December 9, 2016

Leavenworth, Washington

Leavenworth with just a touch of snow
I am officially retired ... just sitting around watching the paint dry on the walls - sort of!  It is not like I am often that bored!

So, when given the chance of taking a trip yesterday to Leavenworth, Washington with a bus load of retirees ... nope, no interest!  Its a bunch of old people after-all!  Oh, wait, I guess on the outside I am that "old" - LOL.

There were 31 of us on the trip, I was definitely the youngest!, a nice two hour drive over slightly icy roads to parking lots filled with cars, lots of old people running around and I have to admit I was wondering if there was a white hair convention in town!  But, I guess mid-week is a good time for retirees to show up.

On the trip was one the ladies from my church.  I knew she came because she is trying to fill her hours.  Her husband died last year, so I offered to buy her lunch if she was interested in yakking.  She was excited.

Once in town, we were met by a Santa Claus for photos, we saw him later at Starbucks filling out an application!  LOL  Guess even old Santas have to have options was well!  And the lady I was going to take to lunch disappeared .... I have no idea how those short little legs spirited her away so quickly!  So, I roamed around a bit, did not find much that interested me, nor as gifts for others.  The town had set up a snow maker to create snow on a green strip next to the shopping district and kids appeared - from whom knows where - very excitedly throwing themselves down the short slope.  The way it should be, when you are young .... Settled down to what should have been a fine meal at my favorite place in this town - and - it simply was the worse meal I have had since being allowed to escape from rehab after my operation!  For entertainment I was listening to the longest line of bull I have ever heard from a 90 year old (POC!) man, whom was hitting on a 50 something blond .... I wanted to shake her and scream, "Run!".  But, she bought his line of bull, hook-line-and-sinker! They concluded their meal with plans to leave for Mexico on Saturday.  I just sat stunned at her gullibility and wondered in the back of my mind if this was how my father was: hunting constantly and somehow always finding his next victim.  Sigh ... it just makes me ill to see people preyed upon.

The clouds began to roll in as we loaded the bus for home.  Two snowflakes tapped me on the neck as I stood on the stairs of the bus to take the above picture.

We had lots of lively chatting on the way home, lots of laughter - thankfully it filled the four hours it took to get home!  Traffic was simply horrible once we hit Bellevue!  At one point it took us 45 minutes to just advance half a mile .... really poor road design ... sigh ...

So, it was 7:30 when we finally made it back to the parking lot we had all met at, 2 hours late due to the last eleven miles we had to travel.  And I have to admit those 2 hours was horrible!  Several of us were having severe bladder pain by the time we arrived at our destination, as the driver would not stop and I honestly was wondering whom was going to blow first!  But, at least I made it to my favorite Mexican cantina and refreshing relief!

It was a fun trip, I will probably do another one day, as my body allows.

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