April 11, 2015

Musical Saturday Morning

Youngest Daughter was watching some inane show on TV and there was a commercial break. I am sitting working on my computer, back to TV as usual.  Running through their little story, whatever it was, a tune ... so familiar, so distant, just out of my ability to recall it.  All I could remember was the phrase "in the garden" and the number 22.  Utterly worthless in finding what the title of the song could have been!  Eventually, I was able to remember "rainbows and waterfalls". 


You might have already figured it out!  I might be the only one on Earth whom caught the number 22, because the number 23 was in the song title but 22 was what the song was about!  AHHHH!  My mind sometimes!  Yeah, eventually, hours later I had tracked it down ... and I was not prepared.

I sudden was flushed back to 1970 and meeting my first girlfriend.  She used to write me little letters every single day, for years, on strawberry scented paper.  I wrote her back maybe once a week and would splash some English Leather Lime on mine.  (You know, that stuff is only available now on eBay these days!?!?!? As "vintage" and very expensive!)

The song continued to play and I remembered those frozen walks as we went to her school and then I would hop on my 10 speed and pedal like mad the further mile to my school.  There was a feeling, I can remember from those days, but it never fully saw the light of day.  It was a turmoil inside of me but was assassinated before it could be fully defined.  How sad for me because that never happened again in the next four decades.

I could only find one copy of the original, pre-funk version the song was turned into and made it a number 1 hit.  So, you get the funky version as whomever did the original padded 8 minutes of nothing onto the song.  Weird.

Think I am going to go swing by Sears, the only local place carrying English Leather these days, might be a hoot to remember the smell and the craziness of those days.  Randy, Robbie, Dwight, Steve and me - the original Blue Booters (whom all wore Kenny's Blue Klutter Boots!).  Okay, we were all nerds, but we loved our blue Klutter boots!  And mine saw years of climbing on Longs Peak in the Rocky Mountain National Park, as well as, every day to school, work and home.  I seriously wept when I had to throw them away...  I also wept when my girlfriend threw me away as well ...  Not that I blame her, I had no capacity for emotion - so I must have been an absolute  blast to hang around with ... sigh.

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