June 1, 2016

Why You Wait

We live in a "have it now" culture.
Nothing is worth waiting for.
Life is all about ME.
Life is all about NOW.
And though many would claim different, their inability to mask their behavior betrays this truth.

In relationships, they want you to think that they love you, but it is only convenience they seek.
You are in for the day and then out with no explanation tomorrow.
They are not affected by their behavior.
And any problems you have with this, are yours, not theirs after all.

And what is real Love?

Something not worth waiting for.
Something that gives to them.
Something they can not give.
Something they will never find.
Something they can never know.

Because they want everything now.
Nothing is worth waiting for.
Not even real Love.

And so you end up with a ME centered opinion piece, such as posted yesterday, to tell you that Love is not real, it is not worth waiting for, it is all just a lie.

And for them it is a lie, because they approached life on their own terms and not God's.
So Love is a lie, because they never knew God.
Happiness/love is short and transitory.
But Love is what they will always seek.
Man was built to seek real Love.

The only way you, me, or anyone will ever find real Love is with people whom the Holy Spirit has allowed it to be given.  In a God centered belief, in a sacrificial manner, only then can true Love be found or gained.

All else is but a lie .....

I once found Love ... I still do not know what happened.  One moment I knew it, the next crushed.  All that is left is a memory - yeah the lone memory surviving from my fog shrouded past.  I knew Love - and it remains a wound that seemingly will not heal.  It just waits and so I do not know what God is up to with that one.  I guess His ways are not within my intellectual ability.  So I bear a wounded heart and spirit which I have no hope of ever healing.  Talking long ago became impossible and so I pray for her heart, her spirit and her mind - and the lies she has laid between us.

Yes, real Love does exist.
There are prerequisites attached to it.
It takes two yielded hearts, minds and souls.
It is wholly dependent upon TWO ...

And Love betrayed by the Me-ism Generation?
No idea, I have not found out how God handles such a situation.
But, one day I will.

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