May 31, 2019


My adopted daughter, Sasha, is the empress of back handed compliments.
Like telling a lady one time,
"I forgive you !"
Lady, "Forgive me for what?"
"For not being as good a cook as Papa!"

I have gone by Papa, the whole of the kids life with me,
Because in my first language,
Papa does not mean father,
But, Father - as in spiritual leader.
So, the children continually remind me that they are a gift from God,
And I am responsible to Him,
For them!

But back to the subject at hand.....

I do not generally get many compliments these days.
Of course I interact with almost no one!
So, not many opportunities.

Gaelic Girl was in fine form Sunday night.
We were eating a rather poorly prepared meal,
At a recommended establishment.
The place is full,
Waiters running around all over.
She looks up and in a loud voice says,"
Why Kris even you cook better than this!"

My skin just cringes as I envision being beat within an inch of my life!

The next day, I am in Cashmere, Washington.
As I am paying for my purchase in one of the antique stores,
The cashier asks for id,
And I hand her my drivers license.

"Oh my gosh!, I don't know what to say!
I mean like WOW!
You have lost a ton of weight!
And you look so good!
I like, oh my gosh!, in this picture you are a big fat p ....."

Just then, the manager cuts her off gently,
And saves me the embarrassment of being called a "p....."!
But, it does have a positive side to it!
So, I'll take it!

Like I said, not many compliments come my way!

May 30, 2019


I have got the worse case of the blahs!

I am truly surprised at the effect Kathy's death has had on me!
Only Edvard's surprising death many years ago had the effect on me ...

I thought to get a hold of her mother.
Seems she died.
I know her father died long ago.
So, perhaps her brother ...
Dead too!
Well, I do not want to bother her husband!
He has enough to deal with!
Besides, I actually never knew him other than in passing.

I wrestled last night with the thought of returning home.
A chance to visit my aunts and attend a funeral.
But, I am trying to get out of debt,
Not further in!

And as for posts,
My brain is just a sieve today.
Filled with memories of the old group,
Our many trips,
And the fun we had.
It was truly a magical time.
No pressure - always nice.

As for Kathy,
No doubt she will be warmly remembered by all!
And those of us blessed with that memory are the better for having known her.

May 29, 2019

Loss of a Friend

Seems over the holiday weekend,
I lost one of my oldest friends.
And I sit here - simply empty.

Kathy was a close friend I made after I got out of college.
Her mother sponsored the Bible Study I led for young adults.
Kathy hung out with the group I ran around with.
No, there were no pairings in the group, just 30 some odd friends.

In fact Kathy was to introduce me to Diedre.
Her best friend from grade school.

Kathy, went on to marry the little brother of one of my friends.
And though our lives took separate tracks,
We still stayed in touch.
Whether by letter, FaceBook messaging, eMails or phone.

Kathy had the most ready smile of anyone I have ever met.
And, yeah, it was a genuine smile!
She was more than willing to go the extra distance for a friend,
Or relative.
A truly generous and real person!

I am on the one hand sorrowful at her exiting to be heaven-bound.
And at the loss of physical presence of someone close to me.
Besides she was two years younger than me,
And younger people should not be dying early!

All I can think to say, "Say howdy to my right leg! And no tickling!"
Yeah, I am not normal.
And I do not seem to handle the dearth of friends well!

May 28, 2019

Leavenworth, Washington

I took Memorial Weekend to escape!
Yes, I drove to Leavenworth,
About 200 miles away,
Without my PTSD kicking in!
Great start to the weekend!

Stopped in Cashmere for a little antiquing!
Found a few Mustard tins I did not have,
eg: Nash's and several Cresent tins.
Also two Walter Foster painting instruction books,
And a Hungarian cookbook,
 To remember my grandmother,
The Swiss Marquist, aka:Lady in English.
Her family was Spanish and Hungarian.

Eh, something new to learn.

And unexpectyedfly,
The memoirs of Sydney Laurences' wife!
Talk about a rare book!
Laurence was the Godfather of Alaskan painters!

So, not a lot.
No Indian anythings,
No coins,
Just books.

As for Leavenworth,
It is always fun to roam the shops,
Save for the prices!
I did get a shirt for half price ...

I stayed at Der Ritterhof Inn on the west side of town.
Half the cost of the "in town" hotels,
But is clean, nice beds, and rooms.
Morning was a hot breakfast service!
It was delicious and so the room became  even cheaper!
Nice staff -
Recommend on this hotel for you!

Dinner was at King Ludwigs,
A German food source of note in the past.
Today however:

Barely passable German food,
Mostly cold!
So, microwaved food,
Not cooked!
And no longer recommended!

A good destination if you are flush with cash ans in the area!

May 27, 2019

Memorial Day

Just back from a long weekend.
Had no post at the start of the day,GET IT!
It is one of funniest movies I haveever seen!
As Google decided I need to use my old hacked Yahoo account to log in!
Of course, I use an Icelandic server now.
So had to be back home on my broadband to log in!

Google is such a pain in the .....

Never mind.
Enjoy the linked movie,
If you can find a copy -

May 24, 2019


I need to level set this since no one in Bloglandia will know you:

I first met Bridgitt thru my involvement with youth ministry.
Just an average 11 year old girl,
With a tragic past,
A troubled present,
And a horrific future.
That would be without God intervening .....

So, Bridgitt, God did intervene,
But, you could not recognize this,
Perhaps because of your filters,
Based on your life experiences.
Perhaps because you had not learned to trust.

Admittedly, you scared me to death!
What you needed was a strong father figure to take you in hand.
I was gun shy.
And I was very ill.
And none of the other youth leaders understood your plight,
As I so plainly saw.
Worse, no one cared.
And I could do little.

Many of the talks I gave to the group,
Were actually just for you.
I did what I could do,
When I was in town.
And, when I could give rides,
And, I have prayed for you for decades!

When you found me online,
I was delighted to see one of "my kids" pop back up!
And saddened to see how life has been a struggle for you.

Years ago, had you thought to come to me,
I would have told you the tale of Darla.

I was working under contract to a large company,
Helping them to define their methodologies for program maintenance.
Darla was my secretary along with another girl named Grace.
And everyone knew I was an odd duck because I make no bones about being a Christian.

So, one lunch hour, my secretaries pop in to my office for a "discussion".
Odd, but okay .....

Darla - "So Kris, where do you stand on the abortion issue?"
Grace is biting her nails, I wonder if the question is hers....
Me - "I have always held that in this culture it is a matter of choice for a woman."

Darla - "Well no, I mean, what would you tell me if I was pregnant?"
Grace is chewing on her elbow now, so super stressed and I am basically clueless.
Me - "Well, I would tell you that only God can create life, you just get to participate! And for some reason, God values human life and calls it precious. Then as such it becomes a sin to take a human life. So, I would tell you, think of adopting out the child ....."

So the conversation went for 45 minutes.
It was weird.
Never happened before or since to me!

Darla failed to come in for work on Monday.
Monday evening I had a call on my voice recorder when I got home,
"Kris, I need you!"
But, Darla left no return number!
So all I could do was pray that night, without ceasing, for whatever Darla's issue was.
And wonder at how she could have gotten my number!

Tuesday, Grace was all upset,
Darla had died in the early morning hours.
Well, that was the end of my day!!!!!

Seems she had an abortion on Friday afternoon.
Went to the hospital with a high fever Monday.
And died from a pelvic infection that night!

I still sit here,
Decades later,
Such a huge waste of a young life!
Somehow, my words did not sink in.

Or have a valid meaning to her.
And so her story has become one among many I share with youth.
Darla was real, yes that was her name!
And young women need to hear these tragic tales in order to protect themselves!
Death is very real.

So, Bridgitt,I am honored you chose to share your story with me,
Albeit too late to have saved a life.
And what are you to do now?

Very simple:
Tell God what you did (confess).
Ask for his forgiveness.
Change how you have been living so this will not happen again!
Find a solid church and become active -
Perhaps work with youth,
So they can avoid the traps you fell into!

And above all:
Remember I was there for you 30 years ago ...
I still am.
You were a part of my extended family,
That remains unchanged.

The next steps are up to you.

May 23, 2019


This is a post I have wanted to do for well over a year, but just have not been able to get my thoughts together well.
So, here goes.

Worship is not a matter of singing songs.
Except to those whom like to sing.
(And inflict their belief on all others!)

In my church, the pastor likes to sing.
So, worship is limited to about 45 minutes of music and song.
And the songs are as vacuous as most modern music is.
Yeah, you can't tell who is being sung about!
Much less how on Earth suck worthless lyrics could possibly be considered worship!

I remember shocking one of my classes by taking the lyrics of one of these so called 'worship' songs and having tge kids justify the lyrics using the Bible.
Yeah, opened a few eyes that morning!

My problem with worship being considered limited to song and music is that  it reduces worship to mere rote.
And outside of only one reference in Psalms, which tells us to sing, ignores that this is not called worship at all!

To me worship is the sharing of testimonies, studying the Bible, and in big part - prayer.
And prayer, at least at my church, no longer plays an important part of anything!
Prayer, our way to communicate with God - relegated to no real importance,

So, it is no surprise to see man's wisdom called God's directions / will.
And man's judgements are terribly flawed ...
Sorry got side tracked there!

Point is we are too casual in our worship.
We sing a song, luckily meaningless because that is what modern songs are.
(and if you are a song writer, I feel very sorry for you!)

So in Psalm 94, God is our rock.
In Psalm 96, God is our King.
And in the middle is Psalm 95 ....

With song
Songs of praise

Repentance is implied.
With thanksgiving.

It involves your body:
Raised hands
Mind is engaged

Watch Out!
Do not harden your heart.
That means no whining!

And consider, verses 10 and 11.
God was sickened by the Israelis!

So, think on how you worship God.
And how you can change to worship Him ....

May 22, 2019


My apologies to my regular readers,
For I had nothing yesterday!

Seems that if you do not sleep for five straightdays,
Well, brain no worky!

But will I sleep tonight?
No Idea!

Ever since the dialysis center did something called a"SUF" run,
There has been no rest for me!
And they want to this two more times before next Monday!
You would think cool.

But, since this sleeplessness was triggered but a SUF run,
Well, I have little hope for a normal weekend!
All prayer is welcome!

May 20, 2019

Unexpected Memories

Sunday was a day for surprises!
Becky came up from Oregon,
Seems the folks are driving her crazy!
And it would certainly be hard to take my mother 24X7!

But as happy as that was,
She had a missionary from Paraguay in tow.
Initially, I was hesitant,
Me and the average missionary will not do well together.
Their commitment to God is far weaker than their commitment to fun!

I could embarrass all of Christendom with verifiable examples!
Yes, it is embarrassing!
But, I do support missions - when I can verify their wastage is small,
If not non existant!

So, my heart was filled with dread,
What had Becky gotten herself into?
On the other hand, Becky was the one whom had turned me on to Roots and Wings,
An outreach to families in Mazatlan, Mexico.
And they are doing a magnificent job!

So, I held my breath .....

The guy's name was,
And I kid you not:
Juan Carlos!
The last King of Spain,
Whom I spent a pleasant day with him and his fiancee, Princess Sophia of Greece
After the wedding of King Constantine of Greece and Sofia of Denmark(?).
(Been a long time and my memory is slipping ...)

So, this flood of pleasant memories washed over me!
Right down to Sophia's, Gardenia perfume .....
We danced quite a bit together that day!

And here is a namesake,
So, I cooled my jets,
And waited.

Thus began a very interesting discussion of ideas and understandings.

He is Paraguayan,
Working for Vista Ministries, in some manner,
A Reputable group!
And he is very Reformation minded,
In a Pagan version of Roman Catholic faith controlled country, you would have to be!

Amazingly, he and I are in complete agreement!
So, I already know how popular he is going to be lecturing here in the USA!

I know Becky is stressed financially, so no short term missions for her!
My health is kaput!, so no travel over one day for me!
But should one of you speak Spanish, or version thereof,
Consider a trip to Paraguay,
I think you would be in for a treat spiritually!
Equally, I imagine finances also are hard on missions,
Especially in Satan's backyard,
Speaking the truth of the Gospel!

If I remember, I will try and run down contact information for you ......

May 18, 2019

Musical Saturday Morning

This video always cracks me up!
Because this is not the Nancy and Ann I knew back in the 70's!
Big hair posers ....

But such is the life of entertainment glitz,
Taking you places you never would have gone,
Exchanging truth for lies,
Because you are so far removed from real reality!

May 17, 2019

Firefox Reset

I use Firefox as my browser.
Going all the way back to Netscape, the original browser offered by what was to become Mozilla.
Because MicroSquish's products are junk.
Just personal observation.

So, I do not use their products,
Albeit, Windows is hard to avoid!

Anyway, yesterday I was typing up my late post, when out of the blue Firefox reset itself!
Yeah, reformatted the screen, lost all my settings, etc!
Twenty hours later it almost is back to where I had it before it decided to help me out!

I may still have to flatten the computer and reload it!
Soooooo frustrating!

May 16, 2019


Sorry, late doing a post!

Three nitroglycerin overnight, as the heart conyinues to give out with regularity.
So, Thursday morning was in the doctor's again.

Tomorrow I was going to take mother to have lunch with her brother.
Except her mental issues kicked in yesterday and she cancelled.
"They" are watching.
"They" are waiting to break in.
"They" are will steal everything ....

You can't combat mental illness.

It also does no good that yes, she has been bugged,
Discovered by the phone company.
She has been broken into several times by a neighbor with a thing for her.
Lots of small stuff and food taken.

But she now refuses to leave her home,
Unless she wants to.

And apparently, lunch with her dying brother does not fit in with her desires.
Oh well.
As Somer, texted me when I exploded,
"Just send her a card. To bad so sad for her!"

Yeah, Somer, is a cold one.

May 15, 2019


I have never responded well to the concept of limitations.
Someone tells me, "You can't."
And I must prove them wrong.
The fact you are using a computer to read this is proof of this.
I was told back in 1975, "A disk drive can not .....",
So, I wrote the first "digital" disk drive operating system.
Yeah, I was fired for it.
IBM found my creation far more interesting!

And now I learn that I did sustain bodily damage in the stroke four years ago .....
That piece of information changes almost all of my plans!
 I should have been able to guess at this.
But, my left side has always been my weakest!
So, during recovery,
It did not surprise me that driving was hard.
Or, doing up buttons.


I am unsure what the limitation means to my desires to:
Ride the 210 mile Seattle To Portland bicycle ride again
Hunt for lost treasures
Hike the Yukon Trail with Swede, as his grandfather did in 1897
Climb Longs Peak again
Kill that Russian boar with my name on it
Can I even still shoot, much less at long distances?
or ... so many, many other things!

 I just do not know now how active I can be and still survive.
Darn those lousy genetics!

But, oh well, nothing I can do about it!
But, I can still push the boundaries,
To see what I can still do.

May 14, 2019

Oh Pooey!

Well certainly God has been merciful across all of the health issues I have struggled with!
I just plod along through life.
Mostly okay,
Albeit, continually with no memory!

However, I started the Cardio Rehab program at the local heart health institute.
And the results were a bit surprising.

It seems that Kris' 2015 stroke during surgery was not without physical cost!

Yeah, I finishing up my routines,
About ten minutes left to go,
When my left side just failed me.

It was like we had pushed too hard,
And now the limbs were rebelling!
 No, it  was not another stroke.
So, it could only be from 2015!

So, like my father before me,
And his father before him,
I get the joys of restricted motion,
Twenty years before either of them!
As well as, no brain to go with it.

Sigh ....

One is tempted to question if my life expectancy will be shortened as well.
In which casr next year would be it for me,
Following the twenty year loss idea.

But, as God has made plainly evident to me:
My Days are in His more than capable hands,
Not mine!

May 13, 2019

Follow Ups

So thought I would post some updates on previous posts:

Adoptive Father is still bed ridden.
Currently in a .hospice as he exhausted his funds for at home care.
Probably will go see him today.
I don't think he has a clue whom I am any longer.

Health is still a challenge with me.
Heart is jujst mighty weak!
But am now in a cardiac gym program.
So, hopefully I will be back to walking a mile a day again shortly.
For now, suffering through 1  or 2 heart failures a week!
Yeah, eating Nitro like it is candy ...

Gaelic Girl is back to her prickly old self.
Still in pain from the knee replacement.
Working way too many hours on her feet.
Yeah, this is a faikure in the making.
But, no one ever listens to me ....

Swede had a stent put in his heart artery last week.
So is now trying to define what his new "normal" will be.
For now, mighty weak!

I have been debating a problem concerning International Banker Girl.
I am hesitant to say anything, without talking with her first.
It may just be an appearance of a problem - I hope!
Not a situation rebellion against God ...

I am quite concerned about Dutchman.
Nothing from him since February.
Very odd!

Well that is about as much as I can think of at the moment!

May 10, 2019

Father Brown

I was switching channels last night and ran across Father Brown
I do not generally watch this show.
Acting is challenged.
Dialogue is flat.
Story lines are really bad!

Yeah, not too impressed!

But, the phone ran an I was unable to turn it off.
And it was intriguing.
If for nothing more than to see what will they do to condemn a woman serial killer?
And they totally went sideways from standard Hollywood  fare.

What set this episode apart is that they actually confronted the serial killer!
And did a gospel presentation!

Yeah, they really covered all of the bases there!

It was simply amazing and so unexpected!

My oh my Father Brown, you were downright evangelical!
And you know that there are standards of behavior and referenced the show!


May 9, 2019

Lost IT!

Yes, Kris has finally lost it!

I went to schedule today's activities, last night.
Only to find that the basis of my life is missing!
Yes, my Day Timer has gone missing!

All of my phone numbers.
All of my appointments.
All of my notes on what I need to remember!
The outline for my next book .... !

I feel ill!

I know it was in  my  haversack yesterday mornming,
I know it was no there at luch time.
Since the place I openned was at the doctor's,
While mom had oral surgery,
I am hoping they found it!

sigh .....

May 8, 2019


Mother is a paranoid-manic depressive.
Sorry but bipolar just does not describe what life is like around them!
Lord, how I loath mental illness!
And ALL of the women on the Scott-ASpencer side suffer from this!
And MUST inflict themselves on me!

And, after several days in a row of walking mother through health issues, doctors and hospitals -
My nerves are on edge and my mind just numbed from the ^%%$#@ that passes for her logic!
And NO ONE has ever listened to Kris,
After-all I had only the second IQ recorded for a family member ...

Back home,
I noted my blood pressure is looking for Olympic Gold,
So, flip open my pill box and note that someone did not count out his pills yesterday!

So, I see that my night time pills are in the box.
But with my mind,
Who knows these days!
So, I count out my pills,
Making sure I am matching the pills already there.

Once done,
There is one pill left over and unmatched.
So, I examine this unknown pill.
It is light lavender in color,
About 100 mgs in size,
And absolutely NO numbers or lettering!

Going back through the pill bottles,
Nothing matches this pilll.
Going through all of my suppliments,
Again no match!
In fact, I can find no matching pill anywhere in this house!

So, where did it come from?

I tossed it away.
But just because you are not paranoiid,
Does not mean that someone is not seeking your death!
Too weird!

May 7, 2019

The Zombies!

The first group I can remember really liking was, The Zombies!
A young band from England.
I could listen to them nightly on Radio Caroline,
By shortwave radio,
In my home in north-eastern France.

Good songs!

So, a little dedication to Christina's memory,
Hard to imagine her as a swinger,
But, then,
We all have a past!
(and a future!)

Thank you for your honesty.
Thank you for your "burying the hatchet".
Thank you for loving my parcel of rascally Russian children!

(things I never said ... and probably should have!)

May 6, 2019

Noted With Sadness

So, I thought I would hop onto the internet and see whom else has died since I have been so out of it for so long.
And I found something I was unprepared for.

First up is death of yet another uncle.
This one I liked very much!

He was not well regarded in the family,
As he was a dirt farmer.
Raised sugar beets and occasionally potatoes.
His German wife, whom married him to escape Hitler's Germany,
Never forgave him for the dirt.

She is a total neat freak and no one is allowed sit on her furniture!
Yeah that is what floors are for!
She is an example of what was wrong with the Germany mindset before the War!
And why I rebelled against the pomp and circumstance of being a noble!
Albeit, a dirt poor one at that!

Vernon died on Saturday,
Due to a weak heart.
I got his wife a nice card,
Which I will send as soon as this post is done.
But travel is out for me these days!
Sorrowfully, I last saw him 2001 at his oldest sister's funeral.
sigh .....

And, with a great sense of personal sadness,
Christina Swenson,
The woman whom would have been my mother-in-law,
Had history gone differently.
I was very much awed by her,
A Swedish model,
And she was gorgeous!

Though our relationship was tumultuous at the time,
As she totally freaked on her daughter and this strange fascination she had for this German (at the time, I was not allowed to use my real name, nor nationality - Cold War paranoia!)
Her hatred of me  cost me a bride,
But she was up front with me - it was personal!
And I had no real choice in that society, in that day and age .....

She made a point of seeking me out many years later,
And totally embarrassing me no end in public,
To apologize,
During a church service!

She had just engineered her brother-in-law's death,
Then figured out what she had done to him,
And remembered me,
The other one she had sought dead.

In more ways than one!

God, that was horrible!

But, with that humiliation, we made peace,
Meeting often across the years.
When I was in her town,
Or later when she visiting her ailing daughter at the UW Medical Center.
She would come and visit with my adopted children,
The grandchildren she would never have by her oldest daughter.
And strangely my children bearing names she had picked out for her grandchildren,
When her daughter was born!

Too weird!

I have not seen Christina in many years now,
As I moved.
Her husband, was someone I looked up to!
He was 6'5" to my pre-crash 6'4.5"!, and he would rub it in!
He actually sought me out before his death several years ago,
To personally apologize for how wrong they had done me and their daughter.
Stunned me!
It takes a mighty big-sorry man to own up to that one!
And I felt his anguish ......
I have daughters too .....

So, a bit sad for Oona.
Both of her parents are gone now.
And her siblings living else where.
And her health is gone.
sigh .....
I do wish her well in life,
As I have for 45 years .....
Of quietly helping her,
When led to do so by the Spirit.
But, not enough to hunt her down!


Of course, she had to appear in a dream last night,
Only the second time that has ever happened (I think!).
And like the last time,
I awoke screaming at 2 AM!
My youngest daughter came crashing down the stairs to see who had killed me!

Yeah, I think I have a few unresolved issues there .....

May 4, 2019

Musical Saturday Morning

A little replayed group, whose sound was very much like Duran Duran at the time.
But seemed to pattern themselves after OMD, of a few years earlier!

May 3, 2019

In Passing

I am WAY behind in my reading!
I tell you, go and sort of die, and it is hard to catch up with ANY aspect of your new life!
So, as of last night, I am caught up with November 2018!

So, unknown to me at the time in November,
Dick Dale died!
Whom you say?

Dick Dale was the creator of the surf guitar sound of the early 1960's.
He was also documented as the fastest note picker ever on a guitar!
Hundreds of notes a minute!
Lord only knows how his tendons survived that one!

As a youth, I was quite mesmerized by his guitar prowess.
I even wanted to learn how to play the guitar.
Well, my high school sweetie was a musical anomaly,
So, it was logical.
But, Kris has NO musical ability!
(except I could sing quite well, but forget ever learning to read music!)

So, my Kay Concert sits in a box in my closet to this day .... 45 years later!
But back to Dick....

He suffered through numerous surgeries for colon cancer through the last 20 or so years.
And was quite outspoken on the subject.
I have no doubt that he lost his final bout ....

So, a blast from the past.
A little clip that shows not only his talent but his nature as well.
From Back To The Beach, a 1980's beach party satire ...
With Stevie Ray Vaughn, another dead guitarist of immense talent:

May 2, 2019


Reputation ....
One of those words you do not think of,
When you are young.

On my mind has been a young lady,
Let us call her, Bobette.

Bobette is quite a pretty little thing.
Atheist family,
Brought up with NO knowledge of morals
Or God .....

So, did not quite make it out of high school until an older man left her with child.
Not learning a lesson from that one,
She quickly found comfort in another's arms,
And again deserted with another child.
There was no lesson in that one either it seems.
Now at 18, with two children, she crosses paths with one of "my boys".
Too bad his faith at the time was trumped by her sexuality .....

Now with third child on the way,
She decides to marry this one.
Make NO mistake,
This cost her, her family!

You see, see is completely the product of her environment.
No different thasn her mother,
No different than her grandmother,
No different than five generations of her female ancestors!

So, young man and laden young woman set upon making a life for themselves.
Oh those first few years were tough.
They both had a ton of luggage they needed to abandon,
MANY emotional traumas to overcome.
Mind you, it has not been easy on either of them!

But, with time, they developed a rhythm to life,
And it looked like they would succeed.
That is until Satan,
In the form of first baby daddy reappeared on the scene!@

No, she was no longer interested.
And when he figured this out,
Went on the warpath hoping to embarrass her back into bed - (are guys stupid or what!?!?)
And she had the honesty to admit this.

To put it bluntly,
This creep has done so much damage in their community that it has come down to:
Either they disappear,
Or he does!

Since he wants money to disappear,
More than likely to reappear every time his drug stash is low ....
Or, I have a baseball bat that says he does not get a dime!
And, yes, he will disappear ... permanently!

Luckily, relocating the family is far cheaper,
And ugly Kris need not re-appear!
(thank you Lord for sparing me this!)

So, now living many hundreds of miles away,
They are starting life over.
Reputations untarnished.
I am very excited for them.

As for Bobette,
She has learned a series of lessons she never should have had to!
I reallt feel for all of the players here,
For God will hold them accountable!
And yes, she has made her peace with her creator ......

As for husband,
It sickens him to finally understand exactly the world works;
When you are playing Satan's game,
By his rules,
In his kingdom!
And yes, a very changed man!
(may he stay so!)

May 1, 2019


Sorry today's post has been pre-empted by a medical emeergency by my mother.
Some how, she broke the left hiunge of her jaw!
So, much pain,
Much surgery required,
Much pain for her to survive!
