October 17, 2018

Life - Do Not Miss It!

We are too busy to live life.
We live in the past's glory or shame.
We worry about the future, which we can not control.
We are easily distracted by toys.

1 John 2:28 - 3:3

Know Who You Are
You are alive here and now.
You are a child of God.
God does love you.
John writes so you can be certain of His love.
As a  believer, you are God's child now.

Remember Where You Are Going
Jesus IS coming back!
We must have confidence, not shame.
Two thousand years of waiting.
Too many false expectations.
Too many false prophets.
Too many predictions of His return.

Wait, watch, and be ready!

Change How We Live
You are NOT called to live apart from this culture.
You are not called to be a part from this culture.
You are called to a light of God's change in this culture.

Live without shaming Jesus' name .....

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