June 19, 2014

Of Mice and Men

I am plain worn out today!

Wednesday, I needed some parts for my car's brakes, so Oldest Daughter offered her car to me for the day.  Usually, her husband drives over the grandchildren and I then drive him to work, come back, put the kids to bed and then return to my bed myself for a few hours.  But, son-in-law needed his car so I was out of luck.  The plans of mice and men - poof!, and they are changed.

But, I still needed auto parts.  So, I planned a hike!  I remembered taking my first God-son and God-daughter on a hike decades ago.  They were 3 and 5 at the time and both did well on a leisurely six mile hike in the mountains.  So, stands to reason that my 4 and 6 year olds could do half that.

And they did well.  Of course I am not in the best of condition after being hit by that car last Saturday which as left me painfully sore over most of my body.  So, we hiked the mile plus to the local store, then did a just under a mile to get to a good eatery and then back home.

It took 5 hours.  As I said I am really beat up physically.  So in our many rest stops I taught them about the different kinds of trees and flowers here in our very flora rich region.

And they had fun.

And I hurt so bad this morning!

But, I have been on muscle relaxants since Saturday night in order to sleep ...  but sleep is an odd term for it.  Last night I got up at 12:12 because I really needed the bathroom.  As I trundled back to bed, I saw the clock now said 3:43.  Uhm, does that mean I spent three and a half hours asleep on the toilet or does that mean I was up walking in my sleep?  I have no idea!  I have not walked in my sleep since I was in my first year of college that I am aware of.

It was 1974 and I had just sat down at church, when this girl I had liked, Critter, from an earlier post, leaned over and whispered, "I had a great time last night."  So, asked her what she had been up to.  Seems Dutchman had called me and said we ought to go out for pizza.  I knew I had gone to bed and had NO memory of not being in bed the whole of the night!  I was now terrified and everyone thought it was the funniest thing they had ever heard!  Too weird.

Well need to go and drive son-in-law to his work!


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