March 15, 2019


As a student of Newtonian Law,
I adhere solidly to the principal of cause and effect.
If I can see a cause,
then I can know the future effect.
And, visa-versa, for past cause of observed effect.

There has only been one exception that I have observed,
And, that lay in the realm of flat out miracle!
Truly blew my mind!

So, I observe.
Behaviors (causes) and outcomes/difficulties/deaths (effects).
The larger my knowledge base,
The greater my ability to predict effect.
To my great sadness, usually.

I have noted, through the past several decades, the deaths of many people I have liked or took note of.
My taking note of you is not a good thing.
It means, I will use you in a class at some point.
Youth need warned of the folly of this world!

Think on some of them you may have been familiar with:
Jennifer Aniston
Farrah Fawcett
Elton John
Angelina Jolie
Anne Lennox
Lee Majors
Ryan O'Neal
Brad Pitt
And, so many others in the public eye!
And numerous of my friends whom you will not know of ...
And my famous relatives, who will go nameless, though perhaps eluded to in the past.

So, in this single instance, and eluding to no one, is a single science success -
Which leaves one disquieted!

The cause of colon cancer has now been linked to HPV-34.
Wow! A now known cause of another cancer!
The previous one was cervical cancer now linked to HPV as well!


(The implications are a bit disgusting to me however ...)

So, people of liberal sexual practice, beware!
And again, in spite of popular belief - latex blocks nothing!
But, it will make you feel safer ..... that is ..... until you die .....

And few will ever listen.
My dead and dying cousins never would.
Preferring to give me the silent treatment.
After-all, I am being judgmental.

It never occurs to them they are loved.
It really hurts to see a loved one die .....

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