July 18, 2019

The Sky Is Blue

Had first oil painting class!
I was so excited.
But then oh soooo late for it!
Bad car accident on the freeway!

So, I am driving about 150 feet behind a Washington State Patrol unit.
Just slightly behind the front end of the cop car,
And in the right lane was a Mazda Miatta convertible.
Approaching us in the most left hand lane was a Ford F-150 pick up truck with a load of window glass.

Suddenly the truck swerved on to the right shoulder of the freeway!

Just as suddenly,
The truck did a 90 degree turn at about 70 miles per hour!
Straight into a concrete jersey-barrier,
Head on!


The load of windows became airborne!
Up, Over the jersy-barrier!
Over the front of the  cop car!
And, crashing down onto the poor little Miatta,
With a mighty explosion of glass!

The Miatta,
Now with two flattened tires and front end,
Safely rolled onto the right shoulder.
The cars behind the Miatta,
Stopped dead with numerous flat tires.
The stopped on the left shoulder.
I came to a stop.
The now totalled out truck rolled backwards across the freeway in a cloud of steam.

The cop checked my tirs out and waved me on.

Such excitement!

In class everyone was working on tonal values.
But, I have done this for many years.
So, I worked on creating a Seattle blue for my painting of Mt. Rainer.
Then estimating how much to make!
Then discovering that I needed to use a palette knife!

So, lots of learning and extremely fun!

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