July 21, 2020


Monday was an utter disaster!

Went to dialysis for my usual five hour visit -
Only they had to pull me off the machine at 90 minutes!
Yeah, I was itching so bad I could not sit still
And kept pulling the needles out!
Yeah. freaks them out everytime!!!!!

It was noon by the time I got home -
Completely covered in HIVES!

Oh dear oyd that was just misery!

And the more you scratch,
The more you itch!

I guess my Phosphorous levels were high .......

Now I had thought it was Potassium which did this to you.
So, for two years I Have been dutiful in keping track of my Potassium.
Phosphorus is a little harder to track.
The government does not require it being tracked.
So almost no one does!

I know dairy products are high in phospherus,
As is meat.
Total sum of my knowledge!

But heat and eat meals are high,
and chocolate, with dark being the wirest.
Oh, yeah:
And Cola products.

So Monday, I had a chocken pot pie,
With a Coke,
Some heritage cereal - with  Cream.

Yeah everything I ate on Monday morning had
Bathed in Phosphorus
And was completely poisonous to me!

So gotta go and use the door frame as my personal backscratched!
Oh yeah .....

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