I thought I would share some info I got from my church this week: how do they spend their money?
800 members, three services, something going on constantly there and a $1,000,000 budget. EEEEERP! Back the truck up there! A one million dollar budget!?!?!?!?!?!? Are they friggin insane!
Well, if you divide members into budget you come up with: $1,250 per year in giving for each person that is a member. Being the Pacific Northwest of the USA, that is not even half a tenth of what could be expected from the local salaries. Yeah, some of the members are teenagers, mighty lucky if any of them tithe. Some number of members are like me, very limited income and just barely meeting expenses. And the rest? Well, I have heard estimates that giving runs about 2 or 3% in our church. And no, the reason is not a perception that all God gives us, is his ... to many trips to warmer areas and vacations to spend money on. The money is ours, God gets the excess it seems. Sigh.
So, exactly where does that $1,000,000 dollars go?
Well, the new church building is eating 20% of what is giving towards the budget. Neither a plus nor minus, but if the church had only dealt in cash rather than credit - well there would be $200,000 more available to go towards the purpose of the church.
Yeah, missions, outreach, what we do to reach others for God, supposedly, sort of, I just bite my tongue at what is called outreach. Yes, some of it needs to be done, must be done but need we call it outreach when we can not even do our duty towards our church members? So total amount for all outreach is 20% as well. And, 100 - 20 - 20 = 60% And what does that $600,000 represent? Dreams of staffing that they church really does not need.
The pastor is in love with Rick Warren's success, therefore Rick Warren's approach must be the godly one, so our church must operate just like Rick Warren's! I am sorry, Rick Warren nothing impresses me. God never called us to copy one another - He called us to follow Him, copy Him, be His disciple, be His martyr. Ah! No success? No large building? No large staff? No overwhelming music ministry!!!?????
I think when ministry is expressed in dollars and cents, you have a problem.
I think when the purpose of the ministry is outreach but staff building, you have a problem.
I think when God is not supplying the people you need, you have a problem.
I think when God is not supplying the funds you desire, you are getting an answer.
Unfortunately, TV being the proof of this: un-godly ministries thrive because of a lack of vision and discernment on the part of the Body of the Church. And cash flows freely.
Money is not an indicator of God's support of your activity.
Volunteers is not an indicator of God's support or your activity.
And yet, both are treated as though they are.
Basically, we make our plans, find our funding, hire whom we need and then set forth to conquer - only to find failure. So then, we model ourselves after those whom WE view as successful. That one guarantees failure!
The church dwindles, no vision, nothing but infighting, pastors flush through and the church building eventually becomes a bed and breakfast - if you are lucky.
Every aspect of the Church must revolve around God and God alone.
No, there is no 20%, no 60%, there is only 100% and that belongs to God. But our churches are set up to steal from God and then we wonder where the blessing is ...
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