May 16, 2014

Apostacy Now

Just for the fun of thinking through a problem of doctrine, let us say that at some point in the future you are surfing the WEB and run across someone’s homepage.  It appears to layout a very conservative view of the Bible and personal doctrine.  But, is it correct in what it says?  Or has your faith been messed with and you believe in the wrong Jesus?  What is the truth – this doctrine, your personal beliefs or something else? 

Remember, this is the future we are talking about, maybe the great falling away has already begun, maybe this ancient artifact on the WEB holds the truth for you …may be it is just heresy.  Can you tell the difference?  Research these statements and see where the statement of faith errs ... 

 Let us see:


We believe and teach these doctrines:

1. NOT all Bible versions are equal.  We believe the KJV is currently the best and most reliable English Bible.  We frequently make personal use of other versions for comparison reading, but will not use any version but the KJV to support doctrine.  Does YOUR Bible even HAVE the end of the Lord's Prayer in it? (Mat 6:13 ...For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.)


2. We believe that faithful Christians will be Raptured (miraculously taken) off the earth BEFORE the Antichrist is in full power and has any real ability to persecute them.  We believe in what amounts to a PRE-Tribulation Rapture. We do NOT teach that "the Rapture was always perpetually immanent", BUT please make no mistake about it: we are "PRE-TRIB".


3. We insist that no genuine (once-TRULY-converted) Christian can ever LOSE or forfeit his salvation.  ONCE SAVED, FOREVER SAVED.  When you became a Christian - did you get SALVATION, or PROBATION?


4. We insist that NONE of the supernatural gifts and offices of the Holy Ghost in The Church, as seen displayed in the Book of Acts and described throughout the New Testament, have ceased.  God still works miracles, and some Christians can prophesy and speak in tongues.


5. We believe that immediately following the physical return of Jesus Christ to this earth, that there shall commence a 1000 year long near-perfect paradise state under the reign of Christ on this present earth. This is called Pre-Millennialism. 


6. We encourage all Christians to hopefully ask God for AND EXPECT TO RECEIVE health, and money, and skill, and freedom, and success in ALL THINGS. 


7. We deny that God has authorized women to be pastors of churches or to openly present themselves as teachers of religion to adult men.   We allow for and receive the "prophetess" and the "woman's only Bible study, taught by a woman". 


8. We deny that Christians must pay tithes and we deny that God is asking Christians for tithes.  


9. We deny that ANY religious "ceremony" (such as water baptism) necessarily precedes conversion and salvation.


10. We deny that Christians must observe a weekly Sabbath-day, whether it be on Saturday OR Sunday.


11. We ABSOLUTELY REJECT all rules for dietary holiness that consist of "lists" of forbidden substances. YES this includes tobacco...... tobacco is not a "forbidden substance".


12. We reject the currently popular notion that Christians need to "return to their Hebrew Roots".


13. We INSIST that NOTHING besides a Bible and an honest desire to know the will of God is necessary in order to understand the Bible.   The Bible needs NOTHING but an understanding of the language it is written in. We declare that the Bible plainly says what it means, and that it means what it says. 


14. We totally reject and despise any form of Preterism (which says that virtually ALL prophecy, including most of Matthew 24 and most of the Revelation is already fulfilled).  


15. We believe in The Trinity - The Father is God, but He is not Jesus nor the Holy Ghost.  Jesus is God, but He is not the Father, nor is He the Holy Ghost.  The Holy Ghost is God, but He is not the Father, nor is He Jesus.  In this, both the Roman Catholics and the traditional Protestants agree, and we agree with them.   


16. We do not think that whether or not one attends or refuses to attend the "local church house" proves anything about whether or not that person is saved or mature.  Many people attend these synagogues for wrong reasons and support what ought not to be supported there - but ALSO, not every church dropout is a last days champion against the apostasy.   MOST CHURCH DROP-OUTS are still just rebellious and selfish malcontents and backsliders.


17. We absolutely DENY that prayer is a "power" or a "force"; we insist that prayer is a conversation with God.  There is no such thing as the "power of prayer" - there is only the power of God, Who chooses to answer or not answer; Who may answer with YES or NO, and Who may impose conditions or make requirements for a favorable answer. 


 18. We resolutely insist that the modern Carnal Jews STILL and WILL ALWAYS OWN ALL of the land of Israel by Divine Title (so long as the present earth remains).  We firmly believe and assert that anyone who attempts to take away ANY of that land from the Jews or in any way connives or forces them to hand it over is an enemy of Christ and God.


 19. We vehemently denounce the doctrine called "Hyper-Dispensationalism" (which disobliges us from the teachings and commands of Jesus Christ and makes Paul the author of all NT Church doctrine and practice).  Believe it or not, many churches teach this!  Is Luke 6:30 a command given by Jesus to you?  One world famous Hyper-Dispensationalist SAID that 'no one can, does or will live by The Sermon On The Mount' (Matthew chs. 5-7).


20. We assert that THAT brand of "love" which diminishes the importance of doctrine in the hope of achieving greater unity is the very essence of apostasy.


21. We declare with all conviction that there will be a forever burning hell to which all Christ rejecters are banished for never-ending punishment.  Eternal happiness for the righteous is complimented by eternal misery for the wicked.


 22.  In agreement with nearly every Bible commentator and translator of renown in almost every tradition, we assert that The Church Age ends in APOSTASY and not revival.  See 2 Thessalonians 2:1-3.


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