July 18, 2018

Walk In The Light

First John is one of my favorite books.
Mostly because it was not written by Paul and is easily understood!
As long as you remember it is not a Greek text, and therefore not literal.

In 1 John, John, makes some statements which drove me to buy my first commentary.
Yeah, I hit that statement right off the bat in chapter 1:5-7;
"If we walk in the light as He is in the light,
we have fellowship with one another."


What was John saying?

Well my 1970's commentary said the solution was love.
That enigmatic attribute of a real Christian that sets us apart from the rest of the world and its ways ...
And yet, the more I thought about this, the less happy I was with the answer.
Yes, love, is a good answer, but .... is this what is meant in Oriental thought?
And, remember, the Jews were an Oriental race.

Read 1John 1:5-7

Look To God
What happened, is still known.
The tomb was empty!

This truth still matters.
Still makes a difference!

God is Light.
God has revealed Himself.

Well, think of this as "God is light and in Him is no Darkness"
Light and contrast of darkness.
That makes sense.
But purely pictorial ...

But light is actually equated to TRUTH.
So, God is truth and there is no falsehood in Him.

Be Truthful With God
Light, truth, is God revealed.
But people fear the light, truth.
Because people love the dark, falsehood and lies, because their works are evil! (1 John 3:18-20)
So we must belly up and suck it up, as Somer says.
Tell Him the truth.
Confess our failures!

Walk Like God
Walk in truth in your life.
Just as Jesus walked in truth.
And we will have fellowship with one another.
And with Him.

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