September 30, 2016

Run-A-Wway Bride

You may remember the story of the RAWB from Thought From The Little Apple, if not then read on ...

I was sniffing around FaceBook and saw a post from her.  It read oddly and I wondered what was up ... it sounded like she was in Seattle and I have no idea why.  So, I messaged her and she replied, yes she was.  Well that calls for a lunch!

Unlike every interaction I have had with her since she was 10 years old, she was not talkitive, nor friendly, nor even happy.  Everything about her screamed, "I am traumatized!"  She was exactly like my first daughter when I adopted her.

So, although we were able to get past her walls and find out what is going on - it will take her years to get past the mess made of her life!

You might want to be in prayer for her, you don't need her name, God knows whom she is.
Physical protection - some rather violent men are after her.
Safety - she is in hiding and exactly well cared for.
Needs - job, shelter, food, etc.

I could not get her to think in these terms, she is too far gone in shock.  I got her to agree to talk to the police here in the Seattle area, change her cell and number, I found her a place to interview for a job (if she will do it), etc.

I am very concerned.  I tried to talk with her parents but, nope, that conversation was over before it even began - they are sort of the "you get what you deserve" type, so .....?  Don't ask me - I am the one whom intervene and not let things go as they will (downhill!).

I will think on this.  She made a really poor choice while in high school and now she is paying for it at 30 years old.  Back to that problem I have of "cause and effect" or it might be causes this time.  I will probably be plagued thinking on this all weekend long and in prayer for God's resolution to this mess.

Yesterday was quite the bummer ... yet I know, and she does now too, that God is calling her back - if she will listen ...

September 29, 2016


Feeling better, save for the tightness in my neck from the swollen lymph glands - be my luck it turns out to be mumps - take six!  So other than turning my head easily or looking up, I have been busy getting ready for winter and seeing far too many doctors!

Last Friday, I had to go in for four blood draws.  Two were for just boring old blood chemistry - which I will be talk to about since I had a coke the night before.  Oh dear lord, it tasted soooooo good!  After eight stabs, they sent me to the blood center since my veins refused to be punctured.

At the blood center, they took seven tries.  The poor tech was in tears because I had holes all over me and not a drop of blood to spare!

So, Monday, I took myself out to lunch.  I was so nervous I could not even be bright and witty with my favorite waitress!  But, I did drink a half gallon of iced tea and take a codeine as I left.

To blocks away is the blood center and a wuzzy Kris floated in.  I handed them my paperwork, they took me back - and it was the same tech!  She did not want to do me, but I encouraged her to try and VOILA! blood all over the place!  She got my chemistry samples and the two timed infection samples.

Everybody was happy.

I had to do some repainting my newly painted bridge.  My son ran a hand truck up the ramp and put six holes in the paint.  So redid those.

Worked on my furnace to get it ready for duty - but it is dead.  So Dutchman will be over tomorrow to see what is up with that.  Thankfully he is an electrical engineer (scientist?) so is a whiz with that black magic stuff.  On the other hand, never buy a car from him!  It will have nothing but electrical problems!

Swede came over yesterday and spent 11 hours talking about genealogy and DNA testing.  And, there was no turning the conversation!  He was worse than a dachshund with a rock!  No idea why or what but I finally turned NCIS on and watched that.  But, he was undeterred.

And it is time to flee to the physical therapist again.
Sigh .....

And tomorrow one of my favorite students will be back in town, so I will get to catch up with where they are in life!  Might be good - I hope not sad, I am too happy at the moment to be sad.

September 28, 2016

Magnificent 7

The over hyped western of the year, Magnificent 7, left me utterly cold from the constantly playing previews on the Seattle area TV.  I liked the original series from the 1960's and I highly doubted that any modern remake could recapture the charm of those films.  So, not going to go.  Quite simple.

But, my son called up and invited me to go with him!  Wow!  So, in the name of 'bonding' I went.  And then he showed up with his girlfriend ... so much for a bonding activity.

The worse negative for this movie was that the body count was so high that I am fairly sure that all deaths in the Lincoln County Wars - paled by comparison - perhaps in the history of the entire "wild west".  They stated that a mercenary army of 200 was coming against the town.  However, I may have to watch this movie five times to actually count how many "died" in the movie!  I am guessing that those 200 were closer to 800 deaths, or each mercenary died four times!

The abject violence and complete disregard for human life was really only exhibited by a few in the old west and fortunately their lives were short and ended violently.  Even unwashed heathen did not tolerate deviation from their norm!

The date range for the setting of this movie is a bit of an enigma, so firearms could be reasonable or not.  I would vote not, unless the 1880's (at the earliest) was the target.  Of course, clothing and leather were virtually all wrong - even for the 1880's.

On the positive side, women were treated fairly well - which would be correct on the frontier.  Lots of cleavage showing, which would not have been flaunted about, but that is about it concerning the women.  Apparently having cleavage is now considered acting.

The story is similar to the original but the male acting roles are far superior.  The original had far better female roles, but then - they actually used some very famous actresses in Mexico.

In the original I was appalled by Robert Vaughn's role.  Years later I learned that he had been cast, then earned an Academy Award.  So, the producers rushed to come up with something dramatic he could do - the net result - one of the worst portrayals of PTSD ever thought up!

Over all, I gave this one an owner status when it hits the stores, probably by Christmas if they are smart.  Even though it looks like a Tarantino film, thankfully it is nowhere as disjointed nor as in bad taste as what he cranks out ...  But it is still a peace that glorifies violence, unfortunately.

Unlike the original, I actually saw myself in one of the characters in this  remake.  I was a bit taken back by that.  But, yeah, one of those troubled 7 would easily have been me yesterday and still today.  Sigh ...

September 27, 2016


God made two very separate creations:
Heaven creatures
Mortal creatures

In the Heaven:

On Earth:
The animal kingdom

Since the Bible deals with man's relationship with God and/or visa-versa, we are a bit light on anything outside of that relationship.

Angels are intriguing, they seem like us, but in reality are far greater than we ... or are thy?
Some worship angels, almost as if by superstition.
Some denounce that angels even exist.
Others believe they are here for your beckoned call.

So, anytime there is a dichotomy of belief - you have to go back and recenter on the Bible.

Matthew 18:10  - Angels are real, exist in Heaven
Matthew 26:53 - Jesus says they are real
Colossians 1:16 - They are created
Job 38:6-7 - They were before the Earth existed
Jude 6 - Some have/had free will
1 Peter 1:12 - They do not know everything nor understand
Luke 2:13 - There are many angles
Hebrews 1:13-14 - They served the Called
1 Timothy 5:21 - There are angels
Psalms 8:4-8 - Man is created lower than the angels
2 Peter 2:11 - Angels are not judge
Hebrews 12:22 - Angels are without number

Obviously, angels are not there to be worships, nor to serve us, but they do exist!

Some have seen angels and it generally scares the tar out of them.
Some have been helped by angels, they knew not why.
Some have never seen angels though have been struck at how odd situations resolve.
Some have heard angels speak, always with something they need to know in warning.

Some pray to see an angel and I do not think they know what they are asking.
To be confronted by an angel, timeless beings whom stand before the most holy, we are judged by sin and worthy of the death only Jesus blood can cover, no ... they are not happy with mankind but are held back by God.  In fact they find God's interest in us a mystery.

And let us not forget that there is the dark side of angels, those whom fell with Lucifer, barred from Heaven, under judgment ... but perhaps another time ....

September 26, 2016

By Eplanation

In the way of explanation, Friday's post had some - uh - feedback.  I really had not expected any, so was surprised.

But, in the background of my blogging life is real life, which has not gone well for 14 years now.  But, I struggle forward, get knocked backwards, get up and try to rebuild all over again.  Sigh ...

I have no doubt my detractors feel everything that happens is by way of God smacking me around ... sorry, you are wrong and need to change your theological references if you believe so.

So, I struggle in a vacuum.  Darn stinking hard, let me tell you!

Yes, I have prayed for death, often.  To be with God is far superior to this "existence".  Yeah, I am at my end, have been for quite a while and yet, life slides further downhill.

And, I think of Job and I realize that his lot was far worse - he had no place to lay his head other than a garbage dump.  Mine only looks that way!  LOL

Last week, I really did not believe this life could go so much further sideways, and it did.

Apparently, I get to struggle through lymphoma yet again.  I remember the last time all but killed me.  I even had a desire to live back then.  Not so much now ....

But it will be God's will not mine to determine the outcome ... as always.

And really, all I really want is the end to all of this drama and peace ...

September 24, 2016

Musical Saturday Morning

Before my memory loss - one of my most favorite movies
After my memory loss - still one of my favorites!
Of course taking a slam at all things Scottish, only adds to the enjoyment!

September 23, 2016

Waxing Philosophical

Of the many Blogs I have had, Thoughts From The Little Apple was the most successful.  I was exploring the reason for disaster and struggling to understand what life meant to be human.  I thought I got it and was over with blogging, but as luck would have it - I was only partially right - I was missing something.

So I started off with After The Apple, the intention to look at where mankind fell short.  But, it seems life had another turn for me as I realized that what I thought was real, was but a vapor in reality.  Oh, make no mistake, I often thought I had it figured out, but I always got it wrong.  I now think I may never understand, simply because success will always be denied me in ferreting out the real answer.

I was watching Pride and Prejudice last night (shhhh, don't tell anybody!), yeah too exhausted to change the channel.  And so with apologies to Jane Austin, I toyed with Darcy's words at one point for mental fun:

"I have broken innumerable bones,
"Shot three times,
"Battles it seems without end,
"The stitches numbered into the thousands,
"The staples into the hundreds,
"Six times have I lingered on the margin of death,
"Once, to have died,
"Yet, I find the most grievous weapon wielded against me to have been Love,
"A wound inflicted from which I bleed continually,
"Yet, never brings death,
"Nor it seems to ever recover from."

And so, laying in bed last night, I chuckled at the twisted of words Darcy uttered to his femme fatale before he strode away.
She, then realizes she had gone too far.

So, I changed them a bit and laughed ... and laughed ... until the quiet of the night, when once again I could weep, unseen and unheard.  I have no more defenses left.

September 22, 2016


So, I am working Mark 15, we did the first 15 verses yesterday - three groups we each fall into, and I thought ... how do I quantify the rest of the chapter?

It all revolves around expectations.

A very sore point with me.  You hope for the best, work towards the best and yet you get trashed constantly, completely misunderstood, attacked without ceasing ... there is no rest.  There is expectation which will ever be found or met.  There is no reason to ever have an expectation, must less hope ....

And expectation is what I have to post about if I am to keep working my way through Bible books ...  But, as a Christian, I can have some expectations which will come to fruition.

Expect People to Mock God, Jesus & You
People are cruel (yeah, tell me about it!).
People spit, mocked, and derided Jesus.
They will do similar to you!

One of the oldest non-Biblical references we have to Jesus:
The drawing of a man with a donkey head and ears, with the statement: "Worship your God".

Expect The Unexpected
You will be on the receiving end of the unexpected.
It looks like life is finally presenting itself at  your feet - nope.
It looks like you can trust friends and family - nope.
Life should be, but - nope, is not.

But, that can include unexpected opportunities for service!
By placing your trust only in God, it will matter not what others do to you.
By allowing yourself to be available to be used by Him, others can not use you.
Free to answer whatever the call from Him.
Free to impact other's lives.

Expect The Cross To Always Be The Key!
No Cross equals no Gospel ...
No Gospel, then it is all about you - doing all for you - nothing for God!

And though reward may await you, do not expect it .....
(sometime we can talk about that!)

September 21, 2016

Rulers, Peer Pressure, Jesus

In Mark 15:1-15, Peter (Mark as scribe) lays out three kinds of people and the roles they played prior to the crucifixion ...

A People Pleaser
Pilate was the ultimate people pleaser.
He was Prefect for 10 years, appointed by Ceasar to gather taxes, keep the peace.
Did not care about the Jews, he robbed the Temple treasury for his profit.
He sought to please, rather than do what is right.
Offers to let Jesus go, offer forgiveness.
He found it hard to condemn an innocent man ...

The voices we hear:
Political Correctness

In Line With Culture
Governmental Law is rarely moral.
1. God exists and watches over us
2. God wants us to be nice people
3. We are to be happy
4. God is the problem solver, else we don't need Him
5. Good people go to Heaven

This is the American church today!

But, thankfully, we are called to be non-conformists to follow God ... not man!

Be Like Jesus
Solid, secure, silent in the face of opposition.
Jesus was no threat to Pilate, both of them knew this.
Jesus offered no resistance, no defense ...

Pilate's problem, how to keep peace ...

September 20, 2016

Such A Weekend!

Wow, such a weekend!  It was a massive blast from the past!

It started off with one of the guys whom discipled me, showing up with his wife in tow.  We headed out and had a great evening of dining, remembering and laughing!
It was their 42nd wedding anniversary!
I never actually knew the exact date of their wedding, since I was not invited to the wedding!  And there would have been no wedding if I had not of intervened!  How quickly people forget!  However, through the years they have remembered far better - LOL!  Their two children were my first two God-children!  And I sat with them through more tragedy than any of us want to remember ... life was a bit touch and go there for a few years ... for everyone!
There were more than a few comments as to their constantly missing Gaelic Girl, it is her house after-all!  But, hey they see her about as much of her as I do, though she was disappointed to hear she missed an anniversary party.  As did Swede, who said he was too busy to visit with anyone.  Don't ask me - people from hundreds of miles away pop in and no one has time for them, except me.  Sigh, seems if they had called first it might have been a better attended event.
They left and went camping on their sailboat Saturday ...

Or, as I used to say, God had everyone there, He wanted there ...

Saturday morning, I got a call from Portland, from The Anarchist, he was on his way to Seattle to attend a fight.  The things some do for fun!  His attendance at the May Day WTO Riot a few years ago landed him in Federal room, board and loathing for a spell ...  But, it was late at night before he called again and asked to be taken to dinner ... how different from the previous night's guests.  It was a good visit, him talking non-stop, me thinking of things to post about this week.  But, he did like my cooking, so that was a bit of a perk - if anyone talks to me it is extremely rare to score a compliment.

Then on Sunday, it was one of my old bicycling partners from over 20 years ago!  We put a great many miles down together.  Of course she is an absolute hoot!  Just her way of talking and droll sense of humor.  I was laughing all the way to bed time.

So, not a lonely weekend in the least, plus I had finished the bridge - which was a great relief, and I was so sore!  I still can not lift my arms over my head!

Well time for another pain pill ...

I finished my bridge project and covered it with plastic sheeting, just hours before the rains hit!

Now to work on the yard this week ...

September 19, 2016


Amongst the many mysteries of the 20th century is what exactly are the 11 herbs and spices in Colonel Sanders Kentucky Fried Chicken?  Many have claimed to found the secret, I have tried for very many years and we were all wrong it seems.  Even Mrs. Sanders, the Colonel's wife only got it partially right ...

The Secret Recipe!
Recently, Mrs. Sanders passed away and in a scrapbook was found an envelop with what appeared to be the secret recipe!  And it was not just "right" ...

So now my German heels have been driven straight into the Earth's core and I am not budging until I have that stinking recipe for real this time!

A friend of mine works in a chemistry lab with lots of cool toys I would love to play with.  And I actually had a fragment of KFC from my visit in America.  Don't ask and I will not have to tell you about my weirdness in collecting things.

So Mrs. Sanders had it mostly right.  Most of us whom had worked diligently also had it mostly right.  But, there is one missing ingredient from the above list ... MSG!  Yeah, good old Ernie, aka "Speck", had included MSG because of it known flavor enhancing properties.  Of course, MSG fell out of favor in the 1960's when so many turned up violently allergic to this compound.  To this day I do not eat in Chinese places which use it!

Want to try the recipe?  Go ahead, it still will not work!  Yeah, that is because there is a little piece of knowledge missing in making the chicken.  It will be a entry on my recipe site in October, I am too busy painting my bridge this month to even cook!

(oh what could it be!  well if you are from the south where I was forced to live for two years ... you probably already know ...)

September 17, 2016

Musical Saturday Morning

I found this video earlier this year but did not want to post it as the stop action motion drove my mind crazy!  Yeah, along with the lost of virtually all memory, the stuttering anytime I am using new words or attempting to remember something - was some sort of brain damage around the area of visual processing.  It is why I become utterly exhausted shopping for dinner items!

But, slowly, I seem to be getting better - so at long last, here is this bizarre video!

September 16, 2016

Idle Diner Readings

I was sitting in Sumner, Washington - self proclaimed rhubarb capitol of the world, waiting for my slice of morning rhubarb pie.  I love rhubarb in any form and I maybe the only person in the world whom can not grow it!  As I waited, I was reading, The Coffee News, a little flyer you sometimes find in diners.

Of their considered important stories to print was such variety as a cat which sailed on the RMS  Empress, but the voyage it missed, the ship went to the bottom.  The annual Santa Claus gathering every year in Copenhagen.  Or, crazy people whom believe they are Barbie characters ... really???????   And the intriguing story of a hotel that is almost 1,300 years old!

What must those rooms look like?!?!?!?!?

The Hoshi Ryokan in Komatsu is a type of traditional Japanese inn which became a common Japanese institution when they served travelers along Japan’s highways. They typically feature tatami-matted rooms, communal baths, and other public areas where visitors may wear yukata and talk with the owner.

This Ryokan has been in operation for over 1,300 years dating back to its opening in 718; the guesthouse has been run by the same family for 46 generations. The Ryokan has evolved through the centuries. Today, it offers a hundred rooms and can accomodate up to 450 guests. Guests are welcomed with a traditional Japanese tea ceremony. For relaxation, guests can walk through the traditional Japanese gardens or slip into their ‘yukata’, a cotton kimono, provided for their use after soaking in either the indoor or outdoor hot springs.

According to legend, the god of Mount Hakusan visited a Buddhist priest, telling him to uncover an underground hot spring in a nearby village. The hot spring was found, and the priest requested that his disciple, a woodcutter’s son named Garyo Saskiri, build and run a spa on the site. His family, known as Hoshi, have run a hotel in Komatsu ever since. Zengoro Hoshi is the current patriarch.

Houshi proprietors have all borne the name Zengoro Houshi. The first Zengoro was Garyo Houshi, the second son of Gengoro Sasakiri, who guided the Buddhist priest to the top of Mt. Hakusan.

Many people suffering from illnesses of one kind or another visited the spa built by Garyo Houshi. People began making donations to the magical spa and to Garyo Houshi for his services. He then used these funds to expand the services he provided. The number of visitors to the spa gradually increased and the hotel grew.

September 15, 2016

Disability Testing

So I had to undergo an evaluation this week, to see if I am disabled or not.  It is one of those weird things shoved on me that I have to do.  I really do not understand why.  Maybe the insurance company wants to know what they are dealing with since I have basically now spent two years mostly in hospitals, hospices, doctor's office and the mouth of scanning equipment.

Sigh .....

Well, they rated me at 79% non-funtional. Yeah, there is a great deal I can not do but given time I can do most things, but time is something that is worshiped and not to tampered with.

For instance, I did painting this week on my bridge.  Well, yeah, it took me 5 hours - mostly laying on my back and scooting down the deck as I painted the railings - but I could do it.  In the evening I was able to get a helper to do the outside of that rail ... in 30 minutes!

Sigh .....

So, we will see if this information is of any value in the coming months.  My insurance company retained a lawyer several years ago to see if I qualified as disabled or not.  I still think they did this just to see if my medical expenses could me moved over to medicare and off of their rolls.  But, who knows?  And I have no idea what to do if I am declared disabled.  (But, if it involves money, perhaps I can get out of debt?)

Of course, it would seem to me that disability testing should include your mental acuity should count in the formula - my mind is a wasteland - but that is not what anyone is interested in - other than can you stand?

Sigh .....

September 14, 2016


Mother has been short a few apples from her cart for quite a few years, most of her life actually.  Usually she can maintain but ever since her older brother died - whew, boy!, has she been a nut job!

So, I am painting on the bridge to the roadway and she calls.  First she wants me to drop everything and take her car shopping - I promised her to this on Friday, not Tuesday.  She knew I am painting, we have discussed this everyday for a week now!

Then she switches to the subject of her brother's estate and off she goes again.  Voice dripping in smug sarcasm at how she is the one whom has stopped his foster daughters from taking over the estate and how no one in the family appreciates her efforts.  Again I try to explain she inserted herself into the estate closing, she has no knowledge of his children other than what I told her, and she is screwing those girls out of their rightful property!  And she can not understand this!


That is the problem with a narcissistic personality disorder, whom is also bi-polar!  (Oh how insensitive of me, manic depressive is so much more acceptable a term!)

You know, I really had quite a pair of parents.  Insane mother and a sociopath NAZI for a father ....  it is a wonder I can even function when I think on this!  Maybe I just really need to go shooting at the range.  It has been five years and it is oh so relaxing!  ahhhhhhhh :)

Well, calmed down, still lots of painting to do on my bridge.  Maybe I can post a picture when I am done.....

September 13, 2016

Yesfir ...

So across the past four years have come an oddity: emails from Yesfir, from her varied accounts.

The first one came from an ISP address in northern Italy.  It matches with her friends there.  So I know it was not from her.  However, one day she and I will have a talk about that one!  And about her choice in friends.  I deleted it.

The second one came from central western Russia.  Again, a place where she has friends.  Since I now I knew it was not her again, I deleted it.

The third one looked far too suspicious, ISP addresses all over the eastern world.  But, its contents allowed me to pursue prosecution against a few of her old "friends" and their friends as well - in her self-interest.  And yeah, like the first one, she and I need to talk about this as well.  So it got deleted.

Then Friday came the forth email.

Mind you, I dearly wish to hear from my daughter, more than anything.  Yeah, God has kept me up to date with her - through all she thinks she has kept me in the dark on.  She just has never understood God's power or the bond he set between a father and a daughter.  I can't blame her.  Few understand God is not random and actually has a plan to lead you where he wants you.  Few would believe that the real God would talk to someone was messed up as me.

So, I cautiously opened the email, from one of her little used addresses.  It was just a link to a news story that meant little .... ?????  At least I had no clue why she sent it to me.

I had hoped for something more tangible: a start at reconciliation, an apology, even a "missing you".  Any would have been welcome.

But, I guess I still get to wait on that one.

So, Yesfir, if it really was from you and not another of your friends, for what ever reason - and you really would like to talk, email me again ... it is long over due dear.

And this time I replied.  As I said, God continually tells me how to pray for her and her husband - and perhaps that is all I ever will have from her.  But, it does not need to continue to be this way ....

September 12, 2016


Been almost a year since I started having the oddity of the same memory, as a dream, every night.  Totally weird.  As I was to learn, also totally worthless, it was just memories to torment me.  I finally just gave up trying to stop the dream - just live with the fact that you are stupid and God will continually remind me it seems.  But, I was not stupid - naive perhaps but not really stupid.  I do not how I could have taken any other path ...  Sigh.

Then I had a series of real dreams over the weekend!

In one, I was walking in the Arizona desert.  Weaving in and out of the cactus, it was beautiful.  And then, yeah, a gila monster clomped on to me!  Well it was a little freaky but he had bit my titanium leg - so no harm, no foul.  But, there was no way I could encourage him to let go!  Nothing worked.  So, I walked back to the car, lizard swinging back and forth on my jeans, and drove until I found a Highway Patrol type.  I pulled over and walked up to his car.  I asked him how to get a lizard off my leg.  He freaked out.

I was able to get him to understand that cutting off the head of the stubborn reptile just was not what I desired.  Eventually he got it off, with much effort and commented that cutting off its head would have been so much easier!  Then we had the discussion with his dispatch at how to wash the poison from my jeans without contaminating my washing machine!  Yeah, my dreams are always convoluted.

Then I was in Costco, looking for new jeans and the choices were not good.  There were lots of big butt pants, but I lack the middle age spread so many enjoy, so no huge butt I fear.  But, I need a new pair of jeans!  It was quite an odyssey!  And it was horiffying to me find myself then, having gone through checkout, to be putting my new pants in the middle of the departure area!  AAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!  Yes, I am one of those people whom is not comfortable dressing or undressing in public!  If there is a hidden message here, I am terrified of what it could be!

As one of my friends told me, "Kris, I think something is really wrong with you ... you have the most convoluted dreams I have ever heard of ... "


Or, try this one from Saturday night ...

I was setting up for a gem and mineral show, arranging the displays and thinking to myself I should have gotten up earlier because I was only wearing my pajama bottoms!  Then I got to thinking about what was I going to do!  The show would open and there I would be - in my pajama bottoms scaring off buyers!

Just then, I heard: "Uncle Kris, Uncle Kris!"

It was my pseudo-nephew Paul.  Paul!, of course, he could drive to my home and pick up some clothes for me and get back in time for me to be presentable!

Paul continues, "... there is a giraffe running around the woods!"

Our eyes met and the next thing I knew we were stomping through the woods looking for a giraffe ....

Don't ask me ...

September 10, 2016

Musical Saturday Morning

When this was released, in Europe anyway, it was under the title of "I Love The Flower Girl".  So for years I have searched on the internet for the video, but nothing!  Even the song list for The Cowsills showed nothing.  But I remembered it, I remember little, but what I do remember is usually right.  So the song had to exist and was done by the Cowsills!  It did not dawn on me until this year to do a lyric search ... and voila!

There was a flower girl in my life.  Her name was Donna Feather (used her real name so that if she finds this - she can shoot me an email!  Debbie Feather would be welcome to say "Hi" too!  Hint, hint, hint!)  It was probably the weirdest time of my life - nothing made sense, all of the young women were insane - except for her!  So, she was a very close friend - at least until college interfered with life ...

As I was to learn, absence does not make the heart grow fonder - only more distant.  I came back from college that first Christmas and found all of my friends had grown interestingly different, assuming they even remembered me at all!  Out of sight, out of mind as they say.

September 9, 2016

State Fair

When I was a kid, my favorite uncle taught me a song along the lines of:
"I went to animal fair,
The birds and bees were there ....."

Yeah, it was an - uhm - "interesting" fair.

We could start with the pair of perhaps 9th graders whom thought that hitting on a 60 year old man was smart.  Let's see: over 60, limping heavily with a cane - as I am just relearning to walk this past week - again!, and though not known by them - I am badly broken.  Oh yeah, everybody wants a piece of this ...  I have no doubt this less than innocent pair managed to find the older man to make the three-some they were looking for!  Just sickening!

And then there was the perhaps 17 year old group, stoned out of their minds!  One of the young women so far gone she did not even know what clothing she was missing!  And was growing less by the moment!  A female officer caught up with her at the Young Life concession booth, covered her and walked her off to the Paramedic station - with all of her stoner friends standing around going, "Oh man, we were just having fun.  What are we supposed to do now ...?"  Sigh ...

I had a 78 year old lady try to pick my pocket!  Well, I was stunned!  I learned as a youth in France that one's wallet goes in your front pocket, not your back!  So, she waddled off with a hurting hand - you do not stick your hands in strange man's back pockets!  She did this so quickly that she was obvious a long time pro!  I thought about holding that hand and turning her in ... but a bruise would work just as well at ending her crime spree for a few days ...  Yeah, she was unhappy with me, but she knew she was getting off light.  She shuffled off to the exit.  Sigh ...

It was retiree day at the fair, with special events for us old folks.  Uhm - street hip-hop is for us old types.  "Yeah, I remember when I used to break dance on the halls of high school ..."  Not!  There was also a very interesting Australian group doing some form of techno pop thing, I liked their sound but perhaps the sponsors of the show does not understand that 1980's and 1990's music is hardly the retiree timeframe!

For something positive:  Fred Oldfield, a western artist and illustrator, was there.  Think Charles Russell era artist, yeah he is that old!  And he is still painting but it is sad to see the signs of age wearing on him.  I think I will attend his classes this fall, while he is still offering them.  He is a pretty good man and I have long been impressed by him and his stories - but then he lived in an era where I know belong ...

Of course, there was tons of fried food on a stick.  Deep fried butter (gag), deep fried cheese (never tried it), deep fried bacon (bleech!), Twinkies, Ho-Ho's, etc - all enough to make me ill even thinking of the damage people do to their arteries with this "stuff" while young!  As for me I usually have the smoked ears of corn and smoked turkey legs.  This year they had smoked turkey leg tacos .... oh so tempting, until you saw the price!  I went with a gyro and bottle of water this year - only $23.00!  (gasp!)

I came with $140, which I thought would be more than enough.  But, with parking, admission, a sparse lunch, a few snow cones and a $15 DVD by Fred Oldfield - yeah, I walked away with $3.  Sigh ....

There were some great exhibits to be seen but the art section was not very good.  I was amazed that perspective was a problem across the board.  I wonder if this is something not taught any more in art class?  But, there were a few exceptional paintings.  One miniature was right out of any Post-Raphaelite painting right off the "Tour" in Switzerland during the late 19th century.  It was worthy of Hunt, Turner or any in that group!

I recognized a few people, but have no idea whom they were.  Amnesia just drives me crazy!  So, in the art area where all of these, "Oh, hi Kris, how are you doing?".  I do as I usually do, long ago coming to the conclusion to - just talk like I know them and be friendly.  It makes me wonder on how I could have even known by so many people, much less why it is that they should even remember me! I have been down for years and not at the fair I know of!

There were some excellent quilts.  I do not really understand how they judge a quilt but they looked nice.  They had a frame setup and I watched as four ladies were quilting the "whatever it is", well until one of them shouted, "OMG! A thread!"  They all froze and started discussing how to save the quilt with a stray thread showing from the quilting.  I walked over to the canning section ...  Apparently a lot of OCD going around.

In canning section, it was a hoot.  There was a perhaps young 20's something whom was walking along critiquing the jams and jellies.  I kept to my many years vow of not ever talking to a female again, I did not already know.  So, I just followed along, listening to her observations.  I came to the conclusion she was a judge from another fair, trying to figure out how they could give the awards they gave.  It truly was just a laugh listening to her as she measured the head space on the jars for exactness to 1/4", fruit float, etc.  I guess there are scary people even in jam and jelly making land ...

I reread this and realize that it sounds a bit negative (though mirthful!).  But, it was fun, I enjoyed myself thoroughly and definitely will be back next year if I can.  Maybe even with a painting to enter, if I can ever clear my calendar enough to do one to completion!

Amazing part was almost NO traffic getting there at post lunch time.  No backups trying to get into the parking lots, no lines to get in, in fact no much in the way of a crowd!  So just delightful!

Now if I can just figure out whom all of those people were in the art section ...  sigh ...

September 8, 2016

Arising From The Dead

So, last Saturday I was whacked - WHACKED! - by something resembling the flu.  I do not know if it really was the flu as there was no fever.  But, oh man were the rest of the symptoms all there!

But, life drags on. 
There is a mother whom needs driven around for groceries, medications and doctors!
There is groceries to find, that I have not been eating.
Cooking is beyond me.
Life is actually beyond me!

At least today I feel the best I have since this began.
and today my computer is all hosed up thanks to grand-daughter and my little pony games!

Well off to debug my computer again

September 5, 2016

Just Another Day

To many this is just another day

Today, it is a day of mourning

A memory so painful

Prayers appreciated

My endurance is at a end

And I have been down with the flu
Just to celebrate all the more ...

September 3, 2016

Musical Saturday Morning

Been a weird week.
Being cautious with my leg.
Being guarded with resurrected old friend.
Becoming destroyed over a new infection in my leg :(
Too little sleep.
My mind wanders to the past.
A past that never was ...

September 2, 2016


What you supposed to do with them!?!?!?!?!?!?

I have long mentioned that mine is certifiably insane, the only trouble is that as long as she does not harm anyone, the State will do nothing to stop her or force her on to medication she has needed for most of her life!  Of course, once she kills someone, well then they will blame her and lock her up ... and all they had to do to save a life was court order her on meds!

I went through this all with my grandmother as well.  After decades! of attempts to get her help, it took her knifing a Catholic priest to get her the help she had needed for most of her life.  And once on meds, she was a model prisoner and released into my custody once I was 18.  No one else in the family wanted her.  And she was perfectly fine - and I always could tell when she was cheating on her meds.

Really a darn same that the government would work in such a way - to protect the rights of the mentally ill!  They do not have to be mentally ill, it is treatable, but apparently the justice system likes statistics - not reality.

So I am late posting today because, well I agreed to take my mother out on a wild goose chase looking another car for her.  She flat refuses to have her POC GMC product repaired because she "can't trust anyone to work on her car", she knows "that they will rip her off".  That vehicle was destined for the crusher perhaps a decade ago!  But no she drove it to the end, refusing to even have it serviced because "they", "them", little green men are out to take her prize vehicle away from her!  AAAARGGGGGG!  My sister and I have argued ourselves blue with her - but any form of reality is completely lost on her!

I even bought her a Mercury station wagon several years ago.  She gave it to a friend because it needed an oil change!  Sigh .......

So, for three hours I hauled her around again this week, on the hunt for a $30,000 car for only $5,000!  Like I said, reality really has nothing to do with her mind.

I think I need a break from my mother after this last one!

September 1, 2016

Pete's Dragon

Sorry this is a little late in posting, but my health took a nose dive yesterday.  Yeah, 24 hours from now we will know if I am cursed to repeat the prior four months or not - sigh ..... :(

Anyway, took two of my grandchildren to see Pete's Dragon.  I had seen the original Disney cartoon as a child - heavens who knows how many decades ago?  I was not impressed with it.  So, not expecting too much from this one.

Of course, it is the story  of  boy and a dragon whom adopts him.
Of course, bad guys discover the dragon and hunt it down.
Of course, the boy is captured and civilized.
Dragon escapes.
Boy escapes.
And the movie ends on a a very nice up note.

Why say so little?  Because you need to see the movie if you can stand a tear jerker, this also funny and exciting.

It is a great movie - definite owner.
Though I will not watch it much, I always get headaches when i cry ...