November 7, 2014


It has been a hard week.  I am overcome by both physical and emotional exhaustion.

Most of the week I was certain that my heart has something going wrong with it.  Constant pain, almost like having a heart attack ... and yet, not quite.  Nitros just did not seem to do anything, so I had to figure it was something else.  But what?  I pondered and prayed about this for days, when I was able to stay awake.  Some days, I could only stay awake for four hours and not in a row.

Then I remembered something from a distant past.  I remember having severe chest pain for which no cause could be found.  Weeks of testing and nightmare for me to go through, since I love needles and doctors so much - NOT!, and they found out that for some reason there was something about my ribs.  Like crystals had adhered to the ribs and were abrading each other with each breath.  I also remembered that the cure was to keep a heating pad on my chest and back.

Amazingly, it worked and gave many more hours of awake time!

Emotionally, I thought I might be depressed.  The last several months have been excruciatingly difficult.  I am being forced to rely upon those whom are proven unreliable and honestly do not have my health even as a concern.  So I have to rely on God that He alone will hold me together because there is nothing else.

Well enough whining! 

But I do have to stop typing.  This all I can do as my wrists are so weak from the surgery.


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