December 23, 2014


One frustration I have with this time of year is the pseudo-intellectuals whom pontificate concerning Christmas and its non-Christian origin ... and therefore Jesus is just a sham.  Okay, apples, oranges, not the same, there none of them are fruits using that logic.

Yes, the Celtic tribes had a Winter Solstice celebration, virtually all pagan religions observed this, it was the point of the coming of winter.  Important to know if you care about agriculture or hunting or just finding water.

Yes, the Roman Catholic Church set Jesus' birth to match with this celebration as a way in which to "christianize" a pagan holiday.  (note small letters because there is nothing Christian about this.)  When was Jesus born?  Who cares?  It was probably in April, hence the April's Fools Day, a time to play tricks on those stupid enough not to know it was December 25th that Jesus was born on!  Yeah, Greek or eastern tradition versus Latin or western tradition.  And Jesus was afterall eastern.  Like I said, who cares?  He was real, that is provable.  He was crusified.  His tomb was empty.  The Jews attempted a cover up.  All of this is known from non-Christian writings, if that somehow has a better historical basis for you.

But, today I am thinking about what Christmas is really about: Jesus, exactly whom was he?

Luke 2:8-12 - the long awaited Messiah for the Jews, he just was not what they were looking for!  They wanted a physical kingdom.  They wanted to rule others the way they were ruled by Rome!  He offered them an eternal relationship with him and his Father.

Luke 2: 1-7 - he was born very much the normal way.  Yeah, a miraculous creation but a very normal baby, birthed by a mother, through the usual process, usual growing up - he was completely  human in that regard.

John 1:1-3,7 - he is the creator, whom chose to become a part of his own creation - well because he cares for the eternity for each and everyone of us.

1 Peter 2:24 - through his death, he set us free from the judgement for sin.  Yeah, a little hard to understand: how he could set the rules and then take our punishment for what we chose to do ... unless you have been a parent and had the opportunity to beat the tar out of your son - to understand suddenly the compation God has for each of us in our own state of sin.  Then you can understand, then you can forgive ... as you too have been forgiven.

Galations 2:20 - through his birth, his life, his death - and more importantly his resurrection from the grave - we have all been set free.

Revelation 19:11-16 - everyone must go through Him in the end.  He is the final test, the final filter before anyone can enter Heaven ...

So, whether Jesus was born in December, April or June - it makes no difference.  We have an arbitrary date to remember his coming, remember whom he is, remember what he has done for each of us and celebrate!

No, it is not about presents, it is about His sacrifice - and wouldn't it be nice if you could do something sacrifical this holiday season?  First, for those around you - your family,  your church; then for those you know - co-workers, those in your church, those you are not the closest with; then for those in your community; and then for the body of believers worldwide? 

I am not talking cash or presents here, I am talking time, prayer and commitment to your brothers and sisters - no matter what you think about them - we are family.

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