October 6, 2016

Oktober Fest 2016

So, Oktober Fest kick off was this past weekend.  Yeah, well, no one said anything about people actually caring about when Oktober Fest is in real life (September 17!) - so you get what you get when you live in culture where only form is understood (versus substance!).

Basic idea is to start at a bar, run around the lake and scenic home area, end at the bar, and then - spend six hours doing a bar crawl.  Yeah alcohol is the life's blood of this town's economy any longer!

What better way for the town to kick off their Oktober Fest start up than to have a race through town!?!?!?  Adding to fun is that they decided to block off the entire lake district!  So, it took some sharp words with the guard on my street for me to get around the barrier!  The race still had 20 minutes to even start and they had already landlocked all of from our homes behind the barriers!


But, (breath in, breath out) they ran their race through the entire area!

Best time 17 minutes for a male and 19 minutes for a female.  Most people were more in the 35 minute realm!

And the beer flowed freely, to be followed with horrible car wrecks near my house were drunks constantly plow through telephone poles, huge rocks, chain link and parked cars! 

Sigh ....

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