May 24, 2016


(For those of you just tuning in, understand that I was born a tri-national as the result of the Cold War paranoia.  I am  American, German and Swiss.)
I hate SPAM, more so, spam on my computer, in my emails, anywhere it occurs!  And I have a 30 gallon recycle can for junk mail which gets about two-thirds to completely filled weekly!  Gees!

And today ... what does this mean?  A letter from the National Cremation Society:
"Dear Kris,
You have served our country well and earned America's respect.  Through the years you trusted that you made the right decisions when you needed to. ... "  blah-blah-blah for two whole pages about my service to America!

It is an offer for cremation and burial for Veterans.

Okay, I realize that I have no memory from before October 17th, 2015 - but I had been writing a book.  In the book were sufficient triggers for me to remember what the US Army tried to do to me in 1973 and it was only thanks to a German citizenship that their efforts were to be frustrated after years in court!  There were NO records to have ever existed over any involvement with the US Army, the ensuing lawsuits against me by the US Army, nor the set up I had experienced (apparently I was to have been assigned to Israel at the time).  Which brought up the question over what the Army was suing me over - since there was no supporting evidences and I was not in the military, nor even a US citizen at the time!  Yeah, the Army lost in the third and final suit against me and I assumed my nightmare with those freaks was finally over.

But, it was not.  About every ten years I get an I hate you mail from some branch of the US Government.  I particularly appreciated the State Department's move to strip me of my citizenship in 1984 - and it was the Department of Defense whom killed that move by the State Department!  Unexpected moves by all parties.  What was my horrible crime to earn my expulsion back to Germany in 1984?  I wrote a letter to my family to see how they were doing ... yeah ... go figure!

Now, I have a Veterans cremation benefit?  How, why, huh?  No one should have ever been able to put me in the same place, at the same time, as the US military.  How or why would anyone even suspect I would be an American Vet?

If this was the only occurrence or even the only company contacting me, I would not really care but it seems I have somehow ended up on a Veterans list somewhere, somehow.  I even thought about applying for my "veteran's death benefit" but I just was not born with the dishonest gene.  LOL

Maybe this is just SPAM, sent to everyone, but I have gotten three of these now from this company, and other SPAM from many more, so I must really wonder.  Were it not for my caution with anything having to do with the US Government, I probably would not be so paranoid!

But, I do wonder ......  Some day will I get the same from the Swiss or the Israeli governments?

LOL :)

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