July 13, 2016

Implementing Preparedness

In life it is one thing to be warned of tragedy, to know tragedy is coming - and yet - quite another to implement what is needed to survive that pending tragedy.

So, you know you are not going to live forever, you may even have some harsh words from your doctor of warning of impending doom, but not many actually plan for the end, much less make needed changes in their lifestyles.  Almost forty years ago Swedish Rocket Scientist's father had a heart attack.  I traveled with Swede back to his family home to visit his father.  He pulled through it, heeded his doctor's warnings ... except, he was not going to give up his fat laden Swedish sausages ...

In like reasoning, Jesus had some uncomfortable words for the group of disciples ...

Mark 13

Be watchful so you will not be lead astray.
Wars and rumors of wars (local conflict?) are ahead for the world.
You will be handed over for torture and death.
You will be betrayed by your families.
Religion will be corrupted.
The earth will be under tribulation.
The Saints will be gathered.
And all will come to pass without warning ...

So, this was written 2,000 years ago ... a warning of what was to come ...
So, what does this mean to us today?

Some argue that all of this was a warning against the Roman destruction of Jerusalem.  And, certainly, Rome did utterly destroy the region across two campaigns seventy years apart!  As for the Christians in the area at the time - they scattered like the wind and the Roman army chased them all of the way to the Sea of Galilee!

The larger body of works on this passage go with the thought that this is still to come, it is a warning of the future.  The one hitch is the reference to "this generation" will see this come to pass.  Well, that does seem to limit this to those sitting with Jesus during this conversation.  But, let us assume that this warning is still valid in this day and age ...

Don't Panic
God is in charge of everything.
Nothing can happen to you, what will not happen to everyone else.
God has promised to provide for your needs, even in times of trial.

Watch Out
Many will try to deceive you.
Many will try to teach you incorrectly.
The reasonable teaching is to your humanistic mind, the more it is false.
Remember God's wisdom is foolishness to natural man.
Get out of the Western Pagan churches!
You are warned!

Think Straight
Read your Bible while you can.
Understand how God works.
Be able to discern what is of God - or not!
Focus on God's calling for you.
Be faithful.

Stay Prepared
Live your witness (life).
Be as innocent as a dove and as smart as a fox in your dealing with the world in troubled times!
If you hold to Western thought, try to see truth beyond "feel goodism"!

Five years after Swede's father's heart attack, the second one hit.  And, all of those additional sausages were too much for his arteries to overcome and he passed away.

At the funeral, his wife stood up and began to read from his diary, Swede and I looked at each other, we never would have guessed that he kept a diary, much less had become a Christian!  Yeah, we had been gone for those five years.  Swede was working on what was to become Kevlar and I learning about mining from my friend in Tucson.  We looked at each other again, Craig had become a Christian!  OMG!  That was so awesome!  And his diary left no doubt he was very serious about his faith.

He might not have want to change his life and give up fat laden sausages, but he had seen the difference Christianity had made in Swede's life, my life, then his other two children and even his wife!

In the following years, Sweden was to implement tight requirements as to the maximum amount and kinds of fat to be allowed in their sausages.  It was not a popular decision, but the life expectancy of males was mighty low back in the day ....

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