July 1, 2015

Letter From Home

Received a letter from my youngest aunt back home in Switzerland.  Actually, she writes quite often but my life has been such a nightmare of change - there is just no point to draw a line in the sand and say, "Okay, I can write about that!".  Or maybe I am just over analytical and a letter at any point would be fine.  Sigh.

Decisions - Decisions!  Argh!

My eldest aunt seems to be growing more fragile :( and I am not happy about that.  I would like to spend days with her just to visit.  Of course, I would need an interpreter for a few days until my language caught back up with me!  How I envy those, like my father, whom could speak nine different languages fluently and simultaneously!  I am lucky to get one right at a time!  Well, I am not sure I get English all that right most of the time!

My youngest aunt's husband has many health issues, the farm life is nothing if not hard on the human body.  Though they are able to travel, not far from home, but they are both artistic and so send copies of their paintings and drawings of where they have been. 

I have a large library of photographs I have torn out of magazines and books through the years, pictures of things I would like to draw or paint at some point, and from my aunt I get to see what the colors ought to be.  So cool.

Now if I could just find the time to paint and then I could be sending them copies of something I have done as well ...

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