April 3, 2018

Basics of Christianity

It is not about the cross - it is about the grave!
The topic of a presentation I was asked to give at the theological seminary in Denver.
I had no relation with them, other than my mother was a student there and I attended all of there get togethers.
I had been talking with someone at one of those times and had broached this idea.
I take no credit for it, it was part of what I was taught as a Hutterite.
But was considered of interest to them.
Naive me went ...

Apparently it was a trash the heretic event, and I was the offering for the week!
I walked away in tears not understanding how a Protestant school could cling so tightly to bad Roman Catholic teaching ...
I was never invited back.
sigh. guess I should have seen that coming!

But if truth be told, no matter what the learned teach,
It is NOT about the cross, it is about the GRAVE!

Hundreds of thousands, if not millions, died on Roman crosses.
But, one could be proven at the time to have returned from the grave!
And politicians whom opposed this knowledge had to bribe people to shut them up!

Today, modern culture says:
Eggs, eating, smiling, happiness, chocolate bunnies, seasonal weather, love, thinking about others
Are all what Easter is really about.
Totally ignoring Jesus and the resurrection!

Colossians 3:1-4

But Easter is the proof that our faith is true!
All of Christianity rests upon the resurrection!
Roman soldiers knew how to kill,
Knew what dead people look like,
There was no question Jesus was dead!
Jesus' resurrection from the grave was a game changer!
Then Jesus left His tomb - the final proof of whom Jesus is.

By the way, resurrection means he returned to life, not went to Heaven!

God did not create anyone, much less you, to destroy you.
It is to begin to bring you to perfection.
If you allow Him.

You have been raised from the grave in Jesus' resurrection.
It should change your life and how you live today.

It harder given all of this to understand thanksgiving when all is wrong,
Or like me you are at the end of your life - decade earlier than it should be!
And yet, I have to have faith that the journey God had me on was by design.
At any point, 21 days later, I could well be at peace - finally!

Until then, I continue to live with that death sentence in the back of my mind,
With the ache in my arm, the constant reminder ...

Hope you Easter was great!

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