August 13, 2018

Russian Fires

Today, Friday, I was in dialysis, watching the weather channel.
There just is nothing on cable.
If you are not into sports or those creatures collectively known as the Kardasians!
No wonder Bruce Jenner was so screwed up!
Or, why those women were!
Hard to say which way the rot went.

Anyway ....

They were talking about the jet stream and showing weather photos.
The point was the fires in Siberia.
And how the smoke is being carried by the jet stream and dumped oin us on the West Coast of the US.

But it was raining.
So Who really cares.
The water will carry the smokey to the ground.
We will see.

But, I was reminded of the prophesy that the King of the North will be destroyed by fire.
Well, I guess that will mean smoke flavoring for the rest of us.

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