July 28, 2016


Communion, also known as 'The Last Supper', 'The Lord's Supper', 'Eucharist', etc.  A right of the Church, an observation, a memory, something meant to bring believers together - something which separates believers ...

Now, remember, Jesus is about to suffer a criminal's execution at the hands of the Roman Army and a corrupt Rabbinical system.  He has been drenched with Nard, a perfume used to cover the smell of the dead human body in a hot climate - or more sparingly in use, to provide a rather pleasant gardenia scent to someone.  He reeked!

Mark 14:12-25

Remember Jesus
He is to be an active memory!
Eat the elements and understand this is His memory for you!
Identify with Jesus, in humility.

Examine Yourself
Are you acting like Jesus?
Or is it Judas?
What have you not done for others (brethren)?
Who are you pushing away from you, and perhaps Jesus?
Jesus even washed Judas' feet, can you do less for your enemies?

Give Thanks
For the good in your life.
And, for the bad as well as for the challenges you face!
Remember: Rejoice in the Lord always!

Your faith.
Your forgiveness.
Your joy.
After all - He is ALIVE!

Communion is meant to bring all believers together, not to be used to separate over!
Some believe only ordained priests may administer communion, but that is not Biblical.
Some believe only a man man may administer communion, but again, not Biblical.
Some believe that you have to use unleavened bread, not Biblical.
Some believe that you must use wine, but not necessarily so.
Some believe that Jesus never drank wine, so only grape juice may be used.
Some believe that you must only use one cup for all partaking of the communion.
Some believe that one cup is unsanitary and you must use tiny glasses.
Some believe that communion is done annually or monthly or weekly!
Some believe that only members of your church may participate.
Some believe that only members of your denomination may participate.
Some believe that only Christians may participate.
Some believe that only non-Catholics may participate.
Some believe that anyone may participate.

This is an activity we are told to do and it would seem reasonable that any Christian should be welcomed to participate with you!

But, man being what man is, we exclude, we judge, we condemn, we separate when others do not agree with us!

Something to think about ...

Even if it is only water and a crumb or bread, it is your heart in self introspection, with others - remembering your Savior.  It is not the elements which make Communion, it is your heart.

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