August 20, 2016

Musical Saturday Morning

I am joyous today!

Yes, my leg went on Wedsday, for one hour, followed by 8 hours of pain pills!
Thursday I had the leg on for eight hours but only walked for 15 minutes of every hours.
Then Friday I went for all day, with numerous rests, the leg gets so tired, so easily!

But, I am joyous to walk again!

As a bit of humor (so you know this is not going to be normal, since it is me!):

I was in a youth choir at my mother's Southern Baptist (non-Christian) Church.  So, the director that decided the  youth would sing on a given Sunday night, and we practiced ever song for weeks!  We were as nervous as was humanly possible!

But right off the start one the members hollered out that he wanted to hear us sing "Joy To The World"!, a song we never practiced.  We looked at each other, each lost as the other, "Really?"

So, the choir director gave us the 1-2-3 and we in unison hollered out, "Jeremiah was a bull frog!"

The music stopped, the church was utterly silent and we looked confused at each other.  After the swearing had stopped, I commented that only "Joy to the World" we knew was by Three Dog Night .....

Yeah, we did not do much singing after that in church after that and my name was mud from that day on ...  (because I stood up to the Pastor and Choir Director's cursing)

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