There is probably no better time to observe the Ugly Side of Humanity, than the aftermath of a death in the family.
Normally nice people turn so ugly, there is no possible way to recognize them! Fighting and venom abound! Hurt feelings, harsh words, anger, lawsuits between everyone involved in the aftermath of my Uncle Raymond's death. Dear God! and everyone has to tell me about it ad nauseam ...
Raymond had at his death: either two or three children by previous wives, two step daughters - unadopted, a brother and a sister and an estate of maybe $100,000 if everything at full retail. Then there is the next generation: me, my sister Sommer and two cousins - one in California and the other somewhere in Washington - have no clue where. Dysfunctional family, what can you say? The dysfunction stretches back to my great-great-grandparents - 200 years of messed up families on my mother's side!
No one has heard hide nor hair of his children, I last saw them ten years ago completely by accident - and they RAN when they saw me. No idea why, surely they could not have recognized me. I knew them because he was the spitting image of his father at his age and she her mother. But, they never knew my father whom I apparently resemble. No one has met the step-daughters.
So, mother got a copy of the will from the State of Alaska and discovered there is no will, the two girls are trying to take over the estate and my mother is hopping mad!
So far, mother has filed suit against the State of Alaska for attempting to enforce a non will giving everything to the girls. Mom wants his real children to get the estate, and of course a piece for her and my uncle, step daughters to get nothing since they are not "blood". Hatred, venom, prejudice - all without excuse in a supposedly "Christian" family (they are not but they think they are). Lawsuits, hate mail, email wars, etc all without end.
And, I refuse to become involved. So all have turned on me now - because I am the true "hater". You see, I refuse to see Raymond as family and for reasons I have expressed before. I lost an uncle January 1964, he died to me of self inflicted alcoholism and violating my grandfather's funeral. But, those in the family also killed him as well for the next 30 years. Then he popped up one day, saw everyone - save for me - took money from everyone and then disappeared until just before grandmother died. He took the family for tens of thousands during that visit, then attempted to extort another $18,000 from grandmother on her deathbed. But, she died too fast for him to ever get anything. In the end he got $90.00. :) She literally had nothing there at the end.
So, no one is talking to me, Kris, the hater. Except for my mother whom screams at me almost daily at how she can not believe I am part of the family because I do not "want my piece" of Raymond's estate. Give it to the Salvation Army, as far as I am concerned - they brought him out of alcoholism and to the Cross. Let them benefit and the wars end .... As for the step-daughters, well they are the only ones to actually know him during the past 30 years, so why should they not be allowed to have his estate?
I think it is going to be a long winter ...
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