January 30, 2018

Loss and Gain

Philippians 3:7-11

What You Value
Let it become trash in comparison to what is found in Jesus.
The word "trash" here refers to something of no value, refus,. literally dog poop!
Paul is not saying to throw Judaism away,
Just that there us no comparison with what he has found in Jesus.
Paul has traveled from LAW to Freedom-
To do so he had to throw away his learning and Jewish pride!

What You Get
Righteousness, based solely on Jesus.

Consider 1 John 4:7-12

Sharing The Pain
We are to share in Jesus' pain and suffering:
By God's design.
Through we become like Him.
Our fellowship with Jesus can be found in our suffering.

Yeah, not the popular idea these days.
Yet, Paul felt it needed mentioning.

January 29, 2018

Decent Cookbook

I collect cookbooks - what else is news, eh?  LOL
I have around 3,000 of them, in spite of donating 800 of them to the Goodwill this past year!.
Yeah, I read cookbooks at bedtime :)
Good dreams!

At Christmas, I sent Dishing Up Washington by Jeff Thomson to all members of my family and extended family, except for my Swiss aunts, they all got calendars.

Dishing up Washington, is one of those rare cookbooks where the recipes actually work!
I get so irritated when I am trying a new recipe and there are errors in it - grrrrrrrr!
Often it is just bad proof reading, but just a bad recipe is common enough, as well.

I am not likely to ever try their take on roasted bone marrow.
I grew up in post-War Germany, I am way too familiar with bone marrow.
Just the smell brings back such horrible memories!
And, the bone crunching, sucking and lip smacking by my aunts - I can still hear!
gag ...

But, I have made it roughly through half the book so far and been very impressed.
Lots of good seafood recipes.
And the mushrooms ones have all become favorites with me.

The 150 recipes are all by local (to Washington), some quite original.


January 26, 2018


I used to check my blogs statistics monthly, just for fun.
Today, for the first time in a year, I did it again.
The last time, Blogger reported to me a robust readership, daily.
Countries generally all over the world.
And for some reason, lots of downing!
cool, I was flattered.

So today's stats were a bit different.
Virtually no readership.
For a long time.

I still have one reader in the USA anyways.

But content downloading continues unabated.
Mostly in the Eastern Bloc countries, France and Portugal.

I realize that my travails across 2017 were not exciting.
15 Surgeries and extensive recovery.
But it is a let down seeing numbers fall so consistently low.
And yet I do not write for popularity,
Just what is going on in my life.

But unexpectedly, I find I do care.
Not sure why.
And as I have discovered, very few will be reading this.

Oh, I will continue to blog.
I think I am solidly addicted by now.
Just what do I write on if I was boring so many?

No idea.
Something to think on over the weekend.....
Got a suggestion?
Drop a line .....

January 25, 2018

How To Walk

I use three concepts quite a bit:
Following after Jesus
Following Scripture
Being an Example

And folllowing a "Huh?"
Came the "How?"
Yeah, I do not necessarily think that way.
So, given some time to think ...

Revelation 3:7-13

Walk In the Light
Isaisah 22:22
Romans 2:28-29
James 1:2
1 Thesselonians 4:16-17
Revelation 21:2

Walk in Love
John 143:15
1 John 4:7-8
1 Cori8nthians 16:14

Walk in Liberty
Romans 3:23-24
Galathians 5:13
2 Timothy 1:7

January 24, 2018


Youngest daughter is so addicted to The Bachelor.
I fear the world is being infected yet further with America's worthless values!

A consistant parade of self seeking men and women.
Their only concern, getting more for them.
The opportune spouse, not even a thought.

Such are the values of this culture!
And I do have to point out to my daughter the lies, the poses, what is really going on.
And she hates this, but I think she knows I am right.

So I watch the cycle premieres - always a hoot!
And a show or two, to keep up with her interests.

Of course the current cycle is a circus!
I just want to slap some sense into the lot of them!
And the bachelor may as well as be 16
Since he only seems capable of demonstrating he does not use his big head at all!

American TV!
Not to suggest any other modern TV is any better!

I feel ill ...

January 23, 2018

Heart Down

One of mysteries a team of doctors has been trying to answer  is, why did I pass out back in October?
There are lots of ideas but nothing better than guesses.
Very frustrating since I would like to drive again.

Then on last Thursday my daily walk did not go well.

Sure looked like it was going to be another heart attack.
Back home, my blood pressure was at 279/173.
Interestingly, I started to have breathing problems.
But I did not even realize this until early morning Monday morning what was wrong!

Friday, I felt horrible but struggled to do what I do.
My walk did not go well again.
My youngest daughter had to retrieve me.
It had taken me 45 minutes to walk only two blocks towards home!
And I had another half mile to go!
Still high blood pressure, 186/109.
But why?
My mind is really muddled now,
But I am trying to think this out.

Saturday I stayed home.
I drank only water, no tea!
No sodium in nothing I ate.
Blood pressure dropped towards normal.
Well no real news there.

Sunday evening I spiked at 225/121.

I was in such pain by Monday!
But no ability to even try and reach my phone.
Yeah, I was ready for an ambulance!
But it was to get worse!
My breathing kept stopping!
but my blood pressure was only 132/87 !

Seeing the heart specialist this afternoon ...

What is going on!

Of course, there is no fixed reason this happened last October, nor now.
More tests.
More lack of answers ....

January 22, 2018


I am a pack-rat, I readily admit it!
Though I hope to own much less a year from now.
I am a treasure hunter, only moderately successful however in that area.
But I have three hunts laid out which could put my grand-kids through college, maybe.

But what I value is history, knowledge and the people I have known.
Even though some of them were massive negative influences ...

What do you value?
What is it you cling to?
No wrong answers here ...

Philippians 3:1-6

Welcome Consistent Concepts
Remind ourselves whose you are,
Who God is,
What the Gospel is.

The world brings confusion:
Misunderstanding of sexuality, security and happiness.

Conversely, God brings the correct understanding to all of these areas:
Purity and innocence

The Wild Dogs
Paul uses a much debated linguistic statement.
Wild dogs, mutilated flesh - what the heck!?!

Well, unfortunate history, not withstanding Roman Catholic theology ...
First century Jews, wanted to fight in the Olympic Games, but were mocked for their circumcision.
Now how to undo a circumcision?
Yeah, butchery!

And Paul attaches these thoiughts to the concept of the Jesus Plus crowd.
Jesus plus something else is what gains you salvation.
And that something else has no end of definitions.

If ANYONE tells you that ANYTHING else other than Jesus blood shed on the cross and his resurrection are needed for salvation - you have just encountered one of the false teachers!

Christian Characteristics
Your circumsion is of the heart.
The sin nature stripped away.
Our trust is in Jesus, nothing else!

Don't get Cocky
Before Jesus, Paul valued:
his works
being a "blue blood"

He found he had to abandon this value system to follow Jesus!
See what God values.
See what God rewards.
Then FOLLOW God ...

January 20, 2018

Musical Saturday Morning

 a repeat from years ago, but I was humming this tune while I watched the week crumble around me:

January 19, 2018


So, I had my court appearance for m6y accident in October.

The judge askewd a couple of questions and then had my case appealed to a higher court for dismissal.
He felt there was no case.
I agree in concept but I did have an accident.

Sigh ....

But I am glad that at least one judge agreed with me that no ticket should have been issued.

sigh ......

January 18, 2018


Went to our local Fred Meyers to do some grocery shopping.  It had been only the second time since mid-October I could get anyone to take me to the grocers!  Everyone here has the ability but no one wants to be bothered by acquiring food - no shortage of eating how ever!

So, I stumble into the store and INSTANTLY found myself in the middle of a knife fight!
What the heck!
And I found myself not only whipping out the blade I carry but stepping between the knife wielder and two deputies he had caught off guard!

My appearance with a stout blade, accompanied by the loud click of its automatics, startled the offender enough that he threw his Air Force flight jacket on the floor and then quietly emptied his pockets.  His eyes never left my knife, the cops' eyes never even saw mine!

And I was like, "Thank you God!"
And the cops were like, "What the heck was that for?"
And people were running away screaming.
No one was using their cell phone camera.
And I walked away, unknown, unshaken
But very much in wonder as to what is wrong with a place where unoffensive cops are targets!

And the one from a few weeks ago?
Turned out to be the meth addict son of a lady in my church!
Poor family!
This drug plague is destroying whole families here .....

And no one cares!

January 17, 2018

Times of Trouble

Have you ever reached your end?
You know, there is nothing left you can do.
Nowhere you can go.
No one you can count on.
It may even seem God is no longer there!

Psalm 137:1-4

Embrace Your Call
Grasp your present reality!
Live in your pain!
Hope is in God's promises!
Remember whom you are!
Pray for vindication!
Find comfort in what can not be changed!

God's Love is our standard!

Change Your Approach
Study suffering in Psalm 6

Know that when you can not praise, pray, sing -
God's Spirit will intervene and do this for you -
in you pain, in your grief, in your blackness.....

January 16, 2018

Lost City of Z

Swede gave me a Roku flash drive for the borro2ed TV, for Christmas.  Don't ask me, if is just so much fancy technology to avoid the cable company :)
It took both of us for ever to get it to work - we both have minds and wonder about everything that is never said!

First thing I watched was the Lost City of  Z.  As the movie and story unraveled, I realize that I knew t1964he story, albeit in French.  So, this placed my knowledge to sometime after 1964 and the birth of my addiction to all things to do with archaeology and anthropology.

So, it was good seeing a movie about something I knew the story of!

The sad of the aspect is that the movie portrays so sadly the arrogance of the Victorian Age and the belief that all that can be known - is known!  Equally, how horribly females were treated - it made me positively angry!  Sigh - mankind just plain sucks ...

The movie is a very unvarnished look at archaeology, anthropology and the age of exploration.
I would recommend however this is an adult film due to primitive dress or lack there of.
Else there is no complaint against a well made film.

Not a must see, but it is a worthy to be seen.
Just be really for a gloves off approach to all that swirls around this topic.

January 15, 2018


So, what is left of me has turned 63 ....

On today's schedule is calling mother to wish her a happy birthday.
Yeah, I was born on her 18th birthday.
And through the years I have collected quite a gathering of people born on this day.
Weird, yeah, we are all weird.

So, pray for me as I call mother to wish her well
And attempt to avoid her mental illness triggers!

The day I will spend with number 1 daughter and grandkids.

ciao bella!

January 13, 2018

Musical Saturday Morning

Okay, I will admit that on morphine, the video was a whole better!

January 12, 2018

Christmas Day Aside

We can thank multiple denominational traditions for utterly losing when Jesus was born.  Do you like December 12th, December 25th, January 12th or better yet April first?  No one any longer knows for sure, but April has most of the historical votes as being appropriate.

Constantine made the mess we enjoy today by setting Jesus' birth to the Solstice.  And there it has stayed for millennia!

But the problem is not really of when, but rather the question as to why!

Galatians 4:4-7

There is a Plan
It was predicted
There should have been no surprise for those whom waited on the Lord.

God is Acting
According to His plan.
Insert Himself into all lives to accomplish
Jesus: birth, ministry, death and resurrection!

 Jesus is the Good News
Of God's plan for us.

So, no matter the day you think Jesus was born, He was.
And if you are Orthodox, Merry Christmas, today!

January 11, 2018


I hated dishonesty, in all of its forms.
It helps little, as I have grown older, to finally understand how people have used me through the years.
The lies, what they have stolen from me.
I fight not to become angry at my stupidity.

 Back in December, son decided to party hardy:
five cases of beer
4 bottles of his own wine
3 bottles of mine

I did not care.

For last night, I planned to make fondue.
I needed Chardonnay
Oldest daughter me a bottle
All was ready.

But life intervened.
We had visitors.
So, last night became fondue night.

only over the weekend,
The wine vanished!
Oh was I pissed!

I could no careless about a $10.00 bottle of wine.
It is the corruyption of not being willing to admit it!
It is the supterfouge of blaming others.
It is not being able to look me in my eyes ...

Oh was I ever angered!
If you are an adult:
Live up to your deeds!
But do not expect congratrulations for thinking me stupid!

In the end, it is possible a house guest took 2 bottles overe the weekend,
Of course failing to mention anything!

Now, what else is missing?

January 10, 2018


In Philippians we get a chance to read someone else's letter!  How exciting .. no not really, but it shares with us others views and struggles!

Philippians 2:17-24

Biblical Friendship Definded
You are insweert into other;s lives for God's sake - not your own.

Friends who bring joy
Put the needs of other's first

January 8, 2018


So, I ended 2017 with yet one more surgery - and I am not sure which was worse - that last one or all surgeries since 2013 combined!  Oh My Gosh, what a killer! And, it will be months before they know if it worked or not!

I still can not use my right arm, perhaps for another 3 months!  Like I even have a memory worthy of holding anything for 90 days!
And the boredom is killing me!!

I read through my first edition French Cookery several times now, was able to remember many of my lessons from Madame Bourdoun - my mouth is watering to get into some real food but alas,  can not cook and no one around here will!

In self-defense, I bought a case of Cup of Noodles, which my soon and his girl friend ate across a weekend - expecting him to replace them- - silly me!  Everything I have is apparently his, too bad for me!  And if I even broach his behavior, it is a yelling match on his part, throwing things and lots of attitude I can live without!  Such a delightful two weeks this has been.
What is a father to do?
Especially when I also have to deal with an insane mother!

Well time to think about my two mile walk to the doctors ......

January 1, 2018

Where Is God?

Matthew 1:23 - 25

In My World
Jesus came in fulfillment of prophesy.
Jesus came because of Hus love for mankind.
Jesus is the good news for mankind.
Jesus did not come to condemn.
Jesus demonstrated love.

In My Church
God dwells with us.
God is in our church.
We are God's agents to show His witness.
Jesus gave us His Spirit.

God Is In My Life
Not to punish.
To save each of us.
To witness 'His power to others.