
Above the stars He must dwell.

Joy, daughter of Elysium
Thy magic reunites those
Whom stern custom has parted;
All men will become brothers
Under thy gentle wing.

Be embraced, Millions!
This kiss for all the world!
Brothers!, above the starry canopy
A loving father must dwell.

Joy, beautiful spark of Gods!,
Daughter of Elysium,
Joy, beautiful spark of Gods!.

Shiller drew heavily from German mythology and themes which used to resonate with the German male.  Hitler was good at that too.  And Kris, was at his end.  I have never been able to listen to these words in German without bursting into tears.  It has been through greatest effort across my lifetime that NO one know this.  Every longing of my lifetime ...

No place to hide, no way to control an emotion so new ... utterly betrayed by my new character in front of the very people I would prefer NEVER to have a view of what I cherish ...

June 8, 2015

Mindset - Discipleship

I need you to think of yourself as living in another age, one where there is no electronic entertainment, no motion pictures, no TV, nothing artificial at all!  Even the printed word is rare!  Truly not much different than growing up in my German 11th century village.

Your major source of news is other people, talking to people, all people, everyone you meet!  People were not morons whom worked in the fields and then came home to get drunk.  They talked to each other while doing chores, they told of what they had done, what they had seen, what they had heard.  And as people moved through the day - all knowledge became common knowledge across the community.

Now  your name is Matthew, or perhaps Zacchaeus, you are a tax collector.  You are not generally liked by anyone, but like everyone - you talk, they talk, you overhear, you learn, you think .....

Talk has been all about this one strange man whom works miracles, he talks about eternal things in a way that makes sense, and anyone whom stands up to authority always draws attention!

And the dude is coming to town!!!!!

You shut down your tax office and make a run for where he is going to appear.

There are lots of people there, like you, they have heard the tales, they have thought about it and they have come to see and to listen.  Lots of people believe these people would be todays Christians but ... these people are just FANS.  They are here for the entertainment value of the event.

Some in this crowd are willing to do what they are told, they want to obey because they understand that to do so is to serve God.  Matthew our tax collector whom walked away from his post to follow Jesus, Zacchaeus, our tax collector in the tree, came down and did as he was told by Jesus.  They both understood this was truth they were facing and they had to respond.  At this point, they are both FOLLOWERS.

And Jesus had lots of followers! At times, thousands of them!  They came from all around, some we know came from up to 90 miles away!  With a donkey for transportation ... uhm, no, you are not going anywhere real fast.  Some were dedicated, enough to spend weeks to walk from home to see this miracle-worker and then taking their new knowledge back home.  And out of these, 120 were destined to become DISCIPLES, whose whom set Jesus as to whom they would emulate.

I know many in our post-christian churches are just happy pretending and being a fan of Jesus. But, as Jesus said, He would vomit the lukewarm from His mouth!  You are hot for him or you are cold but there is no middle ground with Jesus.

Jesus sought followers, those willing to carry their cross behind him (not led the way!).  And this concept of follower is hard to separate from that of a disciple (darn you English language!).  Certainly, Jesus seemed to use both terms, even when identifying two different groups of people.  But, both the follower and the disciple were the basis for our Christian believer today, at least to my satisfaction.

So, where do you stand?
Are you an entertainment follower?
Do you go where you are comfortable with the teaching?
Are you challenged to grow?
Are you challenged to become more?
Do you want to be despised, just like Jesus?

Well, you know where you stand ... but you always have the ability to be more ...

June 6, 2015

Musical Saturday Morning

Oh many gosh!  It is a first Saturday of a new month!  And you know what that means!  Yes!  Straight out of the archives from the 1980's - all things weird, mysterious and synthesized!

This haunting little melody is associated with a 1980's TV show I am proud to say, I never saw a single episode of!  Do not care for Don Johnson - he is just another face - and this world is full of faces with no brains behind them!  Do not care for drug smuggling, human trafficking, gambling, police believing they are actually more than just an ordinary citizen doing a JOB, or the "Vida Loca" ...  My answer I fear to each situation is the same and so totally politically incorrect.

But as I said, a haunting tune ...

June 5, 2015


It was August 1975 and I was in Chihuahua, Mexico, staying in a hotel for several days.  I was seated on the toilet, reading brochures on things to do locally - when my sister Sommer, burst through the door, grabbed me by my throat and threw me from the bathroom, half way through the bedroom!

Yeah, when I travel, I eat a great deal of yoghurt for weeks before hand.  Certainly, the idea had been in my mind for at least a decade.  I know that I had been doing this since my first trip to Italy in 1966.  I had stayed healthy - well not so for Sommer ... ;)  And this was to be true for every trip away from our central German home.

The whole idea is that natural yoghurt has lots of little living things in it, which once transported into your guts, take up residency there and killing all of the micro-organisms which are not compatible.  And you get a healthy digestive tract.

Advance toWednesday night and I am struggling to survive, it had been one hard week!  I had nothing left and what little there was being killing off by the Amoxicillin.  So very ill.  Swede was over and we were having quite the day.  We did lunch at Denny's and then home.  While Swede slept it off for several hours, I was sicker than a dog in the bathroom.

Awake and pumped full of tea, he started thinking about probiotics, a term I was unfamiliar with.  Once I figured out that it was just a more concentrated attack against your guts than yoghurt, I was like, "lets do it!".

One dose and 10 minutes later I was feeling great!  And I continue to feel great!

So - Probiotics, the brand Swede found GoLive, a bit expensive but well worth the $2 a dose!

June 4, 2015

The Fever Continues

So I know you will forgive me for having nothing for today - the fever runs unabated, it is still way down but still running 102.

If I close my eyes, I can easily find myself back in the saddle again.

At one point the surgeon left the room but I had already slipped away.  I heard Swedish Rocket Scientist say, "Kris? Kris? What are you doing?"

I snapped awake and I was bend over the examination chair.  I guess only in my dreamstate was I inspecting the saddlestraps ....

And the dozens of time since, the dream calls me back ...

June 3, 2015

Feverish Dreams

Usually, when I have a fever or am delirious, my dreams are more like nightmares - so really not worthy of comment unless I found something humorous in them.

For instance, my Thursday through Sunday nightmares - bizarre beyond all belief, was complicated because I lost vision and could only speak in German!  Of course, no one else could speak German, so no one could understand I was trying to convey that I wanted to live ... 
But, I was out of my mind with fever.  I was quite normal when the fevers' would ebb.

And then sometimes, I just do not want to wake up ...

The blue of my uniform was dark and clean against the dust and sage.
My gold cording and ribbing were all gleaming.
My sword was at the ready, for Black Hawk had only been put down months before.
I wore one of my Roger & Spencer revolvers.  I had worn two through the Black Hawk War.
Over eleven years at war, against the south and then against the Indians, I was tired of death.
And, I was at peace internally.
My closest friends were with me.
I had no idea why I was here.

The sound of gravel underfoot, drew my attention behind me and slightly downhill.

She was dressed in yellow, a shade which complimented the desert grasses, with white trim.
Her yellow hair set a glow about her face.
I am placing this setting to be 1870 as my "mind" is now playing catch-up.
There are other women with her.
I recognized the man: her father and a local elder in our isolated community.
I was completely at home.
It was to be but a simple ceremony.

Mounted on my horse, she was lifted up and seated across a pillow laid on the McClellan saddle.
"John Wesley, where are we headed?"
Her arms were around my neck, her head on my shoulder.
"Well, Elizabeth, my dear, I have a team at the Springs and then the West is in front of us."

The dream became spotty: pieces of the Oregon Trail journey mixed  pieces of forming a new life.  I knew where this would end, because I realized these were my great-great-grandparents.  I had heard of the tragedy of their lives as a child..  But, I am the only one in the family to understood the happiness they had found together ...

June 2, 2015

Thinking On Bonhoeffer

Once a decade, I return to reading of Bonhoeffer's, The Cost of Discipleship.  If you are one of my early readers from Blog 1 in 2005, you might remember me talking about this back then.  But, that site was hacked and destroyed by one of the apostate Churches I tend to take on.  I returned the compliment and never had a problem again with them ... :)

I am both an admirer of and appalled by Dietrich Bonhoeffer.

A German pastor from before World War II, he rose to head the National Church of German (aka Lutheran to the rest of the world).  Now Hitler had no real use for the National Church, other than to try and not directly raise their wrath against him.  And Bonhoeffer never had any appreciation for Hitler, coming to believe by 1942 that Hitler was at least the Anti-Christ, and then Satan incarnate.  So you can see how these two might not agree on much.

I admire Bonhoeffer since he served as the head of the Church.  He had a solid Christian background.  He had everything he needed to bring the average German through the tempest of World War II.  And, then politics, family politics, intervened.

And now I am appalled.  He backed the attempted murder of Hitler.  The attempt failed and he with most of the males in his family, extended family and friends were now arrested.  A list was found which named names and dates.  He was guilty but Hitler kept him alive, no one needs a martyr during a war.

Literally, in the last week of the war, Bonhoeffer's death sentence was carried out ... no one wants a hero to survive the war, if the leader is now dead.

So, his best book, because it makes me think, is, The Cost of Discipleship ... because he understood the destruction of Christianity which was coming.  He could see it, he could describe it, and he did have an unpopular answer.  However, I knew that he was wrong.  His answer led to piety ... not Christianity.

In his letters from prison, Bonhoeffer had by now seen how those following him had exchanged their Christian faith for piety (approved works).  Well, at least he could admit his error!

The value to be found in The Cost of Discipleship is that Christianity does bear a cost, and well, if you are unwilling to not pull away from the world - you will be lost - much as the state of the Western Church today.  Of course, we now live in the Post-Christian Age - Bonhoeffer's fear realized ...

In 1937, Bonhoeffer wrote (selections from just his introduction):

"When Christ calls a man, he bids him to come and die."

"We propose to tell how Jesus calls us to be his disciples.  But is not this to lay another and still heavier burden on men's shoulders?  Is this all we can do when the souls and bodies of men are groaning beneath the weight of so many man-made dogmas?  If we recall men to the following of Jesus, shall we not be driving a still sharper goad into their already troubled and wounded consciences?  Are we to follow the practice which has been all common in the history of the Church, and impose on men demands too grievous to bear, demands which have little to do with the centralities of the Christian faith, demands which may be a pious luxury for the few, but which the toiling masses, with their anxiety for their daily bread, their jobs and their families, can only reject as utter blasphemy and a tempting of the God?  Is it the Church's concern to erect a spiritual tyranny over men, by dictating to them what must be believed and performed in order to be saved, and by presuming to enforce that belief and behavior with the sanctions of temporal and eternal punishment?  Shall the word of the Church bring new tyranny and oppression over the souls of men?  It may well be that this is what many people want.  But could the Church consent to meet such a demand?

Yeah, Bonhoeffer makes me think, he called it straight during a time of religious corruption - not so unlike our own pagan culture ...

June 1, 2015

King Of Klutz

So, Friday:
Felt horrible, went to bed about 7pm.
Awoke 9-ish, coughing heavily. 104.5 temperature.
Knew I was in trouble, took some pills, knocked myself out.

Delirium set in.
All alone, my spirit broken, I chose death, if God would listen to me.

Before me a white 3X5 card. But as I got closer, it was much larger.  And it was not white, but had flecks of pink in it and sparkled.  I hurt everywhere.  Someone was chopping my fingers off with an axe!  It was horrible. Temperature was off the scale ~ greater than 106!

I threw my face on what was now a window and called on God to let me in!  A voice ordered me back, but I refused, I knew I was at my end.  A hand was shaking me and calling me back, but I could not open my eyes.  The reoccurring thought of, Opus Dei echoed long after I was awake.

I fell into a deep sleep.

I stayed in bed most of Saturday. Diedre was there not much to talk about, especially with the way things are.  I meditated on Opus Dei - the work of God on this Earth.

Saturday night, same thing.  Only I was now in emergency.  It angered me, I do not have the money for pretend doctors.  I was at 110 - I prayed for death.  I texted those whom I trust in Prayer, and blindly submitted to tests.

Seven hours later, the horrible pains were gone, temp down to 99.7, the incessant cough gone, swelling down, wires tightened in the foot and i was starving - buy alas there will not be food if you are me.

But I had to get in the house ...

I rolled on my little scooter maybe 2 feet, then the scooter dropped in to a gopher hole and i was launched about 10 feet through the air and downhill!

All Hail the King of Klutz!
prayers and bandages appreciated ...

my first post via mobil ... sorry if you got the version before I could review it on my laptop!